بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

يعلن موقع طريق الإيمان عن استعداده لإرسال كتب إسلامية دعوية إلى أي مكان في العالم مجاناً ,
نرجو منكم نشر هذا الإعلان على الفيس بوك والتويتر وفي الغروبات والمنتديات
وهذا هو نص الإعلان باللغة الإنكليزية وفيه طريقة طلب الكتب

Assalamu Alaikom brother,

We have introduced very recently a website to receive requests for Free Islamic Books. Our main objective is to show to all mankind the beautiful message of Islam. One of the best ways is to let them read and learn about the beautiful Islamic Teachings.

This website is available for all mankind to submit their requests for free books, whether Muslims or Non-Muslims.

The free books various from simple basic knowledge books to advanced teachings. Special books for females as well as non-Muslims are also available.

The great part is that all books are FREE. And also the shipment is also FREE.

Our intention is to spread the words of Allah and the beautiful teachings of Islam.

Please help us to distribute the link to as many people as possible.

The website is: www.islamicbooks4free.com
Email Address: info@islamicbooks4free.com
Twitter Account: @books_islamic

We would appreciate your assistance.

Wassalamu Alaikom,
By: Group of Dawah

إدارة منتدى طريق الإيمان