اهداء الى باباهم شنوده
سويسرا: قائد حملة حظر المآذن يعتنق الإسلام ويتحول إلى مدافع عنه
خبر من مصادر إنجليزية
تناقلت وكالات الأنباء الغربية نبأ اعتناق "دانيال ستريش" - عضو حزب الشعب السويسري، ومن أوائل من طالبوا بمنع بناء المآذن وإغلاق المساجد بـ"سويسرا" – للإسلام.
وقد أثار ذلك غضب السياسيين السويسريين، إضافة إلى أنه أثار الارتباك بين مؤيدي منع بناء المآذن.
وقد أعلن "دانيال" أن عداءه القديم للإسلام قد قاده إلى اعتناقه والدفاع عنه، وأكد على أنه يشعر بالخجل من ممارساته السابقة ضد الإسلام، وأكد أنه يرغب في إنشاء أجمل مسجد في أوروبا.
كما أعلن "دانيال" عن عزمه القيام بحملة معاكسة لحملته السابقة من أجل مناصرة الإسلام والدعوة إلى التسامح والعيش المشترك.
وقد أشار إلى قيامه بدراسة القرآن ليفهم حقيقة الإسلام، وهذا الذي أكده "عبدالمجيد ألداي" ممثل بعض المؤسسات الإسلامية؛ حيث أشار إلى أن كثيرًا من الأوربيين لديهم رغبة كبيرة في التعرف إلى حقيقة الإسلام.
الخبر من مصدره الأصلي:
Swiss antagonist of minarets embraces Islam
RENOWNED Swiss politician Daniel Streich, who rose to fame for his campaign against minarets of mosques, has embraced Islam.
A member of the Swiss People’s Party (SVP) and a well-known politician, Daniel Streich was the first man who had launched a drive for imposition of ban on mosques minarets, and to lock the mosques in Switzerland. The proclamation of Streich’s conversion to Islam has created furore in Swiss politics, besides causing a tremor for those who supported ban on construction of mosques minarets.
Streich propagated his anti-Islamic movement far and wide in the country, sowed seeds of indignation and scorn for Islam among the people, and paved way for public opinion against pulpits and minarets of mosques.
But now Streich has become a soldier of Islam. His anti-Islam thoughts finally brought him so close to this religion that he embraced Islam. He is ashamed of his doings now and desires to construct the most beautiful mosque of Europe in Switzerland.
The most interesting thing in this regard is that at present there are four mosques in Switzerland and Streich wants to lay the foundation for the fifth one. He wishes to seek absolution of his sin of proliferating venom against Islam. He is thinking of a movement contrary to his previous one to promote religious tolerance and peaceful cooperative living, in spite of the fact that ban on mosques minarets has gained a legal status.
This is the greatest quality of Islam that it comes up with even greater vigour, when it is faced with confrontation.
Abdul Majeed Aldai, the president of OPI, an NGO, working for the welfare of Muslims, says that Europeans have a great desire to know about Islam. Some of them want to know about the relationship between Islam and terrorism; same was the case with Streich.
During his confrontation, Streich studied the Holy Quran and started understanding Islam.
He wished to be hard to Islam, but the outcome was otherwise. Aldai further says.
Recently the question of ban on minarets was put to voting in Switzerland, wherein the Swiss nationals gave the issue a legal status. permalink
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