آخـــر الـــمـــشـــاركــــات

لماذا الإسلام هو الدين الحق وحده دون غيره » Last Post: عبدالله الأحد | == == | من قدس الكتاب المُقدس ... من حرفه ولماذا حرفه ؟؟ (القصة كاملة ) » Last Post: نيو | == == | القرآن الكريم vs الكتاب المقدس vs جلجامش » Last Post: نيو | == == | بالصور:الأب متى المسكين: اباء الكنيسة حذفوا قصة المرأة الزانيه لأنها تشجع على الرزيله » Last Post: نيو | == == | بالروابط القبطيه المسيحيه: البابا كيرلس الكبير أمر بتهجير اليهود من بيوتهم و سلب ممتلكات الأخرين(فضيحه!!) » Last Post: نيو | == == | الإعجاز البلاغى فى ايه الكرسى ......روعه » Last Post: نيو | == == | حب جامد (الجزء الثانى): اله العهد القديم يعطى أومر مباشرة بقتل (الأطفال الرضع) بمنتهى الوحشيه و القسوة » Last Post: نيو | == == | تدمير المسيحية فى65 ثانية فقط : بسؤال قاتل لأنيس شروش يهرب منه(فيديو)!!!! » Last Post: نيو | == == | نريد من خارج العالم الّإسلامي دليلا على وجود رسول الإسلام كشخصية تاريخيّة ! » Last Post: *اسلامي عزي* | == == | النصاب القس مكاري يونان الانبا بيشوي هو بنفسه اللي بيتكلم صوت وصورة في قناة فضائية مسيحية وبيكشف مكاري يونان دا الدليل امامك من الانبا بيشوي نفسه ب » Last Post: ابا عبد الله السلفي | == == |

مـواقـع شـقــيـقـة
شبكة الفرقان الإسلامية شبكة سبيل الإسلام شبكة كلمة سواء الدعوية منتديات حراس العقيدة
البشارة الإسلامية منتديات طريق الإيمان منتدى التوحيد مكتبة المهتدون
موقع الشيخ احمد ديدات تليفزيون الحقيقة شبكة برسوميات شبكة المسيح كلمة الله
غرفة الحوار الإسلامي المسيحي مكافح الشبهات شبكة الحقيقة الإسلامية موقع بشارة المسيح
شبكة البهائية فى الميزان شبكة الأحمدية فى الميزان مركز براهين شبكة ضد الإلحاد

يرجى عدم تناول موضوعات سياسية حتى لا تتعرض العضوية للحظر










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    CHRISTIANS:JESUS made a little amount of food enough for large number of people

    MATHEW(15:34-38)JESUS said to them, how many loaves do you have?and they said, SEVEN and A FEW LITTLE FISH and he commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground and he took the seven loaves and the fish and gave thanks,broke them and gave them to his disciples; and the disciples gave to the multitude so they all ate and were those who ate were FOUR THOUSAND MEN, BESIDES WOMEN AND CHILDREN

    THE ANSWER:ELISHA was given the same miracle

    2ND KINGS(4:42-44)Then a man came from Baal Shalisha and brought THE MAN OF GOD bread of the first-fruits,TWENTY LOAVES OF BARLEY BRAED and NEWLY RIPENED GRAIN in his knapsack, and HE said, give it to the people that they may eat and his servant said, what?shall I set this before ONE HUNDRED MEN?.........and THEY ATE AND HAD SOME LEFT OVER


  2. #2
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    Salam, we worship Jesus because He is 'Ibn Allah and EQUAL to His FATHER! Actually,Jesus is Allah

  3. #3
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    I'm sooooooooo glad that finally one of our guests payed attention
    but dear friend I ask you to read that series from the beginning to see what I wrote then ask yourself the question
    why JESUS but not...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bahiraomar View Post
    Salam, we worship Jesus because He is 'Ibn Allah and EQUAL to His FATHER! Actually,Jesus is Allah
    Actually you gave me three reasons you said that JESUS is
    Ibn ALLAH
    Equal to HIS FATHER
    Are these three different reasons? or they have the same meanning?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by m.n View Post
    I'm sooooooooo glad that finally one of our guests payed attention
    but dear friend I ask you to read that series from the beginning to see what I wrote then ask yourself the question
    why JESUS but not...

    Let me tell you why do we say that 'Isa is Allah . But I need to post you two messages to explain it:

    Space is big — very, very big.

    It is a vast, ever-expending cosmos that stretches beyond the point of human conceivability. Space is mindboggling; it overwhelms the human thought as one considers earth is but a tiny dot in the enormous cosmic unknown.

    One Muslim sent me a video which attempts to show the insignificance of our tiny earth in comparison to the thousands, and perhaps millions, of other worlds out there in space.

    He asked,

    “Do you really think the Creator of all these worlds, and many, many more unknown, will come to this earth — this tiny dot to die?”

    That is a very good question. After watching the video and considering his question, I must admit for a moment I was about to re-think my position on the “Death of Christ”. But then there is a thing called “Love,” which is a divine characteristic of God. We must understand that God is “Love”. We read this in 1st John 4:8 where it states: “He that loves not, know not God; for God is love.”

    We must also understand that God is subjected to “His Own Word”. In other words, God must obey and submit to whatever the “Word of God” says. In Proverbs 11:1 we reads, “A false balance (scale) is a disgrace to the LORD: but a just weight (scale) is his delight.”

    What is a false balance? It is a scale or a measurement that tilts or leans toward one side. It is also a scale that measures inaccurately, and says to you: “This inaccurate measurement is for you — not for me.” Such a false scale is a disgrace to the LORD. Therefore; God must not subject Himself to a false scale, but rather to a just weight or a just balance that measures accurately. A just balance says, “This accurate measurement is for you as equally as it is for me.” And thus, God is subjected to “His Own Word,” which is an accurate measurement for Him and for us. To say a “Word” and not be accountable to those words is to stain (tarnish, soil) the holy reputation of God. Therefore; God must subject Himself to “His Own Word.”

    What is the “Word of God” to which God must be subjected? John 15:13 is the “Word of God”. It says, “Greater love has no man than this — that a man lays down his life for his friends.” In other words, “No man has a greater love than the one who dies for his friends.” All through life we have seen or read about people who demonstrate this “Greater Love” by putting their lives in danger for the sake of others. We have heard of mothers who endured sufferings and hardships, even unto death, in order to save their daughters from harm. According to the Word of God, these mothers have demonstrated the “Greater Love”. A father may risk death and be killed for running into a burning building to save his family. He, too, demonstrates the “Greater Love”. Brothers and sisters are dying in hospital beds for donating their bloods and/or their body parts for family members. We have heard of soldiers on battlefields who knowingly ran into the lines of fire and took the bullets in order to save the lives their comrades. All of these brave and honorable people have demonstrated the “Greater Love” — they laid down their lives for their friends.

    We are also told in Holy Scripture: “If a person knows how to do a good thing, and he does not do it, then it is accountable to him as a sin.” That puts God in a tight spot (jam), because He, Himself, knows how to do a good thing. If He knowingly is aware of how to do a good thing, and He does not do it, then it is accountable to Him as a sin. As you can see, it seems more difficult to be God, who knows how to do all good things, than to be man, who does not know how to do all good things. God must subject Himself to His Own Word. To do otherwise is to have abomination (a false scale) before God.

    What do we know so far about God? We know three things: (1) God is “Love”; (2) we know God is subjected to His Own Word; and (3) we know God is compared by His Very Own Nature do good things since He, Himself, knows very much how to do good things. We must also add this: God cannot and must not be beaten or overtaken in a character that defines Him. What is the character that defines God? Love — “God is Love.” Therefore; no soldier, or mother, or father must defeat God at demonstrating love.

    Let me also add that love cannot accept defeat. The day love accepts defeat is the day it is no longer called “love”, but justice. Love has two purposes: (1) to extend itself, and (2) to be received. Love, in its truest cause, cannot accept defeat. Thus God, who Himself is “Love” and who, Himself, is also subjected to His Own Word, cannot and must not allow another to overtake Him or to defeat Him in love. Since the greater demonstration of love is to lay down a life for another, the challenge is placed at the feet of God to demonstrate the greatest love; because in front of God is a just scale that says, “This measurement is for you as equally as it is for me.”

    It is true that space is huge — very huge. The universe is vast and ever expending beyond the point of human conceivability. It is God who created space and all that is beyond; and yet it is demons (the enemies of God) who contest (challenge) space and all that is beyond. Now every squad foot of God’s huge space is a contested battlefield where the enemies of God are determined to beat or to overtake God at every turn. Even our tiny earth is a contested ground where God must defend His Characters and His Attributes. God cannot and must not a take second place in the very things that make Him to be God. God’s love for mankind cannot and must not accept defeat. God, contested by demons in every squad foot of space in the vast universe and beyond, and as men and women demonstrate the “Greater Love” by laying down their live for others, God, who knows how to do good things, must not only subject Himself to His Own Word, but He must also uphold His Very Own Character even as to die for the sins of only one man.

    There is no other god known to man who subjects himself to his own words in order to uphold his own character like the Biblical God. We can therefore say, “There is no other god, but God.”

    Earlier you noticed the Muslim, in his question, said, “…The Creator of all these worlds…died (on a tiny dot called earth).”

    Let me explain the Holy Trinity in relationship to what he said. Christianity is monotheism — the study of one God. When we say God (singular), we mean the indivisible (un-divided) union of Father, Word of God, and Spirit of God. It is not the “God the Father” who died for the sins of men and women, nor is it “God the Spirit” who died for the sins of men and women. It was the “Word of God” /Kalimat-Ullah who clothed Himself in human flesh. It is He who dwelled among men, and it is he who died for the sins of men and women.

    It is an accurate statement to say, “God died for the sins of men and women.”But it is accurate only in the Christian assertion (declaration) that “He who is of God died for the sins of men and women.” In other words, the Spirit called “God the Word” clothed Himself in a human flesh and died for the sins of men and women.

    Question: Can a spirit cloth himself in a human flesh? The Quran has no problem with a spirit who cloths himself in human flesh and dwelling among men. We see a similar incident in the Quran where a spirit called Gabriel clothed himself in human flesh and visited the Virgin Mary. Quran 19:17 reads “So she (Mary) took a veil (to screen herself) from them; then We sent to her Our spirit, and there appeared to her a well-made man.”

    According to that verse, this Gabriel existed in the very presence of Allah before assuming a human body; and he could have said the very words which Jesus said: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am.” (John 8:58) In other words, “I existed before Abraham was born.” And so did Jesus. He existed with God before He was born.

    Jesus speaks in John 8:24:

    “I said unto you that you will die in your sin,

    if you do not believe I am who I claim to be;

    you will die in your sin.”


    look what one of our Muslim brothers said:
    “Yes, anyone who claim he is god irrespective of who he is, was, are,
    must be put in a mental asylum.”
    Why do we claim that the Son of God is God?
    God is WAHID. Hua Baba Allah, Ruh Al Quds wa Ibn Allah.
    But HOW can He be ONE?
    Here is an answer to this question given by my brother Sazie Johnson:
    One Muslim living in New York struggles with understanding the Holy Trinity.
    He asked: “Is there a tree in one?”

    My respond: Thank you for the question. First let me say there are many things that are a “Three in one”. Time is a “three in one”. It expresses itself in (1) past, (2) presence, and (3) future. Matter is a “three in one.” Matter embodies (1) solid, (2) liquid, and (3) gas. Atom is a “three in one”. It consists of (1) protons, (2) electrons, and (3) neutrons. In fact he United States Government is an example of a “three in one”. In a remote sense, the United States Government is a perfect example of the Holy Trinity. It is a one government that has within itself three separate and distinct branches of government: (1) Executive Branch of Government, (2) Legislature Branch of Government, and (3) Judicial Branch of Government.
    These three separate and distinct branches of government have one source of influence: the United States Constitution which gives each branch the right to exist and to be active within the United States Government as an equal but separate influence (power) from the other two branches of government.
    In other words, President Obama who is head of the Executive Branch of the United States Government has absolutely no power within both the Legislature Branch of the United States Government and the Judicial Branch of the United States Government. Outside of the United States President Obama has a large influence simply because he is the head of the United States’ Branch of Government that deals with the relationship between the United States and other countries of the world. But within the United States boarders President Obama has little power — so little is his power that you almost feel sorry for him. His power is only over the people who serve within the Executive Branch of United States Government — the people who enforce the Laws of the United States.
    Two months ago I was driving my car on a United States highway. I was speeding. It is against the Laws to drive over the speed limit in certain areas of the United States highways and streets. There are many signs posted on the highway and streets that warn people not to drive over the speed limit in these areas. I saw the signs and I ignored them, because I was in a hurry to get somewhere. A police car drove up behind me and stopped me. The police officer told me that I was breaking the law by speeding on the highway. I apologized and told him that I was in a hurry to get somewhere. He told me to wait in my car. He went back to his police car and brought me a ticket (paper) that cost me $175.00. He told me to take the paper to the courthouse, and to see a judge.
    At that point the trinity of the United States Government was at work in my life. The warning signs posted on the highways not to speed came from a separate government within the United States called the “Legislature Branch of Government”. The police who stopped me work for a separate government within the United States Government called the “Executive Branch of Government”. The judge, who I was to go and stand before, works within a separate government within the United States Government called the “Judicial Branch of Government”. While these three separate and distinct branches of government affect my daily life in the United States, no one branch has more power than the other. Every day in the United States it is a political battle as each of these three separate governments continuously checks on the other so that one cannot assume more power than the other.
    God and the United States Government have one thing in common — each is a spirit and each exists only in the spirit world. You cannot see God, and you cannot see the United States Government. You cannot touch them either. But you know they do exist because they affect your daily life if you do not obey them within their spheres of influence.
    Note: The United States Government is a spirit because it only exists on paper and in the minds of men and women. Similarly God is a Spirit and lives in the minds and hearts of men and women. Demons are also spirits who lives in the spirit world. Jesus encountered a demon who could have spoken as trinity. Jesus asked the demon, “What is your name?” The demon answered, “My name is Legion, because we are many.” (Matthew 5:9) The demon spoke as one who has plurality within himself. Only in the spirit world can a “three or more become a one”.
    Question: “In terms of the trinity how are God and the United States Government similar in the lives of men and women?”
    Answer: First we must understand that both God and the United States Government are a “one spirit entity” with plurality within themselves. It is God the father who said, “Thou shall not steal” just as it is the Legislature Branch of the United States Government that said, “Do not speed on the highways.” It is God the Holy Spirit who reminds us of our wrongs against God just as it is the Executive Branch of the United States Government (police, law enforcer) who stopped me and told me that I was breaking the law by speeding. It is God the Word/Son who cleans us of my wrongs against God just as it is the Judicial Branch of the Unites States Government that sets me free from speeding on the highways.
    Not many American citizens know that their government is a trinity, but each American citizen knows exactly where to go to clear up his crimes against the United States Government. He does not go the Executive Branch of the United States Government; and he does not go to the Legislature Branch of the United States Government. He goes straight to the Judicial Branch of the Unites States Government and stand before a judge in order to clear up his crimes against the United States Government. And when a judge within the Judicial Branch of the Unites States Government sets him free, he is free indeed. In the same way not too many Christians understand the Holy Trinity. But each Christian knows exactly where to go when he has sinned against God. He does not go to the God the Father, and he does not go to God the Holy Spirit. He goes straight to the Cross (God the Word/Son) who cleans him of his wrongs against God. And when God the Word/Son sets him free, he is free indeed.
    Today in the United States we go to court, and we stand silently and humbly before a judge in order to hear the outcome of our crime against the Unites States Government. The day will come when we will go to court, and we will stand silently and humbly before a Judge in order to hear the outcome of our sins. At that time the Son of God will be the Judicial Wing of the Holy Trinity. He will be your Judge. Right now He is your Savior.

    “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

    (Romans 10:9)

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    Dear friend you got me really tired
    It took me more than half an hour to read your post
    I wonder how long did it take you to write it

    After reading I still find no answer to my question
    All the miracles he was given were given to others AND YOU DON'T WHORSHIP THESE OTHERS










  7. #7
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    Salam brothers,

    After reading I still find no answer to my question
    WHY JESUS? All the miracles he was given were given to others AND YOU DON'T WHORSHIP THESE OTHERS
    WHY DID YOU CHOOSE JESUS- Brothers, Jesus made miracles by the power of God, i.e. by His OWN power because He is GOD! He is Allah! According to the Holy Bible and al; Quran, Jesus is Kalimat-Ullah. He is the Word of God. The Scripture said that in the beginning was the Word and the word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God and by Him was made everything. Let’s read it:

    John 1
    The Eternal Word
    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it…..14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

    Here we can see that the Holy Scripture said that Jesus was the Word of God and God Himself!

    THERE MUST BE CONSIDERABLE REASONS- That’s why be worshiping Jesus we worship God/Allah. Those who reject Jesus are unbelievers and they reject Allah! That’s why the way of such people will perish.

    ABOUT WHAT YOU WROTE EXCUSE ME:YOUR THEORY DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. YOU SAID THAT GOD DIED FOR PEOPLE.COULD'T GOD FORGIVE PEOPLE JUST LIKE THAT.- God Jesus is the Creator of the universe and all visible and invisible worlds. He is EQUAL to His Father. He came to earth and was incarnated into the human body to REVEAL us who is His Father and to die on the cross for the human kind. Jesus was tortured and insulted because of His claims to be the King of Israel. So, this King by His divine power accepted the sin of the world to REDEEM the SMALL REMNANT- those who want to be saved! Not all people will be saved by God, but those who will believe in Him- Jesus and will live a godly life! Millions of nominal Christians will be in hell. But only those people who are born by God/born again as Jesus said will enter the Kingdom of Heaven THROUGH FAITH, REPENTANCE of all sins and confession of sins in a salat.

    YOUR THEORY TELLS US THAT GOD HAD TO DIE TO SET PEOPLE FREE FROM SINS AND NOT TO BE PUNISHED.- Yes, Jesus was punished instead of us on the cross. That’s why even today we are the sons of God and adopted by Him. We are not slaves anymore but His family. God imputed Jesus’ righteousness to every believer in Him. It is like if you would be given a million dollar amount to pay for your debt and invest the rest of money into the Kingdom of God on earth…by living the righteous life. Why Jesus was punished instead of us? Because His Father said that punishment for sin is DEATH. So, to accomplish the justice of God we all should die for our sins. We all are sinners and Jesus made us free of our sins/debt. It was the love of God when mercy and justice have kissed each other. Read about it below.

    BUT I TELL YOU THAT HE COULD JUST FORGIVE PEOPLE. – Yes, He could and Jesus forgave people! But if He took the sin of the world then He should be killed because of God’s Justice! God cannt disown Himself. He said that punishment for sin is DEATH. If He would just forget about this law then He would NOT be God! Remember that Justice is one of His features. His nature/essence is LOVE and justice.
    YOUR EXAMPLE ABOUT USA CAN'T BE THE SAME ABOUT GOD. – Nature of Jesus was and is divine! Even Quran said that Jesus is HOLY. Note: that 3 times Quran mentioned that Muhammad was a sinner!
    YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT A KING IN HIS OWN KINGDOM- Right Jesus was called the Lord of lords and King of kings.
    A KING WHO DOES WHATEVER HE LIKES. – Yes, Jesus died WILLINGLY instead of you and me and millions of Arabs and Muslims! His LOVE is for YOU FREE. Come to Him and share His Kingdom. You will be his Inheritance. Everything will be given to you!
    FORGIVES WHO HE WANTS AND PUNISHES WHO HE WANTS.- Yes, Jesus’ Judgment is RIGHTEOUS says the Scripture! And He judges people according to the words said by Him and written in His Laws! He is coming back to earth to JUDGE people and nations. Be ready. The day of Your Judgment is approaching. But He is going to justify you BEFORE this Judgment by being judged instead of you. Just accept this justification/forgiveness through FAITH in Him and Repentance!

    AT LAST I'M WAITING FOR YOUR CONSIDERABLE REASONS TO WHORSHIP JESUS- Brother, stay always in contact please. Here is about righteousness of God as I promised:

    This much we know about “Justice” and “Mercy”: They oppose each other. I think it can be properly said, “When Justice walks in by way of the front door, Mercy flies out the window; and when Mercy walks in by way of the front door Justice flies out the window.” The two cannot meet; and the two cannot co-exist. Like two opposing enemies “Mercy” and “Justice” will continue to avoid each other, or push against each other. It is the natural order (flow) of things — where Justice is displayed, Mercy fades away; and where Mercy is displayed, Justice fades away. But then there is God who lives outside the “natural order of things”. He not only governs the “Law of Nature”, but it is His Laws which nature must obey.
    There is only one time in all the ages when “Mercy” and “Justice” met at a single point, and neither one faded away. It was a remarkable display of Wisdom on the part of God when His Justice and His Mercy rushed at a single point and kissed each other. Such a thing has never been done before, nor will it ever happen again.
    God says this about Himself in the ancient Book of Malachi 3 “For I am the Lord, I change not…” This means since God is a “God of Love”, He cannot change in any way, shape, or form in His love. It also means God is fixed (un-changeable) in His love — He cannot increase in His love; and He cannot decrease in His love. To either increase or to decrease in His love is to change the condition of God. (“For I am the Lord, I change not…”)
    God is also a “God of Compassion”. Again God cannot change in His compassion. The level of compassion which God had from the beginning of the ages cannot increase or decrease with time. In fact God has a “Nature” within Himself that compares (forces) Him to remain unchanged and consistent in all His Attributes. God is a “God of Mercy”. His “Un-changeable Nature” cannot allow Him to increase in His Mercy or to decrease in His Mercy. The “Mercy of God” is just what it is for all times — the “Mercy of God”. To increase or to decrease in “His Mercy” is to create a change in God which goes against the “Very Nature of God”: “For I am the Lord, I change not…”
    God is, and has always been exactly who He is. God cannot change. The God of the ages past is exactly the same as He is today and He will be in the ages to come. Any change in God’s Attributes is to denote a different god who was not like the God of the ages past.
    Malachi 3:6 perhaps describes God better than any other verse in Holy Scriptures: “For I am the Lord, I change not…” There is no other god known to man who has consistently spoken about his “un-changeability” as the Biblical God. The reason is because there is no other god like the Biblical God who is fixed (permanent) within His Nature (condition). He cannot change for the better, or for the worst. Whatever He was, He is today, and will always be.
    Now that raises a problem: “Since Justice and Mercy cannot meet and co-exist, how does God deal with the sins of man in His Mercy and still remains un-changed in His Justice?”
    Friends, I can tell you that this is not an easy task. It is a God-size task. If God forgives man of his sins simply because God wants to display His Mercy, it means God must first lower His Standard of Justice at the expense of His Mercy. This will bring about a change in God, because He now regards His Mercy far more important than He regards His Justice. This cannot happen because in order for God to remain “un-changed”, He must uphold His Mercy as equally as He upholds His Justice. Neither one (His Mercy or His Justice) must suffer at the expense of the other.
    This brings us to a God-size question: Since Justice and Mercy oppose each other, and cannot meet at a single point, how then does God display His Mercy toward man while simultaneously (at the same time) equally upholding His Justice against man for his sins?
    2000 years ago this question was answered at “The Cross” — the gruesome (bloody) Cross of Calvary. It is there upon which God displayed His Justice (rage, anger, fury) against the sins of man while at the very same time demonstrating His Mercy toward mankind. It is at the Cross where both Justice and Mercy met for the first and only time, and neither one opposed the other. This is remarkable — this has never happened before, and it will never happen again.
    At “The Cross” while upholding His Very Own Characters: “For I am the Lord, I change not…”God bend the “Arch of Mercy” and the “Arch of Justice” made them to meet at a single point in order to save mankind. No human being can accomplish such a monumental feet; and certainly no other god known to man has the Wisdom and the Power to display his mercy as equally as while expounding his justice. All other gods will have to switch between roles by displaying mercy and justice at different time period, but never displaying both simultaneously. Only the Biblical God can make such a God-size task possible. We can therefore say, “There is no god, but God.”
    This is not something new to God. He spoke about it 12 centuries before it happened. Psalm 85:10 reads, “Mercy and truth (Justice) are met; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” At “The Cross”, and for this one purpose, God changed the natural order of things so that Mercy and Justice not only met without conflict, but righteousness and peace also kissed each other. And in all this God remains true to His word: “For I am the Lord, I change not…”
    For those of you who are looking forward for God to change in His Justice or to lower His Justice at the expense of His Mercy in order to save you, I give you Malachi 3 “For I am the Lord, I change not…” I also give you John 1:12: “For as many as received Him (Christ Jesus) to them He gives the power to become sons of God, even to them that believe in His name.” (by Sazie Johnson)

  8. #8
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    May Allah bless u brother, m.n

    Welcome dear guest, bahiraomar, to our forum hoping that you find the long desired objective with us

    Could you introduce yourself to us, some common information about you, your age, nationatilty, your position...etc. to have proper background about ur own culture

    By the way, your posts are too long to be read and followed, so could you please answer in brief?

    Finally would you accept to start a mild debate about Jesus and crucifixion?
    If so, just tell us to start it in a new thread...

    My best regards
    من هنا نبدأ ... وفي الجنة نلتقي
    إن شاء الله

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Last Activity
    06:26 PM


    Salam brother
    I see that you also do not provide us with your profile information.....May be we should keep it private? But if you want to know me then please write me here:
    Yes. Lets open a new thread if you want and we can discuss any issues related to 'Isa Allah and Islamic allah. I tied to open a thread but moderators did not aprove may be you will help me and invite me? .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Last Activity
    06:26 PM


    [QUOTE=bahiraomar;494001]Salam brothers,

    After reading I still find no answer to my questionWHY JESUS?[/QUOTE
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    Salam akhi! Why do we worship Ibn Allah who is equal to Babba Allah? Because He is Allah who is Kalimat-Ullah int he Bible and Qur'an. He is the Word of God who created all stars and planets and all visible and invisibe worlds. Let me tell you about His mercy and justicy today:

    This much we know about “Justice” and “Mercy”: They oppose each other. I think it can be properly said, “When Justice walks in by way of the front door, Mercy flies out the window; and when Mercy walks in by way of the front door Justice flies out the window.” The two cannot meet; and the two cannot co-exist. Like two opposing enemies “Mercy” and “Justice” will continue to avoid each other, or push against each other. It is the natural order (flow) of things — where Justice is displayed, Mercy fades away; and where Mercy is displayed, Justice fades away. But then there is God who lives outside the “natural order of things”. He not only governs the “Law of Nature”, but it is His Laws which nature must obey.

    There is only one time in all the ages when “Mercy” and “Justice” met at a single point, and neither one faded away. It was a remarkable display of Wisdom on the part of God when His Justice and His Mercy rushed at a single point and kissed each other. Such a thing has never been done before, nor will it ever happen again.

    God says this about Himself in the ancient Book of Malachi 3 “For I am the Lord, I change not…” This means since God is a “God of Love”, He cannot change in any way, shape, or form in His love. It also means God is fixed (un-changeable) in His love — He cannot increase in His love; and He cannot decrease in His love. To either increase or to decrease in His love is to change the condition of God. (“For I am the Lord, I change not…”)

    God is also a “God of Compassion”. Again God cannot change in His compassion. The level of compassion which God had from the beginning of the ages cannot increase or decrease with time. In fact God has a “Nature” within Himself that compares (forces) Him to remain unchanged and consistent in all His Attributes. God is a “God of Mercy”. His “Un-changeable Nature” cannot allow Him to increase in His Mercy or to decrease in His Mercy. The “Mercy of God” is just what it is for all times — the “Mercy of God”. To increase or to decrease in “His Mercy” is to create a change in God which goes against the “Very Nature of God”: “For I am the Lord, I change not…”

    God is, and has always been exactly who He is. God cannot change. The God of the ages past is exactly the same as He is today and He will be in the ages to come. Any change in God’s Attributes is to denote a different god who was not like the God of the ages past.

    Malachi 3:6 perhaps describes God better than any other verse in Holy Scriptures: “For I am the Lord, I change not…” There is no other god known to man who has consistently spoken about his “un-changeability” as the Biblical God. The reason is because there is no other god like the Biblical God who is fixed (permanent) within His Nature (condition). He cannot change for the better, or for the worst. Whatever He was, He is today, and will always be.

    Now that raises a problem: “Since Justice and Mercy cannot meet and co-exist, how does God deal with the sins of man in His Mercy and still remains un-changed in His Justice?”

    Friends, I can tell you that this is not an easy task. It is a God-size task. If God forgives man of his sins simply because God wants to display His Mercy, it means God must first lower His Standard of Justice at the expense of His Mercy. This will bring about a change in God, because He now regards His Mercy far more important than He regards His Justice. This cannot happen because in order for God to remain “un-changed”, He must uphold His Mercy as equally as He upholds His Justice. Neither one (His Mercy or His Justice) must suffer at the expense of the other.

    This brings us to a God-size question: Since Justice and Mercy oppose each other, and cannot meet at a single point, how then does God display His Mercy toward man while simultaneously (at the same time) equally upholding His Justice against man for his sins?

    2000 years ago this question was answered at “The Cross” — the gruesome (bloody) Cross of Calvary. It is there upon which God displayed His Justice (rage, anger, fury) against the sins of man while at the very same time demonstrating His Mercy toward mankind. It is at the Cross where both Justice and Mercy met for the first and only time, and neither one opposed the other. This is remarkable — this has never happened before, and it will never happen again.

    At “The Cross” while upholding His Very Own Characters: “For I am the Lord, I change not…”God bend the “Arch of Mercy” and the “Arch of Justice” made them to meet at a single point in order to save mankind. No human being can accomplish such a monumental feet; and certainly no other god known to man has the Wisdom and the Power to display his mercy as equally as while expounding his justice. All other gods will have to switch between roles by displaying mercy and justice at different time period, but never displaying both simultaneously. Only the Biblical God can make such a God-size task possible. We can therefore say, “There is no god, but God.”

    This is not something new to God. He spoke about it 12 centuries before it happened. Psalm 85:10 reads, “Mercy and truth (Justice) are met; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” At “The Cross”, and for this one purpose, God changed the natural order of things so that Mercy and Justice not only met without conflict, but righteousness and peace also kissed each other. And in all this God remains true to His word: “For I am the Lord, I change not…”

    For those of you who are looking forward for God to change in His Justice or to lower His Justice at the expense of His Mercy in order to save you, I give you Malachi 3 “For I am the Lord, I change not…” I also give you John 1:12: “For as many as received Him (Christ Jesus) to them He gives the power to become sons of God, even to them that believe in His name.”

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