Free Wrestling Between The Lord And Jacob, And God Was The Loser In The Wrestling!!.i

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Free Wrestling Between The Lord And Jacob, And God Was The Loser In The Wrestling!!.i

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Thread: Free Wrestling Between The Lord And Jacob, And God Was The Loser In The Wrestling!!.i

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    Default Free Wrestling Between The Lord And Jacob, And God Was The Loser In The Wrestling!!.i

    To Those Who Have Minds
    When I was reading some verses in the bible, I found a very strange story!..i
    Yes, it was amazing!..i
    I couldn't understand the story in the beginning!..i
    I couldn't convince my mind to accept it, SO I needed help!..i
    It was free wrestling between the Lord and Jacob, and the VICTOR was Jacob!..i
    What's this?..i
    Was I dreaming?..i
    God left everything in the heaven and went down to wrestle with Jacob and He lost the wrestling!!..i
    God asked Jacob to let Him go, but Jacob refused!!,, why?..i
    Jacob wanted the Lord to bless him!!..ii
    Who blessed the other?..i
    The Victor or the Loser?..i
    Is this the word of GOD? OR there was some human misstating?..ii
    ??!!Do you believe in a Lord or a God as this Loser in the wrestlig
    ?Think and decide

    The Bible didn't mention whether there was a referee in the championship or not

    And he rose up that night, and took his two wives, and his two womenservants, and his eleven sons, and passed over the ford Jabbok...i
    And he took them, and sent them over the brook, and sent over that he had..i
    And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day..i
    And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him..i
    And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me..i
    And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob..i
    And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed..i
    And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there..i
    And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved..i
    Last edited by الواثق; 28-12-2005 at 06:39 PM.
    هل رأيتم أغبى من فرية صـَلــْب المسيح؟
    إذا مات الإله بصنع قوم أماتوه فما هذا الإله
    وهل بقي الوجود بلا إله سميع يستجيب لمن دعاه
    وهل خلت العوالم من إله يدبرها وقد سمّرت يداه
    وكيف تخلت الأملاك عنه بنصرهم وقد سمعوا بكاه
    وكيف أطاقت الخشبات حمل الإله الحق شد على قفاه
    وكيف دنا الحديد إليه حتى يخالطه ويلحقه أذاه
    وكيف تمكنت أيدي عِدَاه وطالت حيث قد صفعوا قفاه
    وهل عاد المسيح إلى حياةٍ أم المُحيي له رب سواه
    ويا عجبا لقبر ضم رباً وأعجب منه بطن قد حواه
    أقام هناك تسعاً من شهور لدى الظلمات من حيض غذاه
    وشق الفرج مولوداً صغيرًا ضعيفا فاتحاً للثدى فاه
    تعالى الله عن إفك النصارى سيسأل كلهم عما افتراه
    أعباد الصليب لأي معنى يعظم أو يقبح من رماه
    وهل تقضى العقول بغير كسر وإحراق له ولمن بغاه
    إذا ركب الإله عليه كرهاً وقد شدّت لتسمير يداه
    فذاك المركب الملعون حقاً فدسه لا تبسه إذ تراه
    يهان عليه رب الخلق طراً وتعبده فإنك من عداه
    فإن عظمته من أجل أن قد حوى رب العباد وقد علاه
    فيا عبد المسيح أفق فهذا بدايته وهذا منتهاه

Free Wrestling Between The Lord And Jacob, And God Was The Loser In The Wrestling!!.i

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Free Wrestling Between The Lord And Jacob, And God Was The Loser In The Wrestling!!.i

Free Wrestling Between The Lord And Jacob, And God Was The Loser In The Wrestling!!.i