the Bible VS the holy Qura'n

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the Bible VS the holy Qura'n

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Thread: the Bible VS the holy Qura'n

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by pandora View Post
    For the love of Ada...what do you want from me!!!! I am starting to think you are playing some kind of game here. You have avoided all questions asked of you, yet demand all your questions are addressed. When I try my utmost to give you an answer.. You don't like it or disagree with it.. Which quite frankly my face isn't bothered about.. Ok.. May hap I waffle on but hey that's me.. If you don't like it then don't engage in dialogue.

    I read Burninglights answers which are concise and to the point..... But you don't like his answers either! He has addressed your points and given great detail, all of which you brush off with distain. You seem to think your answers and posts are clear but really they are not, at least I don't find them so. You accuse others of going off topic and prevaricating when you are clearly a master at this. It seems like you are attaching blame to us because you do not like the answers we give to your questions, when you yourself keep introducing so many aspects into one post it's sometimes not even clear to see a connection between them let alone what they have to do with the topic in hand.

    It's sad to say there is an underlying nastiness to this forum and it's treatment of its non Muslim members, that we are to be kept at a disadvantage in regards to posting. Is this how you wish to be seen and understood?

    I shall be away for awhile, so may not be able to contribute. Please may I ask Could you choose A question out of the many you claim have not been answered.. That's ONE question, keep it clear what you mean by your chosen question and what aspect would you like answering. Please ... Do not add numerous bullet points from 1 to 10 .. 12.. 14 or whatever. I will try to the best of my ability to answer it. Or we can draw a line and move on.. In which case I wish you well in your endeavours. Your choice.

    The response you quoted was not for you but for burninglight, which his answers does not containrelevance to the topic , no sense at all , which is AGAINST the rules of the blogg . Not to mention the ignoring of my responses and slanderous accusation from him against me , his logic in many occasions was : I believe in this so it is true or I know what you don't know , at the end he can't answer !!!! This is not how a debate work my friends

    Last edited by محمد سني 1989; 15-08-2014 at 03:02 AM.
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by محمد سني 1989 View Post
    The response you quoted was not for you but for burninglight, which his answers does not containrelevance to the topic , no sense at all , which is AGAINST the rules of the blogg . Not to mention the ignoring of my responses and slanderous accusation from him against me , his logic in many occasions was : I believe in this so it is true or I know what you don't know , at the end he can't answer !!!! This is not how a debate work my friends

    I have made no slanderous accusation against you personally, I have given answers to your questions and some are not getting posted. The moderators may feel you need this advantage or they are looking for the best way to respond. If they have no answer, it could be they don't post it to help you make and keep your point. It is obvious that we Christians are being treated as second class citizens here. Like Jesus said, "If you do this in a green tree; what would you do in a dry one?" Sharia law would be the dry tree. I shutter to think how Christians and Jews would be treated in Sharia. I'll say this, you strike me as a moderate Muslim, but if you think radical Islam is going let you be moderate, you have another thing coming. You will be lump in with the Jews and Christians receiving a one way ticket back to the 7th century. I am doing all I can to see to it we don't get those tickets.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burninglight View Post
    I have made no slanderous accusation against you personally, I have given answers to your questions and some are not getting posted. The moderators may feel you need this advantage or they are looking for the best way to respond. If they have no answer, it could be they don't post it to help you make and keep your point. It is obvious that we Christians are being treated as second class citizens here. Like Jesus said, "If you do this in a green tree; what would you do in a dry one?" Sharia law would be the dry tree. I shutter to think how Christians and Jews would be treated in Sharia. I'll say this, you strike me as a moderate Muslim, but if you think radical Islam is going let you be moderate, you have another thing coming. You will be lump in with the Jews and Christians receiving a one way ticket back to the 7th century. I am doing all I can to see to it we don't get those tickets.

    You did accuse me of lying when it came to the actual translation of a third of three

    You did not answer my questions rather diverted to another topic

    However as for sharia law : are you making your statements based on reading history of how jews and christians were treated honorably during the rashidun , ummayad and Abbasid caliphate or based on what certain misinformed so called muslims in Iraq are doing ????

    Because if it is the second then I can simply judge a christian rule based on the crusades , the inquesitions , the persecution of jews in Europe or at least the interfaith secterian war in medieval Europe !!!

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by محمد سني 1989 View Post
    You did accuse me of lying when it came to the actual translation of a third of three

    You did not answer my questions rather diverted to another topic

    However as for sharia law : are you making your statements based on reading history of how jews and christians were treated honorably during the rashidun , ummayad and Abbasid caliphate or based on what certain misinformed so called muslims in Iraq are doing ????

    Because if it is the second then I can simply judge a christian rule based on the crusades , the inquesitions , the persecution of jews in Europe or at least the interfaith secterian war in medieval Europe !!!

    You are the one slandering me, by falsely accusing me of slandering you or any Muslim. I never called you a liar. Give the quote. You would have quote me if what you say is true. If I say what you say is not true, that is not calling you a liar. It just means you didn't make a true statement about the Quran and its meaning being "a third." You seem to be bent on bringing negative attention on me which I don't appreciate.

    Let's call a spade a spade here. The Quran says "the third of three" That is clearly different from a third; besides, as I mentioned, even if you were correct, and it meant "a third" which of course you are NOT, it would still be a discrepancy, because no Biblical Christian or nominal Catholic Christians ever considered the father or Allah one third of a whole. Never is this true ever!!!!! God is God, and He is whole, and He doesn't come in halves or thirds, LOL. He doesn't share His glory with another, and He has no partners or associates nor do we have to mention any messenger with Him in some type of a Christian Shahada which doesn't exist for us People of the Book!

    All I need is one, only one, not two, or three discrepancies in the Quran to prove to me personally that it is not dictated from My one Lord, God and Creator. If you are happy with the discrepancy, that is your business. I am not going slander you over it. You are loved or I wouldn't be in dialogue with you.

    The Quran will lose if it VS the Bible. Especially when it obviously imperfectly borrowing from it as I have demonstrated with one example on the virgin birth of Jesus only found in the NT Bible. Not even the Jews accept this story, and there is no common source where it could be found. I see Islam as borrowing from Christianity and twisting the meaning of Scripture blaming us for it only to push Islam on people and many cannot see this or want to see it nor do they want to be confused with the facts as you appear to be doing, but you rather accuse me of what you are really doing and Pandora sees it as well. Repent as Jesus would say, and she Him for who He is so you can live and not die in you sin not Adam's sin.


  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burninglight View Post
    Let's call a spade a spade here. The Quran says "the third of three" That is clearly different from a third; besides, as I mentioned, even if you were correct, and it meant "a third" which of course you are NOT, it would still be a discrepancy, because no Biblical Christian or nominal Catholic Christians ever considered the father or Allah one third of a whole. Never is this true ever!!!!! God is God, and He is whole, and He doesn't come in halves or thirds, LOL. He doesn't share His glory with another, and He has no partners or associates nor do we have to mention any messenger with Him in some type of a Christian Shahada which doesn't exist for us People of the Book!

    All I need is one, only one, not two, or three discrepancies in the Quran to prove to me personally that it is not dictated from My one Lord, God and Creator. If you are happy with the discrepancy, that is your business. I am not going slander you over it. You are loved or I wouldn't be in dialogue with you.

    The Quran will lose if it VS the Bible. Especially when it obviously imperfectly borrowing from it as I have demonstrated with one example on the virgin birth of Jesus only found in the NT Bible. Not even the Jews accept this story, and there is no common source where it could be found. I see Islam as borrowing from Christianity and twisting the meaning of Scripture blaming us for it only to push Islam on people and many cannot see this or want to see it nor do they want to be confused with the facts as you appear to be doing, but you rather accuse me of what you are really doing and Pandora sees it as well. Repent as Jesus would say, and she Him for who He is so you can live and not die in you sin not Adam's sin.


    Again you are getting into false conclusions , I will repeat my latest response to this whole third thing :

    a third of three= ثالث ثلاثة , the third of three = ثالث الثلاثة the letters ال in arabic means the which does NOT exist so unless you know how to respond to this part then you are just trying to force your own false claims

    You clearly do not understand the text , a third of three means part of a three or trinitarian element , All christians today belive in trinity the father , the son , the holy ghost so why is it so hard for you to get that. You are interpriting the text in a strange way which does not agree with the text , the interpritation and the context . You obviously do not know much about trinity then !!!! if you deny that trinity is made of three parts or three elements then you are seriously delusional!!!!

    Unlike your multiple variations and dispcrepancies in the bible , the quran has none. As for the virgin birth which I have answersred before and you have proved none as the reader knows, you still do not know the difference between replacement and corruption of texts which I have explained many times proving once again that you are ignoring my responses

    You are twisting the facts , never once the bible mentioned trinity, your priests have twisted the meaning of the bible in order to force their own understanding of Jesus into the minds of others , they have deleted , added and paraphrased certain texts as I have proved before claming it is ok as long as it does not hurt the central message !!!! although it actually did.

    Come back to the truth to reality , trinity does NOT exist it is PAGAN practice , Jesus did not preach for trinity , jesus preached for one god :
    Mark 12:29 Jesus said "Here, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.
    Mark 10:18 Jesus said “And Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.”?

    John 14:28 Jesus said "My Father (GOD) is greater than I"?

    John 8:28 Jesus said "I do nothing of myself"?

    John 14:28 Jesus said "My Father (GOD) is greater than I"?

    "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

    Open your eyes and repent to god , return to what jesus preached : monotheism
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  6. #66
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    No, I cannot buy this. Allah asked Jesus "Did you say take you and your mother for two gods besides me. Lets count Jesus is number one of the three, Mary is the second of the three and Allah is the third of the three. Sorry, but Allah didn't know the Holy Spirit was the third person of the three and not a third!!!

  7. #67
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    The trinity is not made of three parts or elements. That is the mystery and not a delusion on my part. God is only one and He is a trinity. The trinity is one God only with no partners or associates (not three gods). Again, this is the mystery that is not like anything on this earth. If you can explain God's oneness, then you have brought your god down to the level of being understood by finite man, IOW, by his creation he is understood and solved.

    God is a Trinity is other worldly, and there is no reason you should reject this Biblical concept. It is so deep a mystery that not even Allah and his slave messenger understood it much less Muslims such as yourself. Christians cannot explain it either. We just accept it. God is past finding out - period. There is no mystery to the god you describe as being perfectly one. Besides, what does that mean? You have never made it clear to us.


  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burninglight View Post
    No, I cannot buy this. Allah asked Jesus "Did you say take you and your mother for two gods besides me. Lets count Jesus is number one of the three, Mary is the second of the three and Allah is the third of the three. Sorry, but Allah didn't know the Holy Spirit was the third person of the three and not a third!!!

    You are mixing up between threads but here is the answer:

    It really does not matter if you believe or not , the text is there it never mentioned what you say rather this is your own way of trying to convince your self
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burninglight View Post
    The trinity is not made of three parts or elements. That is the mystery and not a delusion on my part. God is only one and He is a trinity. The trinity is one God only with no partners or associates (not three gods). Again, this is the mystery that is not like anything on this earth. If you can explain God's oneness, then you have brought your god down to the level of being understood by finite man, IOW, by his creation he is understood and solved.

    God is a Trinity is other worldly, and there is no reason you should reject this Biblical concept. It is so deep a mystery that not even Allah and his slave messenger understood it much less Muslims such as yourself. Christians cannot explain it either. We just accept it. God is past finding out - period. There is no mystery to the god you describe as being perfectly one. Besides, what does that mean? You have never made it clear to us.


    Clearly you have no answer , you denied that trinity means god in three elements , this is enough to show me that you know nothing about christianity.
    Your understanding of your own religion is so lacking which is kind of sad .

    The concept of trinity in christianity :Believe in the Trinity of God. Three persons in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

    Trust me you do not know your own religion so I am not surprised when you make ridicolous claims against the quran because it just reflects your lack of intelligence and knowledge of your own religion

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by محمد سني 1989 View Post
    Clearly you have no answer , you denied that trinity means god in three elements , this is enough to show me that you know nothing about christianity.
    Your understanding of your own religion is so lacking which is kind of sad .

    The concept of trinity in christianity :Believe in the Trinity of God. Three persons in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

    Trust me you do not know your own religion so I am not surprised when you make ridicolous claims against the quran because it just reflects your lack of intelligence and knowledge of your own religion

    You shouldn't attack the OP. Saying I lack in intelligence is insulting and uncalled for. I am sure this is against forum rules. I respect you enough not to do that to you or anyone here. You can attack an idea or comment but never the person. This shows, IMO, you are insecure in your faith.

    Christians are commanded to love others. This appears to be absent in Islam. I know my Lord. That is important, but knowing a religion is not important to my God. In fact, religion is what nailed Jesus to the cross.

    For course, I know God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. They are one God not three gods. You don't understand the Christians faith, but how can you when the Allah of Islam and his messenger had provable misconceptions about it?


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the Bible VS the holy Qura'n

the Bible VS the holy Qura'n