Trinity and development of doctorine

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Trinity and development of doctorine

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Thread: Trinity and development of doctorine

  1. #21
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    Wow, I bet you confuse a lot of Christians.

    It is true that 1Jn 5:7 is an interpolation, but that doesn't hurt the concept of God's tri-unity or the central message of the gospel. Unlike the recompilation of the Quran by Uthman which involved the burning of the original Qurans, we have the copies of the original information so we can check on omissions/abrogation and interpolation. That is why Christians tell you that verse was an interpolation by an over zealous Scribe. You cannot prove perfect preservation of the Quran, because Uthman burned all after Muhammad's death, and he didn't use memory to recompile them but the help of text from Hafsah's copy then her copy was destroyed. This would bother me. Who gave Uthman the divine mandate to act as Allah's editor or to put to writing the Quran which means recite not write?

    As for Revelation 3 it states He is the beginning of the creation of God; it doesn't say he is the beginning of God's creation. You are coming to conclusions making it say what you want to believe, because what that verse means is that Jesus as the word of God who is the beginner of the beginning of creation. IOW, we both believe Jesus is the word of God as you mentioned; therefore, logic and reason alone should tell you that He is uncreated and eternal. He is the Word God used to create all things. You shouldn't mine quote the Bible to make it say what you want my friend. I notice you didn't quote that "All things were made by Him (Jesus) for Him and through Him" or that God calls Jesus "Oh God" Heb 1.

    You also didn't quote that God exalts His word above all His name which Muhammad didn't know or care to mention. I have a problem with a prophet who doesn't know the name of God. Allah is not God's name. So what god is being referred to in Islam. Christians see it as a different god and Jesus than the ones in Christianity. As for the trinity, I have a problem with a god who doesn't understand what Christians believed and still believe about God's tri unity; for instance, Allah implies that the trinity consisted of the son, mother and father with him being the third of three by the way he questions Jesus; "Did you say take you and your mother for two gods besides me" I count the three that Allah alludes to as the three we Christians should desist to say. Allah confirms a misconception when he says: they do disbelieve who call Allah the third of three" Forgive me if I am not quoting exactly but you get the idea. What Christians called or call God the father the third of three and who called Mary God? Not even the Catholics who worship Mary considered her god or part of the trinity.

    As for David, since Jesus comes from His direct line, the word is referring to Jesus. David means beloved of God and God said of Jesus "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased..." There are different versions of the Bible is true but none of them clash with the central gospel message. Jesus is the Word of God. In the beginning that means the beginning as far back as men is capable of imagining was the word, The word was with God and the word was God. Jn 1. Jesus is that word. That is why He could forgive sin; It is why he could say "Before Abraham was I am" that is why He could say I am the way.. He is saying He is the only way. Even Allah said Jesus is the word "Be" which is a form of "I am" God said to Moses "I am that I am" Jesus said "I am" We must all come to our own conclusion of who Jesus is, but remember Jesus said, "You will die in your sin unless you believe I am He"

    Peace be unto you friend

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3abd Arahman View Post
    Regarding Islam :

    1- Its faith is simple and so clearly mentioned in the Holy Quran. Its the same faith in which Moses Pbuh and all the prophets of the old testament believed in.
    We can say the same regarding Christianity if we exclude Muhammad.
    Of course, not.
    All the prophets of the old testament believed that there is only one God, the heavenly Father.
    None of them believed in the trinity or that God had a son who will come to earth as a man to be crucified so that our sins are forgiven.

    Quote Originally Posted by 3abd Arahman View Post

    2- All the things that some people attack in Islam are in the Bible like Jihad and polygamy .... etc
    I attack no such things about Islam. What you say here is true and I agree, but we don't see Christians practicing Jihad and polygamy today as part of their religion; IOW, even though it happened, God is not now commanding us to live like that. I don't have a problem with having more that one wife if your in a country that allows it, and your wife agrees to it, lol, good luck to you on that. This also raises questions such as why did Muhammad have more wives than his revelation allowed, and from what I understand, Muhammad proves that plurality in marriage makes it impossible to treat all wives equally. Why the double standard. Please explain.

    It's good that you agree with me about this.
    However, it's not important whether God is ordering you to live like this now or not, the important thing is that God allowed you at a certain period of time to live like this which means that you can't consider it something bad.
    Also, it's worth to mention that Jesus Pbuh and the whole new testament didn't forbid polygamy and of course Jesus Pbuh didn't order his disciples to be involved into battles because the number of his followers was few and they were not able to face the romans for hundreds of years after him.
    Now why did prophet Muhammad Pbuh marry many wives?
    If we have a quick look at the story of each marriage, we will understand.
    Starting from the age of 25 till 50, our beloved prophet Muhammad Pbuh lived only with one wife, Khadija bent Khowailid may God be pleased with her.
    After her death, the muslims told the prophet to marry. They suggested for him 2 women, Aisha may God be pleased with her, the daughter of Abu Bakr his best friend and Sowda bint Zama may God be pleased with her and she was an old woman from the early muslims and she left Mecca with her husband and emigrated to Alhabasha (Ethiopia) to avoid persecution in Mecca and her husband died there, so after the prophet's wife death and her husband's death some muslims suggested that they marry each other and this is what happened.
    After that prophet Muhammad Pbuh married Hafsa the daughter of Omar ibn Alkhattab one of his best companions. After the death of her husband, her father Omar ibn Alkhattab wanted to find for her another husband and he asked some of his friends to marry her but they appologized and prophet Muhammad Pbuh decided to marry her. May be you won't understand this story, but according to the culture of the arabs especially at that time, it's not nice for a woman to stay without a husband taking care of her.
    After this prophet Muhammad Pbuh married Om Almasakeen may God be pleased with her, after her husband's death probably in one of the battles.
    Then the prophet Pbuh married Om Salama may God be pleased with her. She was one of the early muslims and her husband died in one of the battles leaving her with 4 children. Abu Bakr the best friend of the prophet want to marry her after her husband's death to take care of her and her children and she appologized and then the prophet Pbuh married her.
    Then prophet Muhammad Pbuh then married Zeinab bint Gahsh may God be pleased with her who was his cousin. There is a story for this marriage. The propet's wife Khadija brought for him a slave, his name was Zaid ibn Haritha who was a young kid at this time. Then the parents of Zaid came afterwards to take him back from the prophet Pbuh. Prophet Muhammad Pbuh told them that he will make Zaid choose either to stay with him or go back with them. Zaid choosed to stay with the prohet Pbuh and from this day the prophet adopted and called him Zaid ibn (the son of) Muhammad. The quran then considered adoption forbidden and Zaid was again called Zaid ibn Haritha. The prophet Pbuh told his cousin Zainab to marry Zaid, she first refused because he was once a slave but then she decided to obey the prophet Pbuh. After their marriage, they were not happy with each other probably because Zeinab may God be pleased with her didn't like the idea of being married to someone who was a slave. Zaid told the prophet Pbuh that he wants to divorce her and the prophet Pbuh told him to be patient but finally there was no other way and they divorced. The prophet then married Zainab for two reasons, because the arabs considered that a man should not marry the wife of his adopted son and this was to show that adoption in islam is completely forbidden and the other reason in my opinion was because this marriage between Zainab and Zaid may God be pleased with both of them was recommended by the prophet Pbuh.

    The prophet Pbuh then married Gowairiyah bint (the doaughter of) Alharith, and this was after there was a battle between the muslims and her tribe, she was the daughter oof the boss of this tribe, she was captured and she asked the Prophet Pbuh to set her free. The prophet Pbuh set her free and married her, the muslims set all the captured women free and they said they are the relatives of the wife of our prophet, and then the tribe became muslims.

    Then the prophet Pbuh married Safiyya bint Howayii may God be pleased with her , she was the daughter of the leader of a tribe of the jews, the prophet Pbuh had a battle with this tribe of jews and her father and husband were killed in the battle and she was captured. The prophet Pbuh set her free and married her.

    Then he married Om Habiba, who was one of the early muslims who emigrated to Habasha to avoid persecution in Mecca. Her husband died in Habasha and the prophet Pbuh married her afterwards and she then came from Habasha to Madina in Saudi arabia.

    Finally the prophet Pbuh married Maymoonah bint Alharith may God be pleased with her and she went to the prophet Pbuh and asked him to marry her and he accepted.

    So we can see clearly that all the marriages of the prophet Pbuh were for certain reasons :for example :to support women whose husbands died in battles or to marry the daughters of his enemies to encourage them to follow him and join Islam.

    Also it is worth to mention that probably the prophet Pbuh married this number of women before it became forbidden for muslims to marry only 4 women, and when muslims were not allowed to marry only 4 women some of the muslims were married to 10 women and the prophet Pbuh told them to stay with 4 and leave the others but for the prophet Pbuh the Quran stated that his wives are the mothers of muslims and no muslim should marry them after the prophet Pbuh so if the prophet Pbuh left some of his wives will just be left unmarried.


    Quote Originally Posted by 3abd Arahman View Post

    3- The holy Quran and the Sunnah contain some miracles and prophecies that turned out to be true..
    All the prophecies in the Bible turn out to be true, and some are yet to be fulfilled.

    Well even if some of the prophecies of the Bible were true, what's the problem ?
    According to my faith, some parts of Bible sre true and some are false, so if some of the prophecies of the Bible are true ,they are from the true parts that were really inspired by God.
    But according to you, the Quran is not inspired by God and it is just written by prophet Muhammad Pbuh, so how could the prophecies of the quran and sunnah turn out to be true? What about the scientific miracles of the Quran?
    Probably we can talk later about these prophecy and scientific miracles in details.
    But for the time being you can watch this video

    You can also read the Hadith about the talking shoes here :
    Watch this also

    Compare this to the false prophecies in the Bible
    Matthew 16
    27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then shall he render unto every man according to his deeds.
    28 Verily I say unto you, there are some of them that stand here, who shall in no wise taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

    So the bible is prophesizing that some of those who saw the Christ won't die till they witness the second coming of the Christ and it's now 2000 years since the christ was alive on earth and those people died and their sons died and their grandsons died and the Christ didn't return yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by 3abd Arahman View Post

    4- The Bible clearly prophecizes prophet Muhammad Pbuh. .
    It is only clear to some Muslims! If it were clear to me, I'd be a Muslim.

    The prophet pbuh is very clearly mentioned in the Bible especially in Isaiah 42 but we can discuss this later on

    Quote Originally Posted by 3abd Arahman View Post

    The Quran speaks about the true Torah and the true Gospel that were inspired to Moses Pbuh and Jesus Pbuh, but the Bible that you have today according to our belief is partially true and partially falsified and Christians admit this.
    What Christians? Bart Erhman is not a Christian. The true torah and gospel was given to Muhammad and Allah didn't say it had a problem; in fact, Muhammad never said it had such a problem; so, if there were, the problem would've had to happen some time after Muhammad's death, but we can prove nothing as changed since then. The burden of proof is on you to show who changed the Bible when and where, give the motive and so on. If the Bible is so messed up, why did Muhammad borrow from it particularly the NT Bible such stories as the virgin birth of Jesus. It cannot be found in any other books, and yet Islam rejects the reason for Jesus' virgin birth. Please explain that.

    I copied from you notes from netbible and other books admitting presence of errors of the scribes in the Bible and admitting that there are non-authentic spurious verses in the Bible.
    Also I mentioned verses in the holy Quran stating that the Bible was falsified and I gave you examples of spurious parts of the Bible.
    Prophet Muhammad Pbuh didn't borrow from the NT the story of virgin birth. Simply, this is a true story, so Luke knew about it and he wrote it in his message to Theophilus. God told us about the story of virgin birth in the holy Quran too. However, the Quran mentions more details about the story like the story of the Christ speaking just after his birth so you can't say it's just copied from the NT.
    Simply the reason of the virgin birth of Jesus Pbuh is as a sign of the power of God and of course this could not be a proof that Jesus is the son of God or God himself.
    Adam Pbuh was created without neither a father nor a mother and this is not an evidence that he is son of God or God and the same applies to Jesus Pbuh.

    I can discuss with you, but with others as well, because you are so busy that your responses come so few and far between.

    Well some of the people who wrote other topics that you are responding to are not available now and it's a bit difficult for us to keep tracing you everywhere to answer you. So, it's better if we concentrate in this discussion and I think you now have a lot to answer to.

    Peace to you brother of humanity

    Thank you.
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

  3. #23
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    Like you said the term trinity is not in the Bible and 1Jn 5:7 is spurious; moreover, I never said the Bible was the word of God; I said Jesus is the word of God. The Bible is a history book that reports the failures of man and God's intervention with men. Some the Bible is God's direct word to people through prophets, but not all of the Bible is. As I mentioned, it is not like the Quran to where very word in it is verbatim words out of God's mouth. If you find one discrepancy the whole of the Quran fails. It is not that way with the Bible. The Bible is just a book it is dead with out the Spirit of God who quickens the word to us, and that is when it becomes the word of God to us; otherwise, it is just a story that shows the faithfulness of God and the judgment of God and His mercy and love.

    If I don't share what God is saying right now to you, I am not preaching Christ. Jesus is the only word of God, and we experience Him through the Holy Spirit. So we know from Scripture that God is one and Jesus is His word and we know God's spirit convicts us of error and sin. It is not important to me that someone coined the term trinity because I understand the concept and I understand it is not my job to preach of teach it. The biggest thing about true Biblical Christianity which Muhammad and Allah didn't seem to understand is that it is not a religion as much as it is a relationship with God. It is religion that nailed Jesus to the cross. We true Christians that have a relationship with Jesus know God and we can be filled with His Spirit. Our faith is the substance or what we hope for and the proof or evidence of what we don't see. Without faith it is not possible to please our God. Those that come to him must believe that He is and, He rewards those who seek Him diligently. It relationship not religion. It is God by His spirit who puts in us the will to do according to His good pleasure. It is not by our works that we can please God; it is by our faith that works by love. When we have this kind of faith, good deeds will be visible. If they are not visible, there is no faith. People can do good deeds and not have faith; that means nothing to God, but it is not possible to have faith without good works just as you cannot have smoke without fire. Nothing anyone can say against the Bible can tear a Christian of His faith once He has truly experience Christ to where God's spirit bears witness with our spirit that God is conforming us to the image of Christ. The path of the just is as a shinning light of day it shines more and more until the perfect day like the noon day sun. No one can come to Christ unless God draws him. There are many nominal Christians that convert to Islam who know about Christianity and Jesus, but they don't know Christ personally in relationship. Those the Christians you get that call themselves reverts. They never knew Jesus; they only knew about Him. I know Jesus friend and want to make Him known, but the Jesus I know is not the same Jesus of the Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons or the Muslims. What we do with this message I shared determines our eternal destiny so help me God.

  4. #24
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    Moderators please post the rest of what I said or send it back to me via PM if you will not post it thank you.

  5. #25
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    Well, I think that most of your last answer is just emotional and that you are just ignoring most of what I'm saying to you and you just didn't answer the points mentioned in my last posts. Anyway, I'll answer you in details very soon.
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3abd Arahman View Post
    Well, I think that most of your last answer is just emotional and that you are just ignoring most of what I'm saying to you and you just didn't answer the points mentioned in my last posts. Anyway, I'll answer you in details very soon.
    But I don't see my last post. It seems like it got lost. Please repeat what it is you think I am ignoring. If you bring up 20 issues that is too much focus say on the top two or three that you would like for me to address. BTW, what is wrong with emotion? Do I have to be like I am from the planet Vulcan. I am fully human and emotion is a God given. When we are dealing with spiritual life and death issues there is nothing more important than this in life, how can you avoid emotion if you are a human who loves God and want to make Him known?

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burninglight View Post
    But I don't see my last post. It seems like it got lost. Please repeat what it is you think I am ignoring. If you bring up 20 issues that is too much focus say on the top two or three that you would like for me to address. BTW, what is wrong with emotion? Do I have to be like I am from the planet Vulcan. I am fully human and emotion is a God given. When we are dealing with spiritual life and death issues there is nothing more important than this in life, how can you avoid emotion if you are a human who loves God and want to make Him known?
    To find the true religion, you have to be completely neutral as much as you can and you have to put aside your emotions and to think with your brain.
    You have been brought up as a christian and you love your religion. What if your religion is wrong ? How will you be able to see this while you are preventiong yourself from thinking properly because of your overwhelming emotions?
    The same applies to me too. When comparing religions, we have to put aside our emotions and think with our brains and only our brains not our brains and hearts.
    This is what I did, when I was comparing Islam to Christianity a long time ago to find which religion is the true religion that I should follow in order to please God and be safe after this life.
    Hope you are able to do the same.
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burninglight View Post
    Wow, I bet you confuse a lot of Christians.

    It is true that 1Jn 5:7 is an interpolation, but that doesn't hurt the concept of God's tri-unity or the central message of the gospel.
    Very good that you admitted it is spurious
    Actually, there is no concept of a triune God in the Bible
    The Bible mentions that there is only one God in both the OT and the NT
    Jesus Pbuh makes it completely clear that this one and only true God is the Father

    John 17
    3 And this is life eternal, that they should know thee the only true God, and him whom thou didst send, even Jesus Christ.

    So the eternal life according to Jesus Pbuh is to know that the Father is the only true God
    But according to the faith of trinity, the Father is a person, the Son is a person, the Holy spirit is a person and each is a god, but they are all finally not 3 persons, they are only 1 person who is God which is a completely different concept from what Christ was teaching people

    The concept of triunity of God is not taught or preached by the Bible, it's just mere conclusions from christians
    If the concept of triunity of God was clear in the Bible, one would expect all christians to believe in trinity, yet many christians in the past like Ebonites and Arians and many christians nowadays, like Jehova's witnesses do not believe in the trinity although they believe in the same books that you believe in
    Because they read the Bible but they didn't find the concept of trinity in it
    Let me paste what you said previously :
    I never said the Bible preaches trinity or that Jesus is God the father. Trinity is not taught so how can I teach on it?
    So you have nothing to prove the faith of trinity, other than proving that Jesus Pbuh is God ( which is a concept that contradicts many parts of the Bible) and to prove that the Holy spirit is God ( which is a concept that has nothing to support in the Bible) and then conclude that since God is one, they must all be a one God.
    So your faith is just built upon completely debatable conclusions but is not mentioned frankkly in the Bible and the only frank evidence of it is spurious
    If trinity is the faith that God wants us to believe in, why didn't he mention it frankly in the Bible? Why is the only phrase that mentions it frankly in the Bible spurious?
    Surely, God doesn't want us to know anything about this faith or believe in it, if he wanted us to believe in it , he would have taughted it to us
    This is completely logic, but you will just deny that it's logic because you gonna follow your overwhelming emotions, so please put them aside now and think with your brain
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

  9. #29
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    I am also amazed that you think that although 1 John 5:7 is spurious, it doesn't affect the central message of the Bible.
    It surely affects it.
    If this sentence is authentic then the Bible surely supports trinity.
    If this sentence is spurious, then the Bible does not frankly support trinity and trinity is just a conclusion.
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burninglight View Post

    Unlike the recompilation of the Quran by Uthman which involved the burning of the original Qurans, we have the copies of the original information so we can check on omissions/abrogation and interpolation. That is why Christians tell you that verse was an interpolation by an over zealous Scribe. You cannot prove perfect preservation of the Quran, because Uthman burned all after Muhammad's death, and he didn't use memory to recompile them but the help of text from Hafsah's copy then her copy was destroyed. This would bother me. Who gave Uthman the divine mandate to act as Allah's editor or to put to writing the Quran which means recite not write?
    Here, there is misunderstanding from you
    Let me explain to you first, how was the holy Quran transferred to us from the time of prophet Muhammad Pbuh
    The Quran was transferred to us in 2 ways: orally and written
    Let me give you a brief idea about both ways
    Let's first discuss the oral way
    The companions of the Prophet Pbuh learned the Quran directly from him and they memorized it and learned it by heart, others learned the Quran directly from the Prophet's companions, others learned from those who learned from the companions and so on making a continous chain starting by the Prophet Pbuh and ending by many people who are currently alive
    This is what we call (Ijaza)
    A muslim is said to have an (Ijaza) if he recites the Quran completely after knowing it by heart without reading in the presence of someone who has also recited the Quran after memorizing it in the presence of another one who has also recited the Quran after memorizing it in the presence of someone else who has also done the same making a continous chain to someone who has recited the Quran in the presence of one of the companions of the Prophet Pbuh who have learned the Quran directly from him. Those who have the Ijaza receive certificates showing the name of every single person in this chain starting by people who are currently alive and ending by the Prophet Pbuh himself.
    This is how the holy Quran was orally transferred to us. We know many of the quranc verses by heart and we read them while doing our prayers without reading from the Mushaf ( Book in which the holy Quran is written) and many people know the holy Quran completely by heart.

    Let's now discuss, how was the written Quran transferred to us.
    Through the following steps :-
    1- When the prophet Pbuh was alive, when he read the Quranic verses, some of his companions used to write these verses.
    2- After the death of the Prophet Pbuh, Abu Bakr Alsedeek , his best companion, told Zaid Ibn Thabet to start collecting all the Quranic verses and suras in one place. The policy of Zaid ibn Thabet in the collection of the Quran was to write a quranic verse after finding it written and finding 2 men witnessing that they heard Prophet Muhammad Pbuh reading it. So what Zaid ibn thabet did, was collecting the Quranic verses that were written everywhere in one book or in one place.
    3- Some of the companions of the prophet Pbuh wrote some of the quranic verses and suras independently, and they used to write with them some explanatory commentaries together with the Quranic verses. These companions went to other countries and the people began reading the Quran as written by these companions.
    4- To solve this problem, Uthman collected all quranic texts written by the companions and burnt them and he returned to the text that was collected by Abu Bakr and Zaid Ibn Thabet which is written from the text that was written in the presence of Prophet Muhammad Pbuh and he copied this text and sent it to the different islamic countries.
    This is why we are sure that the written text of the Quran is completely preserved. The text written by Uthman is taken from the text written by Abu Bakr which is taken from the text written when prophet Muhammad Pbuh was alive.
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

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Trinity and development of doctorine

Trinity and development of doctorine