الدليل على ما قلته أخي الحبيب
من كتاب ( المسيح) لجون رمسبيرج
باب طفولة المسيح
The Christ
John E. Remsberg
Chapter 4
The Infancy of Christ
When was Jesus born?
Matthew: "In the days of Herod" (ii, 1).
Luke: "When Cyrenius was governor of Syria" (ii, 1-7).
Nearly every biographer gives the date of his subject's birth. Yet not one of the Evangelists gives the date of Jesus' birth. Two, Matthew and Luke, attempt to give the time approximately. But between these two attempts there is a discrepancy of at least ten years; for Herod died 4 B.C., while Cyrenius did not become governor of Syria until 7 A.D.