فهذا من لسان احد كبار المفسرين النصارى يعترف بان طقس الاحرام مارسته بنو اسرائيل زمن موسى عليه الصلاة و السلام
نورد في الإطار ذاته :
بنو إسرائيل يستعدّون للإحرام (يتجرّدون من ثِيابهم وحليّهم و زينتهم) عند جبل الشّريعة ، خاصّة بعد تعهّد يَهْوَه ( إله العهد القديم ) لهم بالتدمير والفناء إن ظلّوا على عنادهم!!
نقرا من كتاب تاريخ الكنيسة لمؤرخ الكنيسة الرومانية الشرقية سوزمينوس الكتاب السادس الصفحة 830
وهو يصف احتفاظ العرب بعادة الختان و عدم اكل لحم الخنزير و غيرها من عادات اليهود و يبرر هذا بانه مما توارثوه من اجدادهم حتى زمان ابراهيم و اسماعيل عليهما الصلاة و السلام و يضيف ان عقيدتهم تلوثت بالوثنية مع الوقت مع تاثرهم بوثنية الامم المجاورة
((This is the tribe which took its origin and had its name from Ishmael, the son of Abra-ham; and the ancients called them Ishmaelites after their progenitor. As their mother Hagar was a slave, they afterwards, to conceal the opprobrium of their origin, assumed the name of Saracens, as if they were descended from Sara, the wife of Abraham. Such being their origin, they practice circumcision like the Jews, refrain from the use of pork, and observe many other Jewish rites and customs. If, indeed, they deviate in any respect from the observances of that nation, it must be ascribed to the lapse of time, and to their intercourse with the neighboring nations. Moses, who lived many centuries after Abraham, only legislated for those whom he led out of Egypt. The inhabitants of the neighboring countries, being strongly addicted to superstition, probably soon corrupted the laws imposed upon them by their forefather Ishmael. The ancient Hebrews had their community life under this law only, using therefore unwritten customs, before the Mosaic legislation. These people certainly served the same gods as the neighboring nations, honoring and naming them similarly, so that by this likeness with their forefathers in religion, there is evidenced their departure from the laws of their forefathers. As is usual, in the lapse of time, their ancient customs fell into oblivion, and other practices gradually got the precedence among them. Some of their tribe afterwards happening to come in contact with the Jews, gathered from them the facts of their true origin, returned to their kinsmen, and inclined to the Hebrew customs and laws. From that time on, until now, many of them regulate their lives according to the Jewish precepts.))