أَمِيرُ المُؤمِنِينَ
هُوَ مَن أَحَاطَ عِلمًا بِأَغلَبِ الأَحَادِيثِ حَتَّى لَا يَفُوتُهُ مِنهَا إِلَّا اليَسِيرَ.
Emir of the Believers : In the cont ext of Hadith Terminology the term is used as a title to any person who has extensive knowledge of most hadiths; only a few hadiths have escaped his knowledge.
ضَبطُ كِتَابٍ
هُوَ أَن يَكُونَ رِوَايَتُهُ مِن كِتَابٍ عِندَهُ يَصُونُهُ وَيُصَحِّحُهُ.
Verification through Writing : This term is used to indicate that the narrator transmits his hadiths from a book that he keeps.
ضَعفٌ حِسِّيٌّ
Material Weakness
ضَعفٌ مَعنَوِيٌّ
Abstract Weakness
هُم القَومُ المُتَعَاصِرُونَ إِذَا تَقَارَبُوا فِي السِّنِّ وَفِي الإِسنَادِ، وَمَعنَى التَّقَارُبِ فِي الإِسنَادِ أَن يَكُونَ شُيُوخَ هَذَا هُم شُيُوخُ الآخَرِ أَو يُقَارِبُوا شُيُوخَهُ.
Class/Category : This term is applied to contemporaneous narrators who are close to each other in age and transmission. Narrators' closeness in transmission means having the same elder scholars, or others approaching them in age.
طَبَقَةُ الرُّوَاةِ
هُم الجَمَاعَةُ المُتَشَابِهُونَ فِي السِّنِّ وَلَو تَقرِيبًا وَفِي لِقَاءِ الشُّيُوخَ.
Classes of Narrators : This term refers to narrators of similar status such as nearness in age, even approximately and in terms of meeting with elder narrators.
طُرُقُ التَّحَمُّلِ
يُقصَدُ بِطُرُقِ التَّحَمُّلِ الطُّرُقُ الَّتِي أَخَذَ الرَّاوِي بِهَا الحَدِيثَ وَتَلَقَّاهُ عَن شُيُوخِهِ.
Hadith-Receiving Methods : The methods by which a narrator receives a hadith from his scholars.
هُوَ مَن عِندَهُ مَلَكَةٌ تَحمِلُ عَلَى مُلَازَمَةِ التَّقوَى وَالمُرُوءَةِ.
A Trustworthy Person : This is one who has the faculty within himself prompting him to adhere to piety and magnanimity, and to avoid grievous sins and innovation in religion.
عَدلٌ ضَابِطٌ
إِحدَى صِيَغِ الوَصفِ.
Authorized Verifier : One of the forms of describing narrators.
عَزوُ الحَدِيثِ
ذِكرُ مَن خَرَّجَ الحَدِيثَ مِن أَصحَابِ المُصَنَّفَاتِ فِي الحَدِيثِ.
Hadith As crirtion : Mentioning the name of whoever compiled or classified a given hadith
عَلَامَاتُ الوَضعِ
هِيَ العَلَامَاتُ الَّتِي تُبَيِّنُ أَنَّ هَذَا الحَدِيثَ مُفتَرًى وَمَكذُوبٌ.
Signs of Invention : These are the marks and signs that show that a certain hadith is fabricated.
عِلمُ الحَدِيثِ دِرَايَةً
هُوَ عِلمٌ يُعرَفُ مِنهُ حَقِيقَةُ الرِّوَايَةِ وَشُرُوطُهَا وَأَنوَاعُهَا وَأَحكَامُهَا وَحَالُ الرُّوَاةِ وَشُرُوطُهُم وَأَصنَافُ المَروِيَّاتِ وَمَا يَتَعَلَّقُ بِهَا.
Knowing the Prophetic Tradition : This term refers to the science by which the essence of narration, its conditions, types, rules, narrators' status and conditions and related issues are identified.
عِلمُ الحَدِيثِ رِوَايَةً
هُوَ العِلمُ الَّذِي يَختَصُّ بِنَقلِ أَقوَالِ النَّبِيِّ وَأَفعَالِهِ وَرِوَايَتِهِمَا وَضَبطِهِمَا وَتَحرِيرِهِمَا.
Transmitting the Prophetic Tradition : This term refers to the scientific approach to transmitting, verifying and scrutinizing the Prophet's sayings and practices.
عِلمُ الرِّجَالِ
هُوَ العِلمُ الَّذِي يَبحَثُ فِي أَحوَالِ الرُّوَاةِ وَبَيَانِ مَدَى عَدَالَتِهِم.
Study of Narrators : This term applies to the field of study concerned with explaining the status of narrators and the extent of their uprightness.
عِلمُ مُصطَلَحِ الحَدِيثِ
هُوَ عَلِمٌ بِأُصُولٍ وَقَوَاعِدَ يُعرَفُ بِهِ أَحوَالُ السَّنَدِ وَالمَتنِ مِن حَيثُ القَبُولِ وَالرَّدِّ.
The Study of Hadith Terminology : A collection of principles that distinguish the weakness from the strength of hadith narrators and te xt in terms of acceptance or rejection.
عُلَمَاءُ الحَدِيِث
هُم المُهتَمُّونَ بِمَعرِفَةِ أَحوَالِ السَّنَدِ وَالمَتنِ مِن حَيثُ القَبُولِ وَالرَّدِّ.
Scholars of Hadith : Scholars interested in determining the status of a hadith t ext and chains of transmission in terms of acceptance or rejection.
غَرِيبُ الحَدِيثِ
هُوَ مَا وَقَعَ فِي مَتنِ الحَدِيثِ مِن لَفظَةٍ غَامِضَةٍ بَعِيدَةٍ مِن الفَهمِ لِقِلَّةِ اِستِعمَالِهَا.
Hadith Difficult Terms : These are the unintelligible terms, included in the t ext of a hadith, due to their rare usage.
غَيرُ مُعَيَّنٍ
An Unidentified Material/Person
غَيرُ مُغَفَّلٍ
أَحَدُ أَحوَالِ الرُّوَاةِ أَن يَكُونَ مَستُورَ الحَالِ بِالنِّسبَةِ لِأَحكَامِ الجَرحِ وَالتَّعدِيلِ.
Attentive : This is one of the narrators' status in terms of the Validating and Invalidating principles.
Deed : This term refers to all deeds attributed to the Prophet (peace be upon him).
فَقدُ اِتِّصَالِ السَّنَدِ
قُصِدَ بِهِ أَن لَا يَكُونَ بَينَ رُوَاةِ السَّنَدِ تَرَابُطٌ عِلمِيٌّ بِحَيثُ لَا يَتَلَقَّى اللَّاحِقُ عَن السَّابِقِ وَالمُتَحَمِّلُ عَنِ المُؤَدِّي، يَكُونُ بَينَ اِثنَينِ مِن رُوَاةِ الحَدِيثِ فَجوَةٌ زَمَنِيَّةٌ أَو مَكَانِيَّةٌ يَتَعَذَّرُ مَعَهَا اللِّقَاءُ أَو يَستَحِيلُ التَّلَقِّي.
Disconnected Chain of Transmission : A chain of transmission which is interrupted in such a manner that it is not logically proved that the succeeding narrator had received a hadith from the preceding one. Therefore, a temporal or locational gap does exist rendering the succeeding narrator's meeting with the preceding one unrealizable.
فَقدُ العَدَالَةِ
هُوَ فَقدُ أَحَدِ الشُّرُوطِ المَطلُوبَةِ لِكَونِ أَو لِاعتِبَارِ الرَّاوِي عَدلًا.
Lack of Uprightness : This term applies to the lack of one of the conditions required for considering the narrator just and upright.
إِشَارَةٌ لِأَحَدِ الرُّوَاةِ الَّذِينَ أَخَذَ عَنهُم الرَّاوِي وَلَم يَجرِ ذِكرُهُم فِي الإِسنَادِ.
So and so : Refers to one of the elder narrators from whom the narrator reported the narration but whose name is not mentioned in the chain of transmission.
Word : This term refers to all sayings attributed to the Prophet (peace be upon him).
لَفظُ العُمُومِ
Unspecified Word
أَي الحَدِيثُ بِلَفظِهِ لَا مَعنَاهُ.
Verbally : This term applies to the exact wording of the hadith, not its meaning alone.
مَا اِتُّفِقَ عَلَيهِ
هُوَ مَا اِتَّفَقَ عَلَيهِ الشَّيخَانِ البُخَارِيُّ وَمُسلِمٌ وَذَكَرَاهُ فِي صَحِيحَيهِمَا.
Agreed-Upon : This is what the two Imams, Al-Bukhari and Muslim, agreed upon and compiled in their two Sahihs. The term refers to hadiths compiled by both Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
مَا تَفَرَّدَ بِهِ
هُوَ مَا لَم يَتَّفِق عَلَيهِ الإِمَامَانِ البُخَارِيُّ وَمُسلِمٌ وَذَكَرَهُ أَحَدُهُمَا فِي صَحِيحِهِ.
Compiled Only by : This is what the two Imams, Al-Bukhari and Muslim, did not agree upon, but is contained in the Sahih of one of them.
مُبهَمُ السَّنَدِ
هُوَ مَن أُبهِمَ اِسمُهُ فِي المَتنِ أَو فِي السَّنَدِ مِن الرِّجَالِ وَالنِّسَاءِ.
Ambiguity of the Chain of Transmission : A transmitter, whether man or woman, whose name is not clear in the t ext or chain of transmitters.
هُم الرُّوَاةُ الَّذِينَ عَاشُوا فِي نَفسِ الفَترَةِ الزَّمَنِيَّةِ.
Contemporaneous Narrators : This term refers to the narrators who lived in the same era.
التَّحرِيفُ: هُوَ التَّغيِيرُ بِالشَّكلِ.
Misspelled : Technically the term refers to changing the form of word vowelization.
هُوَ مَن يَقُومُ بِاختِصَارِ الحَدِيثِ.
Summarizer : This term applies to the one who summarizes hadiths.
هُوَ مَن سَمِعَ مِن شَيخِهِ أَحَادِيثَ وَأَضَافَ عَلَيهَا مِن عِندِهِ.
Fraudulent : This refers to a narrator who heard some hadiths from his elder scholar and added some others on his own
لَفظُ العُمُومِ
Unspecified Word
أَي الحَدِيثُ بِلَفظِهِ لَا مَعنَاهُ.
Verbally : This term applies to the exact wording of the hadith, not its meaning alone.
مَا اِتُّفِقَ عَلَيهِ
هُوَ مَا اِتَّفَقَ عَلَيهِ الشَّيخَانِ البُخَارِيُّ وَمُسلِمٌ وَذَكَرَاهُ فِي صَحِيحَيهِمَا.
Agreed-Upon : This is what the two Imams, Al-Bukhari and Muslim, agreed upon and compiled in their two Sahihs. The term refers to hadiths compiled by both Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
مَا تَفَرَّدَ بِهِ
هُوَ مَا لَم يَتَّفِق عَلَيهِ الإِمَامَانِ البُخَارِيُّ وَمُسلِمٌ وَذَكَرَهُ أَحَدُهُمَا فِي صَحِيحِهِ.
Compiled Only by : This is what the two Imams, Al-Bukhari and Muslim, did not agree upon, but is contained in the Sahih of one of them.
مُبهَمُ السَّنَدِ
هُوَ مَن أُبهِمَ اِسمُهُ فِي المَتنِ أَو فِي السَّنَدِ مِن الرِّجَالِ وَالنِّسَاءِ.
Ambiguity of the Chain of Transmission : A transmitter, whether man or woman, whose name is not clear in the t ext or chain of transmitters.
هُم الرُّوَاةُ الَّذِينَ عَاشُوا فِي نَفسِ الفَترَةِ الزَّمَنِيَّةِ.
Contemporaneous Narrators : This term refers to the narrators who lived in the same era.
التَّحرِيفُ: هُوَ التَّغيِيرُ بِالشَّكلِ.
Misspelled : Technically the term refers to changing the form of word vowelization.
هُوَ مَن يَقُومُ بِاختِصَارِ الحَدِيثِ.
Summarizer : This term applies to the one who summarizes hadiths.
هُوَ مَن سَمِعَ مِن شَيخِهِ أَحَادِيثَ وَأَضَافَ عَلَيهَا مِن عِندِهِ.
Fraudulent : This refers to a narrator who heard some hadiths from his elder scholar and added some others on his own.
مَرَاتِبُ الجَرحِ
هِيَ الدَّرَجَاتُ الَّتِي تُنَظِّمُ الرُّوَاةَ مِن حَيثُ الصِّفَاتِ القَادِحَةِ فِي عَدَالَتِهِم.
Ranks of Invalidation : These are the ranks that deal with the attributes that invalidate a narrator's justness and uprightness.
مَرَاتِبُ العَدَالَةِ
هِيَ الدَّرَجَاتُ الَّتِي تُنَظِّمُ الرُّوَاةَ مِن حَيثُ عَدَالَتِهِم وَهِيَ سِتَّةُ مَرَاتِبَ مَأثُورَةٌ عَن اِبنِ حَجَرٍ.
Ranks of Uprightness : These are the ranks of the narrators in terms of uprightness; there are six ranks as stated by Ibn Hajar