The first premise :
Every event (something happened) has a trigger (cause). no one can refute this. If anyone doubts it, then, “Give me an example of something that happened that had no cause.” He cannot.

The second premise :
The universe happened because it had a beginning. Here you might ask me "how did you know that it had a beginning?" Or " why it was not eternal ( without a beginning. He was always there) ?" . Here we must give evidence. We will mention two pieces of evidence for example:
- The expansion of the universe, this is a fact that it is expanding. Hubble observations confirmed the expansion of the universe, telescopes, stars are moving away from each other and so on... like something explodes and the pieces are moving away from each other, and therefore the expansion has a beginning.
- In physics, the second law of thermodynamics: In an isolated system, the temperature moves from hot to cold until it reaches thermal equilibrium. This means that all things within this system have the same temperature. If the universe had no beginning, we would have reached thermal equilibrium a long time ago, because there is an infinite amount of time before this moment if it had no beginning. But since we have not yet reached thermal equilibrium in the universe. For example, the temperature of the sun is not the same as that of the Earth. Therefore, it is impossible for the universe to be eternal, it is impossible for it to exist without a beginning. Thus, we proved the validity of the second premise.

The Result:
From the first and second premises, we conclude that the universe has a cause.

Can be there infinite serie of causes without beginning?
No. Imagine with me that there is infinite number of people in a line and they don't know that there is infinite number of people in the line , and one of them telling the other " Tell the next after you to forward the command in the line " The final person in the line go raise the table ", Can the table be raised ? No. Because there is infinite number of people mean infinite time so the table will not be raised. And multiple universes theory mean multiple problems.
So since we are here, we happened. And there must be first cause nothing before it. That's what we call "God".
And the Question "if God created us who created God? " It's has a problem and a fallacy. Firstly we know that this universe have a beginning. But God no. And God himself told us that no one created him and he is outside the universe and he is the creator of all things.
And the the fallacy we can explain it by another example "if Abraham moved the car then who moved Abraham? " Or "if Abraham closed the door then who closed Abraham " ? It's a fallacy.

Can it be 2 causes / Gods or more at the same time?
No. Because they will contradict each other in the willing. For example the first one want to move a stone to the right side. The other want to move it to the left side . So it's will be a contradiction.
And we know that inside this universe there is perfection and complexity. Look at the complexity of your DNA. Look at the exact position of Earth. Look at physical constant. For example Avogadro constant and other constants in universe and laws, it's called a constant for a reason.
So "Nothing" cannot create "Something" And "Chaos" cannot create "Order".

The Professor of Biology Edwin Conklin said :
"The probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the probability of the Unabridged Dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop."

Is there a God? Proofs and arguments :
English version :

Russian version :

Dr.Iyad Qanibi
A Recap on the Innate Proofs for Allah & Discussing the Objections | Ep#12 | Journey of Certainty :

The Christian "William Lane Craig" done his doctorah degree about the existing of the God by using the books of the Muslim "Abu Hamed Al Gazali " .
Doctorah (PhD) and kalamical from kalam (كلام) it'd Arabic also.
The argument in English :

“Kurt Godel’s ontological argument for God’s existence has been formalized and automated on a computer with higher-orderautomated theorem provers. From Godel’s premises, the computer proved: necessarily, there exists God”

Christoph Benzmuller & Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo. (2014). Automating Godel’s Ontological Proof of God’s Existence with Higher-order Automated Theorem Provers. In T. Schaub et al (Eds.) ECAI 2014. Frontiere In Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Vol 263, pp 93-98. IOS Press.

doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-419-0-93

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