Embryology in the holy Quran

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Embryology in the holy Quran

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Thread: Embryology in the holy Quran

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    Default Embryology in the holy Quran

    In the name of ALLAH

    Dr: Keith Moore confirms embryology in the holy Quran

    Part one :

    Part two :

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

    أنقر(ي) فضلاً أدناه :

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

    سُبحان الذي يـُطعـِمُ ولا يُطعَم ،
    منّ علينا وهدانا ، و أعطانا و آوانا ،
    وكلّ بلاء حسن أبلانا ،
    الحمدُ لله حمداً حمداً ،
    الحمدُ لله حمداً يعدلُ حمدَ الملائكة المُسبّحين ، و الأنبياء و المُرسلين ،
    الحمدُ لله حمدًا كثيراً طيّبا مُطيّبا مُباركاً فيه ، كما يُحبّ ربّنا و يرضى ،
    اللهمّ لكَ الحمدُ في أرضك ، ولك الحمدُ فوق سماواتك ،
    لكَ الحمدُ حتّى ترضى ، ولكَ الحمدُ إذا رضيتَ ، ولكَ الحمدُ بعد الرضى ،
    اللهمّ لك الحمدُ حمداً كثيراً يملأ السماوات العلى ، يملأ الأرض و مابينهما ،
    تباركتَ ربّنا وتعالَيتَ .

  2. #2
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    The Embryology in the Quran was already in print before the Quran came about.

  3. #3
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    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

  4. #4
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    I read the article thanks for sharing it. It really goes through a great deal of pain to show that the Qur’an didn't Plagiarize Ancient Greek Embryology, but I must admit that there is a great deal of similarity between Muhammad's description and that of the ancient Greek's writings that came before. Now, one can still argue that Muhammad had been influenced by Galen and Aristotle but lets say he didn't borrow from them, can you explain why he borrowed the virgin birth story of Jesus from the NT Bible? There is no other place such a story could be found. One cannot argue that the Quran came before the record testimony in the Bible. Since Jesus' virgin birth hadn't been recorded in the OT Bible or the torah and so on, why did Muhammad imperfectly borrow this from the NT Bible and reject the reasons for Jesus' virgin birth given in the sources he found them in?

  5. #5
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    I like the Bibles view of embryology.. :) which sums up the same idea but long before the Quran did. I mean both accounts are rather ambiguous examples which don't really stand up to what we know about embryology today. Long before the account given in the Quran the world had been pondering the miracle of life and embryology. Is it possible the works of none of those sited below reached Arabia before the 6th century?

    1000 BC Book of Job "Your hands formed me and made me - will you now absorb me? Remember that you formed me as if with clay - will you return me to dust? You poured me out like milk, and pulled me together like cheese. You clothed me with skin and flesh, and [inside me] did you interweave bones and sinews."

    500 BC Psalms "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

    460-370 B C Hippocrates

    384-322 BCAristotle

    240-180 BC Diocles of Carystus

    129-210 AD Claudius Galenus


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burninglight View Post
    I read the article thanks for sharing it. It really goes through a great deal of pain to show that the Qur’an didn't Plagiarize Ancient Greek Embryology, but I must admit that there is a great deal of similarity between Muhammad's description and that of the ancient Greek's writings that came before. Now, one can still argue that Muhammad had been influenced by Galen and Aristotle but lets say he didn't borrow from them, can you explain why he borrowed the virgin birth story of Jesus from the NT Bible? There is no other place such a story could be found. One cannot argue that the Quran came before the record testimony in the Bible. Since Jesus' virgin birth hadn't been recorded in the OT Bible or the torah and so on, why did Muhammad imperfectly borrow this from the NT Bible and reject the reasons for Jesus' virgin birth given in the sources he found them in?

    I think you have no evidence to prove that prophet Muhammad Pbuh has been influenced by Galen and Aristotle. Any argument about this issue will surely lack solid evidence to prove and you will just be trying to prove this because you want to prove it.
    Anyway if you want to try to prove this, try your best and I will answer you and show you that your argument lacks solid evidence and I'll show yoi the scientific accuracy of the embryology in the Quran and Sunnah. By the way, I am a physician.

    Regarding the story of virgin birth, I think you have to read what I am writing more carefully because I answered this yesterday and it seems you didn't read my answer.
    Here is my answer again :
    Prophet Muhammad Pbuh didn't borrow from the NT the story of virgin birth. Simply, this is a true story, so Luke knew about it and he wrote it in his message to Theophilus. God told us about the story of virgin birth in the holy Quran too. However, the Quran mentions more details about the story like the story of the Christ speaking just after his birth so you can't say it's just copied from the NT.
    Simply the reason of the virgin birth of Jesus Pbuh is as a sign of the power of God and of course this could not be a proof that Jesus is the son of God or God himself.
    Adam Pbuh was created without neither a father nor a mother and this is not an evidence that he is son of God or God and the same applies to Jesus Pbuh.
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandora View Post
    I like the Bibles view of embryology.. :) which sums up the same idea but long before the Quran did. I mean both accounts are rather ambiguous examples which don't really stand up to what we know about embryology today.
    Well, the holy Quran's view of embryology totally agrees with what we know today.
    If you see that there is any disagreement please tell me, so that I can correct the misunderestanding.

    Long before the account given in the Quran the world had been pondering the miracle of life and embryology. Is it possible the works of none of those sited below reached Arabia before the 6th century?

    1000 BC Book of Job "Your hands formed me and made me - will you now absorb me? Remember that you formed me as if with clay - will you return me to dust? You poured me out like milk, and pulled me together like cheese. You clothed me with skin and flesh, and [inside me] did you interweave bones and sinews."

    500 BC Psalms "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

    460-370 B C Hippocrates

    384-322 BCAristotle

    240-180 BC Diocles of Carystus

    129-210 AD Claudius Galenus

    First of all, if you think any agreement between modern embryology and what's mentioned in the Bible please show it to me because I don't think there is any similarity.

    Second, if you think that prophet Muhammad Pbuh copied from any of those who studied embryology before Islam, please tell us what exactly did he copy.
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3abd Arahman View Post
    I think you have no evidence to prove that prophet Muhammad Pbuh has been influenced by Galen and Aristotle. Any argument about this issue will surely lack solid evidence to prove and you will just be trying to prove this because you want to prove it.
    Anyway if you want to try to prove this, try your best and I will answer you and show you that your argument lacks solid evidence and I'll show yoi the scientific accuracy of the embryology in the Quran and Sunnah. By the way, I am a physician.
    Physician? I have friends that are doctors and family. You are right, I cannot prove conclusively that he borrowed from them, but there is more a preponderance of evidence to suggest he did than not since similar things were in print before the Quran; so there is more a burden of proof on you to prove he didn't the same goes for the virgin birth.

    Quote Originally Posted by 3abd Arahman View Post
    Regarding the story of virgin birth, I think you have to read what I am writing more carefully because I answered this yesterday and it seems you didn't read my answer.
    Here is my answer again :

    Prophet Muhammad Pbuh didn't borrow from the NT the story of virgin birth. Simply, this is a true story, so Luke knew about it and he wrote it in his message to Theophilus. God told us about the story of virgin birth in the holy Quran too. However, the Quran mentions more details about the story like the story of the Christ speaking just after his birth so you can't say it's just copied from the NT.
    Simply the reason of the virgin birth of Jesus Pbuh is as a sign of the power of God and of course this could not be a proof that Jesus is the son of God or God himself.
    Adam Pbuh was created without neither a father nor a mother and this is not an evidence that he is son of God or God and the same applies to Jesus Pbuh.
    But anyone can borrow a story from somewhere else and add details to it that may not be true. The point is the story was found in the NT Bible first; again, there is a preponderance of evidence suggesting very strongly that he did borrow it from the NT Bible since it was Matthew that states Jesus' virgin birth was a fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14. Anyone can argue that the prophecy given in Isaiah 7: 14 had already been fulfilled 700 years+ before Jesus was born. I would say this locks in my point that you have failed to address in anyway shape or form. IMHO, you have been pawned. Here is the OT verse that had already been fulfilled before Jesus birth: Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Matthew said Jesus is the fulfillment of this verse, but it had already been fulfilled in the time of king Ahaz. One can argue that Muhammad borrowed a discrepancy from the Bible. can you prove otherwise? I don't think you can; in fact, I know you can't! But you can try.

    Now, your point of Adam having no parents is ridiculous. It had to be that way to start the human race, but that wasn't the case for Jesus; besides, the Scriptures say that God was Adam's father. Every prophet if you can call Adam one has a father, but not everyone had a mother. Jesus' father was and is God. That doesn't mean God sired Jesus; It means that Jesus proceeded from the father as His word incarnate. You have been pawned again friend. I really wish the moderators would allow me to post directly, because some of my responses are not making it to you and others, and I cannot edit my mistakes. All should know by now, I am not a forum rule breaker. This type of control hinders or handicaps the OP at this point unnecessarily wouldn't you say? How many post do I have to do before they lift this control? Who are the moderators?

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    Quote Originally Posted by 3abd Arahman View Post
    Well, the holy Quran's view of embryology totally agrees with what we know today.
    If you see that there is any disagreement please tell me, so that I can correct the misunderestanding.
    As a physician do you really believe an embryo starts as a clot? Can a group of cells be likened to a blood clot?

    First of all, if you think any agreement between modern embryology and what's mentioned in the Bible please show it to me because I don't think there is any similarity.
    I never claimed there was. I just said I preferred the description in the Bible over that in the Quran. IMHO neither stand up scientifically to what we know about embryology today. However, for the time they were recorded it was probably a good enough account of understanding. I would say as Prophet Job was 1000 years before Jesus and so even longer before the Quran came into being. One could say this information was revealed to Him by God.. It came from somewhere and if not God who put the idea in his head then.. ???

    Second, if you think that prophet Muhammad Pbuh copied from any of those who studied embryology before Islam, please tell us what exactly did he copy.
    The work of Galen does bear a strong resemblance to the account in the Quran as does the work of Hippocrates and Aristotle..


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    Well, first of all regarding the similarity betwwen the embryology in the holy Quran and the greek embryology, I'll soon be discussing with you the details of the embryology of the Quran and challenging you to show me the similarities between it and the grrek embryology. I would like to mention that the holy Quran didn't say that man is created from a blood clot, the word ( Alaqa) which is the second stage according to the Quranic embryology has other meanings beside blood clot, it means a clinged or attached thing or something that's hanging from another thing, also it means a leech. However, I would like first to clear the issue of the virgin birth story
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

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Embryology in the holy Quran

Embryology in the holy Quran