From The Saying of The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) (34)

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From The Saying of The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) (34)

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Thread: From The Saying of The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) (34)

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    Default From The Saying of The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) (34)

    قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم :
    " يا أيها الناس ! توبوا إلى الله . فإني أتوب ، في اليوم ، إليه مائة مرة "
    الراوي: الأغر المزني المحدث: مسلم - المصدر: صحيح مسلم - الصفحة أو الرقم:
    خلاصة حكم المحدث: صحيح
    Al-Agharr bin Yasar Al-Muzani (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Turn you people in repentance to Allah and beg pardon of Him. I turn to Him in repentance a hundred times a day" ( Muslim)
    قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم :
    " إن الله عز وجل يبسط يده بالليل ، ليتوب مسيء النهار . ويبسط يده بالنهار ، ليتوب مسيء الليل . حتى تطلع الشمس من مغربها "
    الراوي: أبو موسى الأشعري المحدث: مسلم - المصدر: صحيح مسلم - الصفحة أو الرقم
    : 2759
    خلاصة حكم المحدث: صحيح
    Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Allah, the Exalted, will continue to stretch out His Hand in the night so that the sinners of the day may repent, and continue to stretch His Hand in the daytime so that the sinners of the night may repent, until the sun rises from the west" ( Muslim )
    1) The messenger of Allah (pbuh ) tells us that Allah (pbth ) loves repentance and the repentant .Muhammad (pbuh ) repents to Allah one hundred times every day although he didn't commit any sins .He (pbuh ) tells us that the door of repentance of Allah (pbth ) is open days and nights .To live always with the hope of Allah's generosity and his repentance .Allah always call to us in the Holy Hadith saying :
    `O son of Adam! I shall go on forgiving you as long as you pray to Me and aspire for My forgiveness whatever may be your sins. O son of Adam! I do not care even if your sins should pile up to the sky and should you beg pardon of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam! If you come to Me with an earthful of sins and meet Me, not associating anything with Me in worship, I will certainly grant you as much pardon as will fill the earth.''

    2) And let's see in the following Hadith how much Allah (pbth) loves his slaves and how He (pbth ) is merciful and beneficent and generous to us.He gives the much for the little we do .Allah (pbth ) is very delighted with the repentance of his slave :
    قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم :
    "لله أشد فرحا بتوبة عبده ، حين يتوب إليه ، من أحدكم كان على راحلته بأرض فلاة . فانفلتت منه . وعليها طعامه وشرابه . فأيس منها . فأتى شجرة . فاضطجع في ظلها . قد أيس من راحلته . فبينا هو كذلك إذا هو بها ، قائمة عنده . فأخذ بخطامها . ثم قال من شدة الفرح : اللهم ! أنت عبدي وأنا ربك . أخطأ من شدة الفرح"
    الراوي: أنس بن مالك المحدث: مسلم - المصدر: صحيح مسلم - الصفحة أو الرقم:
    خلاصة حكم المحدث: صحيح

    Anas bin Malik Al-Ansari (MayAllah be pleased with him) the servant of the Messenger of Allah narrated: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Verily, Allah is more delighted with the repentance of His slave than a person who lost his camel in a desert land and then finds it (unexpectedly) (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
    In another version of Muslim, he said: "Verily, Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His slave than a person who has his camel in a waterless desert carrying his provision of food and drink and it is lost. He, having lost all hopes (to get that back), lies down in shade and is disappointed about his camel; when all of a sudden he finds that camel standing before him. He takes hold of its reins and then out of boundless joy blurts out: 'O Allah, You are my slave and I am Your Rubb'.He commits this mistake out of extreme joy"

    Commentary :
    We can notice that the Man who lost his camel with all his food and water. He looked for it everywhere but in vain .Lately he submitted to death .He lost any hope in life and suddenly he found his camel with his food and drink .We can imagine the great happiness of that man.His great happiness made him doing a great mistake .He said : 'O Allah, You are my slave and I am Your Rubb(God)'.He commits this mistake out of extreme joy". Allah (pbth ) is more delighted with his repentant slave than this man.
    قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم :
    "كان فيمن كان قبلكم رجل قتل تسعة وتسعين نفسا . فسأل عن أعلم أهل الأرض فدل على راهب فأتاه فقال : إنه قتل تسعة وتسعين نفسا . فهل له من توبة ؟ فقال : لا . فقتله . فكمل به مائة . ثم سأل عن أعلم أهل الأرض فدل على رجل عالم . فقال : إنه قتل مائة نفس . فهل له من توبة ؟ فقال : نعم . ومن يحول بينه وبين التوبة ؟ انطلق إلى أرض كذا وكذا . فإن بها أناسا يعبدون الله فاعبد الله معهم . ولا ترجع إلى أرضك فإنها أرض سوء . فانطلق حتى إذا نصف الطريق أتاه الموت . فاختصمت فيه ملائكة الرحمة وملائكة العذاب . فقالت ملائكة الرحمة : جاء تائبا مقبلا بقلبه إلى الله . وقالت ملائكة العذاب : إنه لم يعمل خيرا قط . فأتاه ملك في صورة آدمي . فجعلوه بينهم . فقال : قيسوا ما بين الأرضين . فإلى أيتهما كان أدنى ، فهو له . فقاسوه فوجدوه أدنى إلى الأرض التي أراد . فقبضته ملائكة الرحمة . قال قتادة : فقال الحسن : ذكر لنا ؛ أنه لما أتاه الموت نأى بصدره" .
    الراوي: أبو سعيد الخدري المحدث: مسلم - المصدر: صحيح مسلم - الصفحة أو الرقم
    : 2766
    خلاصة حكم المحدث: صحيح
    Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Prophet of Allah (PBUH) said: "There was a man from among a nation before you who killed ninety-nine people and then made an inquiry about the most learned person on the earth. He was directed to a monk. He came to him and told him that he had killed ninety-nine people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted. He replied in the negative and the man killed him also completing one hundred. He then asked about the most learned man in the earth. He was directed to a scholar. He told him that he had killed one hundred people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted. He replied in the affirmative and asked, `Who stands between you and repentance? Go to such and such land; there (you will find) people devoted to prayer and worship of Allah, join them in worship, and do not come back to your land because it is an evil place.' So he went away and hardly had he covered half the distance when death overtook him; and there was a dispute between the angels of mercy and the angels of torment. The angels of mercy pleaded, 'This man has come with a repenting heart to Allah,' and the angels of punishment argued, 'He never did a virtuous deed in his life.' Then there appeared another angel in the form of a human being and the contending angels agreed to make him arbiter between them. He said, `Measure the distance between the two lands. He will be considered belonging to the land to which he is nearer.' They measured and found him closer to the land (land of piety) where he intended to go, and so the angels of mercy collected his soul" (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
    In another version: "He was found to be nearer to the locality of the pious by a cubit and was thus included among them". Another version says: "Allah commanded (the land which he wanted to leave) to move away and commanded the other land (his destination) to draw nearer and then He said: "Now measure the distance between them.' It was found that he was nearer to his goal by a hand's span and was thus forgiven". It is also narrated that he drew closer by a slight movement on his chest"

    The man killed one hundred person but he didn't lose the hope of Allah's forgiveness .He was faithful in his repentance .His intention to repent to Allah was true,so Allah (pbth) accepted his repentance .

    "( رَبَّنَا لا تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِنْ نَسِينَا أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا رَبَّنَا وَلا تَحْمِلْ عَلَيْنَا إِصْرًا كَمَا حَمَلْتَهُ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِنَا رَبَّنَا وَلا تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لا طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنَّا وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا وَارْحَمْنَا أَنْتَ مَوْلانَا فَانْصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ) (2/286)"

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    We have spiritual and physical calmness in Islam. Our Prophet (Allah's peace and blessing be upon him) shows us our way to a good and peaceful life through those unique hadiths. Muslims, unlike other religion followers, have good motivations to regret and return to Allah, to repent and begin a new life away from disobeying Allah, and all these are for his benefits.
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    قل هو الله احد * الله الصمد * لم يلد و لم يولد * و لم يكن له كفوا احد
    Dis : " Lui, Dieu, est Un ! * Dieu est le Soutien universel ! * Il n'engendre pas et Il n'est pas engendré, * et Il n'a pas d'égal. "

From The Saying of The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) (34)

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From The Saying of The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) (34)

From The Saying of The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) (34)