Why Aren't Islamic Missionaries as Active as Christian Missionaries ?

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Why Aren't Islamic Missionaries as Active as Christian Missionaries ?

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Thread: Why Aren't Islamic Missionaries as Active as Christian Missionaries ?

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    هشيم's Avatar
    هشيم is offline مشرف الأقسام غير العربية
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    Default Why Aren't Islamic Missionaries as Active as Christian Missionaries ?

    Why Aren't Islamic Missionaries as Active as Christian Missionaries ?

    Q) I am a revert to Islam from a very orthodox Christian family. However my hunger to delve deep into Islam and other religions never ceased. The sad part of the story is that I never found anyone able to give at least most of the answers for the questions I ask. But your newsletter seems to be doing a good job. Here are a few questions I wish you could answer.

    a. Why aren’t Islamic missionaries active the way Christian missionaries are? Won’t Islam grow much faster and misunderstandings removed if there are good scholars to preach the faith? Why is there such a slack among Muslims?

    b. Is it permissible in Islam to sponsor an orphan? Not adoption. Something like sponsoring his education, etc.?

    A) a. It’s true that Muslims today are not as active as Christians in propagating their religion, though the Muslims are expected by Islam to be the best of missionaries. Islam is a religion that should have the maximum number of missionaries because Da'wah (propagation of one’s faith) is obligatory / compulsory in Islam. The Glorious Qur'an says:

    “Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious.” (Al-Qur'an 16:125)

    But unfortunately we Muslims are not doing our job. Moreover, there is virulent propaganda about Islam and Muslims by the international media. Today the number of misconceptions about Islam has reached an endemic and epidemic level. It is the duty of Muslims to clarify these misconceptions and to present the pure Islamic teachings, based on the Qur'an and the authentic traditions of the prophet (pbuh).

    But irrespective whether the Muslims do the job or not, Allah has promised to make his Deen (Al-Islam) prevail over all other ways of life and all other ‘isms’. Allah says in the Qur'an:

    “It is He who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth to proclaim it over all religion: and enough is Allah for a Witness.”(Al-Qur'an 48:28)

    A similar message is mentioned in Al-Qur'an 9:33 & 61:9.

    It should be borne in mind that Allah is not in need of us Muslims in order to make his Deen prevail. He, however, has given us an opportunity to do a prophet’s job and to earn a prophet’s reward.

    The slack among the Muslims is due to their inability to perceive the benefits of reading the Qur'an with understanding. It is through reading the Qur'an with understanding and meaning will we know what our Lord and Creator expects from us in order that we prosper in this life as well as in the Hereafter. Allah says in the Qur'an:

    ‘Who is better in speech than one who calls (men) to Allah, works righteousness and says, "I am of those who bow in Islam"?’

    b. With regards to sponsoring an orphan, Islam encourages such acts of charity as is mentioned in various places in the Qur'an. The Qur'an says:

    “Worship none but Allah; treat with kindness your parents and kindred and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practice regular charity.” (Al-Qur'an 2:83)

    The Prophet (pbuh) is also reported to have said: "I, and the one who looks after an orphan, will be like this in Paradise," showing his middle and index fingers and separating them. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 7, Hadith No. 224)

    Thus the act of sponsoring an orphan is highly recommended in Islam and Allah will surely reward you for that.

    c. Regarding your question on terrorists, I say every Muslim should be a ‘terrorist for the anti-social elements of society’. A terrorist is a person who causes terror. The moment a robber sees a policeman he is terrified. A policeman is a terrorist for the robber. Similarly every Muslim should be a terrorist for the anti-social elements of society, be they thieves, pick-pockets, black-marketers or rapists. Whenever an anti-social element sees a Muslim, he should be terrified. It is true that the word ‘terrorist’ is generally used for a person who causes terror among innocent people. But a true Muslim should only be a terrorist to anti-social elements and not to innocent people. Infact a Muslim should be a source of peace and solace for innocent and righteous people.

    Before India achieved independence from British rule, some freedom fighters of India who did not subscribe to non-violence were labeled as terrorists by the British government. These very individuals have been lauded by us Indians for the same activities and hailed as ‘patriots’. Thus two different labels have been given to the same people for the same set of actions. One called them terrorists while the other called them patriots. Those who believed that Britain had a right to rule over India called these freedom fighters terrorists, while those who were of the view that Britain had no right to rule India called them patriots and freedom fighters.

    It is therefore important that before a person is judged, he is given a fair hearing. Both sides of the argument should be heard, the situation should be objectively and fairly analyzed and the reason and the intention of the person should be taken into account, and then the person can be judged accordingly. While there can be no justifiable reason for killing innocents, it is also patently unfair to accuse any of killing innocents without a fair trial and process of justice.

    The Qur'an says:

    “O you who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news ascertain the truth lest you harm people unwittingly and afterwards become full of repentance for what you have done.” (Al-Qur'an 49:6)

    With regards to the last part of your question, Islam forbids killing of innocent people. The Qur'an says:

    “ … If anyone slew a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land it would be as if he slew the whole humanity: and if anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved the life of the whole humanity.” (Al-Qur'an 5:32)

    Killing any innocent human being, whether Muslim or non-Muslim is not allowed in Islam. Even in the circumstances of war, this aspect is not to be ignored. The first caliph of Islam, Abu Bakr

    As-Siddique (R) is reported to have commanded Usama ibne Zaid (R):

    “I command you to do ten things: you must not kill a woman or a child, or an elderly person; do not cut down trees, or vandalize homes, or wound a sheep or camel except if you must eat it; do not drown a palm tree, or burn it, do not be treacherous; do not be cowardly; and you will pass by people who have devoted themselves to monastery life: leave them alone with their devotions.” (Tarikh At-Tabari, V.3, p.210)

    Thus killing children or innocent people are not allowed in Islam. And Allah knows the best.

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    قل هو الله احد * الله الصمد * لم يلد و لم يولد * و لم يكن له كفوا احد
    Dis : " Lui, Dieu, est Un ! * Dieu est le Soutien universel ! * Il n'engendre pas et Il n'est pas engendré, * et Il n'a pas d'égal. "

  2. #2
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    Great article

    My brother just any article about Christianization, methods, forms, sent me

    Allah bless you


    Evangelism is not a word correctly in Islam
    But Christianization
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

    تحمَّلتُ وحديَ مـا لا أُطيـقْ من الإغترابِ وهَـمِّ الطريـقْ
    اللهم اني اسالك في هذه الساعة ان كانت جوليان في سرور فزدها في سرورها ومن نعيمك عليها . وان كانت جوليان في عذاب فنجها من عذابك وانت الغني الحميد برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين

  3. #3
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    See.. This is what I mean. All dialogue is futile with such a woeful attitude.

    Peace to you.

  4. #4
    هشيم's Avatar
    هشيم is offline مشرف الأقسام غير العربية
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    You can read more about Christian missionary from the book you Christian Missionaries wrote. Read more how they plan and how they worked as spies and agents just to stir the peace and unification of Islam world. Those are not anti-Christians and neither Muslims, they are Christians like you. They frankly speak about their projects and plans, apparently their roles have a great effect on the western society policy. They paved the road to what we call nowadays "chaos" in Islam world. from reading the books you can see that Christian missionary is going ahead and forward leaving Islam dahwa far behind it self. If we compare Islam dahwa to Christian missionary we can see Islam Dahwa is in the very early stages and left far behind.
    You say "futile" to us, but I wonder what would you say when you read those confessions!

    Alfred Le Chatelier
    Revue du Monde Musulman

    The Missionary Enterprise
    A Concise History of Its Objects, Methods and Extension
    By Edwin Munsell Bliss

    France and Islam in West Africa, 1860-1960
    Christopher Harrison

    See.. This is what I mean. All dialogue is futile with such a woeful attitude.
    Peace to you.
    Last edited by هشيم; 06-01-2014 at 09:50 PM.
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    قل هو الله احد * الله الصمد * لم يلد و لم يولد * و لم يكن له كفوا احد
    Dis : " Lui, Dieu, est Un ! * Dieu est le Soutien universel ! * Il n'engendre pas et Il n'est pas engendré, * et Il n'a pas d'égal. "

  5. #5
    هشيم's Avatar
    هشيم is offline مشرف الأقسام غير العربية
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    I do not understand why those missionaries make of Islam a threat? Why did they regard Islam as an enemy? Why did they talk and write about something was not there and why exaggeration? What did Islam and Muslims do to them?
    Christopher Harrison very frankly and hatefully wrote about Islam in Africa as a "threat" to Christianity.
    All the nations in Africa were living in peace and comfort till the establishments of colonies by western society, and the western society somehow was mislead by those missionary reports and did had many other intentions behind building colonies and occupying others lands. The effect of this historical event till now can be seen.

    France and Islam in West Africa, 1860-1960, Christopher Harrison (1988: 31) quotes from Le Chaterlier and stated: “..In a later article Le Chaterlier warned of the great unity within the Muslim world….”

    In his book , Edwin Munsell Bliss stated, “Islam. ” The great problem of African missions, is ”not the ignorance of its peoples, nor their fetich worship, not even the influence of un-Christian-Christian nations. All these are yielding more and more to the gospel. It is Islam…” (Bliss, The Missionary Enterprise 1908, p205)

    I do not like to quote from the books, but everybody can read them and see what was going on then and how did they were planning and organizing conspiracy against Muslims and Islam and when we start to have a reaction and try to put an end to their deception and misleading they became angry and introduce themselves as innocent victim.

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    قل هو الله احد * الله الصمد * لم يلد و لم يولد * و لم يكن له كفوا احد
    Dis : " Lui, Dieu, est Un ! * Dieu est le Soutien universel ! * Il n'engendre pas et Il n'est pas engendré, * et Il n'a pas d'égal. "

  6. #6
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    How dare you call me a Christian missionary!!! I do not care what your religious beliefs are, this dialogue is a waste of time. Do you deny that it is a muslims wish to see all the world Muslim? Why is that? Because you think your path is the right path and so seek to extoll others to join... For sure for maybe for the best of reasons.. Salvation. It is possible indeed likely that the misguided "Christian" missionaries believe the same that they are saving a soul. It's a nonsense, and you should not be tarring everyone with the same brush.

    i was "invited" here some time ago under false pretences I thought to compare our respective faiths instead of which all I have got so far is a concentrated effort to denigrate my beliefs... Dawah of the worse kind. So stop with your holier than thou attitude be honest with yourself and your intentions here. Such efforts on both sides are a waste of time for no one who is firm in faith with God can be persuaded away from their ordained path, thousands of Christians die for their faith everyday all over the world I would die for mine but would never take a life.

    in fact I don't know why I continue to visit here on occasions it only leaves me feeling a sadness at the brick wall so high that you have built and your unwillingness to build a bridge of friendship which would have been far more beneficial in fostering a greater understanding of our respective faiths. We share the same God, for there is only the One.

  7. #7
    هشيم's Avatar
    هشيم is offline مشرف الأقسام غير العربية
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    I do not know why do you accuse me with “calling you Christian missionary” when I did not do? How dare you?
    Because I invited you to discussion and to read the facts from Christian writers once you said to us “All dialogue is futile with”, I meant “you can go and hear what I say from Christian writers”.
    Those Christian missionaries very obviously call for fighting against unification of Muslim countries and they did confirm this in many of their conferences. This is a fact and their books are the witnesses. Muslims never did this and will never do. We do not deny that we wish to see all the world Muslim but not by fueling fights and breaking Christian countries into pieces never and shed blood. Nobody can accuse Islam with such crimes.
    Your post is unnecessarily strongly-worded because of nothing, and be sure Muslims are not decrying an entire nation. Whom we mean are the decision makers and those who are behind these plans and are implementing them. My post is a mere reply to yours and describing what was written in these books, you should have read the books before falsely accusing me and writing a post which is irrelevant with the topic.

    Friendship and making bridges will never succeed when one builds and another one destroys.

    You are welcome and I regard this as a misunderstanding
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    قل هو الله احد * الله الصمد * لم يلد و لم يولد * و لم يكن له كفوا احد
    Dis : " Lui, Dieu, est Un ! * Dieu est le Soutien universel ! * Il n'engendre pas et Il n'est pas engendré, * et Il n'a pas d'égal. "

  8. #8
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    How dare you call me a Christian missionary
    You are very nice lady

    You are honest, but missionaries are liars

    Impossible to be them

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

    تحمَّلتُ وحديَ مـا لا أُطيـقْ من الإغترابِ وهَـمِّ الطريـقْ
    اللهم اني اسالك في هذه الساعة ان كانت جوليان في سرور فزدها في سرورها ومن نعيمك عليها . وان كانت جوليان في عذاب فنجها من عذابك وانت الغني الحميد برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by هشيم View Post
    I do not know why do you accuse me with “calling you Christian missionary” when I did not do? How dare you?
    Because I invited you to discussion and to read the facts from Christian writers once you said to us “All dialogue is futile with”, I meant “you can go and hear what I say from Christian writers”.
    Those Christian missionaries very obviously call for fighting against unification of Muslim countries and they did confirm this in many of their conferences. This is a fact and their books are the witnesses. Muslims never did this and will never do. We do not deny that we wish to see all the world Muslim but not by fueling fights and breaking Christian countries into pieces never and shed blood. Nobody can accuse Islam with such crimes.
    Your post is unnecessarily strongly-worded because of nothing, and be sure Muslims are not decrying an entire nation. Whom we mean are the decision makers and those who are behind these plans and are implementing them. My post is a mere reply to yours and describing what was written in these books, you should have read the books before falsely accusing me and writing a post which is irrelevant with the topic.

    Friendship and making bridges will never succeed when one builds and another one destroys.

    You are welcome and I regard this as a misunderstanding
    Accept my apology if I misunderstood your implication from your words below. You likened me to "Christian missionaries" who wrote books. I am not interested in any books such people have written because I do not view them as Christians. That is a big problem most muslims do not even know what a true Christian is. Why is that? Because you do not wish to know. You want to believe all Christians are the same and have some nasty agenda. It's easier for you to believe this because it gives you reasons to excuse your own Muslim shortcomings. Not long ago in my country two muslims stabbed to death and attempted to decapitate an off duty soldier, in fact he worked in a recruitment office. This they did on a busy street in broad daylight in front of women and children. They then attempted to kill the police officers who came to arrest them. They claimed to do this inAllah's name. Don't you see... There are bad people everywhere, they will always do bad things. But you see all Christian people must be the same and you poor persecuted muslims are all innocent. That is rubbish and you are not fooling me, or the world and certainly and more importantly you are not fooling God.

    You can read more about Christian missionary from the book you Christian Missionaries wrote. Read more how they plan and how they worked as spies and agents just to stir the peace and unification of Islam world. Those are not anti-Christians and neither Muslims, they are Christians like you.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by شمائل View Post
    You are very nice lady

    You are honest, but missionaries are liars

    Impossible to be them

    Your words are kind addressed to me. Really not all Christian missionaries are liars, you cannot say that because you do not know it for a fact. Some no doubt have an agenda but just as many are seeking to do charitable deeds according to the teachings of Jesus and trying to make the lives of some less fortunate people better? God sees what's in our hearts.

Why Aren't Islamic Missionaries as Active as Christian Missionaries ?

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Why Aren't Islamic Missionaries as Active as Christian Missionaries ?

Why Aren't Islamic Missionaries as Active as Christian Missionaries ?