بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

بعد أذن الاخت 2نور اعجبنى جدا هذا المقال لذا ترجمته الى الانجليزيه مبدئيا واذا وجدت منها ومن الجميع القبول فلسوف اقوم بالترجمه الى عدة لغات حتى تعم الاستفادة منها الأخرون الذين لا يتكلمون العربيه ويكون الموقع عالميا وليس عربيا فقط والله من وراء القصد.

Confessions of a spanish priest

An old picture shows a Spanish priest writes his observations

By: Orkhan Mohamed Ali
Near and distant history of the ugly history of Europe in terms of humanitarian and ethical so incredible, it is chock-full collective terrible massacres and ethnic cleansing of the oppressor.
Surprisingly, they forget their history, the near record colonialism, injustice and massacres, and they forget their history long track record with all kinds of brutality that go beyond human imagination, not hesitate to accuse Muslims of causing carnage, as is now accusing the Ottoman state as the process of ethnic cleansing of Armenians during the First World War.
A charge is false historically has current Turkish government invited Armenian and other states alleging the occurrence of such a purge to form a World Commission to discuss this matter out scientific research based on historical documents and to desist from making this issue a political game in the hands of Armenian lobbies in the United States of America and France in the States Other European, especially ahead of parliamentary elections in these countries.
We will in this article a brief explanation of the history book written by an old man of religion in pole mid-sixteenth century and was a witness to the massacres carried out by the Spaniards after the discovery by the American continent (Christopher Columbus), The author is the Rev. Spanish b Brartolomede de Las Casas
And the name of the book, (the massacre of American Indians).
Author was born in the city ( Sevilla) in Spain in 1484. And when he was eighteen years old he sailed with the Spanish to the (New World) There he saw his own eyes brutal massacres which put her Spanish with the local population in the continent of America, which the owners of the land, funk and the severity of what he saw, from the horrors of shameful affront to humanity, he wrote this book in 1542 and presented to King Philip II in order to brief him on what happened there from the brutal, translated into most world languages, including Turkish, as printed in four editions, this priest-Rahim died in 1576 in his country, Spain.

Book cover the massacre of American Indians

Author describes the local population and says:
(People in the area (Hspaino) (ie, today's Haiti) ordinary people and are good to a large extent are patient and are humble and naive and very obedient ... far from the evils and the tricks and scams ... and they demonstrated a commitment to obey the great traditions and Spanish ... I do not quarrel and fight, do not hold malice against anybody ... I can not find they have feelings of revenge and hatred and hostility ... they are very poor but they do not have the feelings of greed and lust and care ... most of them walking naked except what Lester Aourthm, and strapped to their bodies a small piece of cloth).
A result of these brutal massacres which will come out to explain them after the discovery of Christopher Columbus to the Americas, which discovered the new world in the words of those days, it was looted Europeans - especially the Spanish - the wealth of the clans who lived American continent, killing most of the local population where, and taken dozens of tons of gold to Spain.
Let's go back to the Spanish priest and witnessed there and saw the view of the eye. Says:
(What's that saw the Spaniards flock is the depositary of the local population so they attacked them attack wolves rabid hungry, attack tigers and lions that did not taste the meat for a long time to herd sheep, he did not stop the attack and after that it continued the same vein today, does not have Spaniards are nothing but killing and dismemberment of the local population, torture and oppression).
We now come to the figures given by this witness, Spanish for the massacres they have made:
(When the Spaniards occupied the island (Hespanola Hispaniola) - any island of Haiti as it is called today - the number of local people where 3 million people, almost
Today, however, only 200 of them live person.
The island of Cuba is in a deplorable state, and can not live, like the Islands (Portorica) and (Jamaica)).
And then says:
(As a result of the injustice that he has committed Christians there over forty years, and inhumane treatment died more than 12 million people, including many women and children, as the most optimistic estimates,
The Profile that I see my guess is more correct is the death of 15 million people parent COMMERCE reasonable in this regard.)
Can a person be involved in the killing of so many people like him are in humanity? Why do they think? They are killed or Zpapa Srasira?
Spanish priest says that the Spaniards did not look to the local population to their people, but were preparing them even lower than animals:
(If only the Spaniards treated these people naive obedient and patient treatment of animals! Not treat them until the animals wild and brutal, but treated them as if they were fouling Metrucmp in the streets. Were not those of the local population the lowest value in their eyes. I've walked millions of them to death without knowing the Lord ( 1) while he was obedient population believe that the Spaniards came from heaven, before shocking the iniquities and cruelty).

Apologized to delete the picture

An old picture shows some Spaniards, Ibaqron belly of a man of Indian population of South America

This explains the Rev. forms of torture and murder practiced by these monsters says:
(Entered their home areas by force and killed all the viewers they have ... had died, children and the elderly, pregnant women, and even women who have recently given birth, and slaughtered and cut off their bodies, and cut open their bellies as Tbaqr stomachs of sheep, and began to Compromise: Can someone be too difficult for a man in half strike sword one ? Or Can any one of them one cow stomach and bowels out with an ax and one?
They took infants from their mothers arms, grabbed the legs of these children and beat their heads with rocks, and while some of the people making a noise that the others were laughing and having fun. Threw the children to the river, shouting: swim Son of adultery! ).
So therefore act civilized Europeans!!!
The methods of torture Vcheb horror of the body.
He explains how to torture the leaders and the leaders of these people and says:
(While putting two pieces wooden sticks large on the ground, and then make (grill), metal, and they demonstrate them, and they come to one of the leaders or more than one put them on the grill and lit underneath fire is weak, and let them die slow groan and firing cries of pain. Has seen them time and they grill four or Five of the local leaders, and when ruined their cries sleep commander at night ordered his Boukngahm off for Escthm, but the team leader of torture - which was one of the most Zamiin to the bloodshed - did not want to cut to the chasm and fun companions of torturing them and enjoying Bmnzerhm (I've met relatives in the city Sevilla later)
So he put the pieces of wood with his hands in the mouths of these to prevent the issuance of any of them voted, and then increased the severity of the fire, because he wanted to kill them in the time that he wants.
I have seen all these atrocities with my own eyes, and when some local residents began to flee the injustice and brutality of these killers to the mountains by these killers trained hunting dogs to track them down. This was the dog when you reach one of them assaulted him, and predation. These dogs have been involved in a large share of such massacres).
There is no doubt that readers are sick of reading these lines as I feel I'm sick of writing
But following the testimony of this Spanish priest:
(On one occasion found a group of Spanish soldiers in one of the mountains on the group of local residents who had left their villages and fled the injustice of the Spanish, and got the soldiers of the mountain and with 70-80 women and young after they killed all the men and heard the village men this report so catching up with soldiers to Astattafhm and beg them to leave the women went back to their relatives, but the soldiers did not hesitate Grzoa as many swords in the wombs of women and their stomachs cut open before the eyes of these men who cried out in pain:
Uh .. Dear Alodion!! .. Dear Christians ruthless!! .. You have killed our women).
This example is only one of the thousands of examples of brutality and injustice and cruelty, which is full of the tainted history of the West.
Strangely, however, they contaminated their history - the near and distant - not ashamed to accuse Muslims of terrorism and ethnic cleansing, and that Islam (as heinous lie to their father present) has been spread by the sword.
And sincerity of the poet when he said:
Judging us temper justice was **** when you are going to shed blood Obtah
Vhspkm this disparity between us and all the **** pot him that it exudes
(1) which did not convert to Christianity did not know Christ.
Source: History .com