Christians rejecting the Trinity in Yahoo answers

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Christians rejecting the Trinity in Yahoo answers

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Thread: Christians rejecting the Trinity in Yahoo answers

  1. #1
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    Default Christians rejecting the Trinity in Yahoo answers

    This is the question

    Catholic's and Jehovahs Witnesses What About Trinity “Proof Texts”?
    THE New Catholic Encyclopedia offers three such “proof texts” but also admits: “The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is not taught in the O[ld] T[estament]. In the N[ew] T[estament] the oldest evidence is in the Pauline epistles, especially 2 Cor 13.13 [verse 14 in some Bibles], and 1 Cor 12.4-6. In the Gospels evidence of the Trinity is found explicitly only in the baptismal formula of Mt 28.19.”
    In those verses the three “persons” are listed as follows in The New Jerusalem Bible. Second Corinthians 13:13 (14) puts the three together in this way: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” First Corinthians 12:4-6 says: “There are many different gifts, but it is always the same Spirit; there are many different ways of serving, but it is always the same Lord. There are many different forms of activity, but in everybody it is the same God who is at work in them all.” And Matthew 28:19 reads: “Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
    Do those verses say that God, Christ, and the holy spirit constitute a Trinitarian Godhead, that the three are equal in substance, power, and eternity?
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

  2. #2
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    Default Best answer according to asker

    Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
    No, they do not, no more than listing three people, such as Tom, Dick, and Harry, means that they are three in one.

    This type of reference, admits McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, “proves only that there are the three subjects named, . . . but it does not prove, by itself, that all the three belong necessarily to the divine nature, and possess equal divine honor.”

    Although a supporter of the Trinity, that source says of 2 Corinthians 13:13 (14): “We could not justly infer that they possessed equal authority, or the same nature.” And of Matthew 28:18-20 it says: “This text, however, taken by itself, would not prove decisively either the personality of the three subjects mentioned, or their equality or divinity.”

    When Jesus was baptized, God, Jesus, and the holy spirit were also mentioned in the same context. Jesus “saw descending like a dove God’s spirit coming upon him.” (Matthew 3:16) This, however, does not say that the three are one. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are mentioned together numerous times, but that does not make them one. Peter, James, and John are named together, but that does not make them one either. Furthermore, God’s spirit descended upon Jesus at his baptism, showing that Jesus was not anointed by spirit until that time. This being so, how could he be part of a Trinity where he had always been one with the holy spirit?

    Another reference that speaks of the three together is found in some older Bible translations at 1 John 5:7. Scholars acknowledge, however, that these words were not originally in the Bible but were added much later. Most modern translations rightly omit this spurious verse.
    Research and Bible study
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

  3. #3
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    Default Other answers

    Answer 2
    The bible does not teach the trintiy at all. Jesus is not God and
    the Holy Spirit is not a person, it is God's power. It is like the sun's rays or light. There are too many verses to list that disprove the trinity. Keep in mind that our bibles have changed over the last 2000 years. Alot have been added in and taken out. You really need to get a Hebrew and Greek bible to fully understand.

    Answer 3
    trinity is a false teaching. God is Jehovah.his son is Jesus an entirely seperate being. holy spirit is God's active force.

    Answer 4
    I'm going to address one scripture, That's Matt 3: 16,17;

    (16) (1) who is being baptized, it's Jesus, no argument.
    (2) Next; Gods Holy Spirit, descending as a dove, if Gods Holy
    Spirit is a person, is this person a shape shifter? And if the
    Holy Spirit is one of the three that are one, as stated in the
    Trinity, here we see they are different, Jesus & the dove, BUT
    (3) Now the third part of the trinity speaks & says; this is M Y
    S O N , the beloved, whom I have approved. Why would Jesus
    use ventriloquism, magic(the dove), & at the same time be
    a fleshly human? To deceive all that were there into thinking
    he is three different entities when in fact he's one. Why would
    he be so deceiving? We are told that God spoke from heaven
    at the baptism of Jesus Christ, were we told a lie?

    For all that have not had their eyes blinded by Satan(2 Co 4:4) the scriptures are understandable. Ephesians 4: 5 says;

    1 God, the true God Jehovah(Psalms 83:18 Kings James Version, &
    many other translations)

    1 Lord, we all know who this is, it's Jesus Christ our Lord & savior.

    1 Faith, this would be the faith that procliams Gods Kingdom world
    wide from door to door(Matt 24:14 & Acts 15:14).

    As brought out in the Bible, I planted, Apollos waters, but God makes things grow. So if we Go therefore & make disciples of people of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father(Jehovah), and of the Son(Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirt(Gods power) as written at Matt 28:19, we have done our part & what Jesus has asked us to do as stated at Matt6:9; sanctify(make Holy) Gods name "Jehovah"!

    Answer 5
    The Trinity is a man made doctrine & is not a bible teaching .
    People who believe in the trinity are so desperate to try to prove this false doctrine that they will grab any scripture that even remotely puts God & Jesus together . Most of what they quote as proof only mentions 2 not three . I am sure if a horse race was in the bible & it mentioned the names of the three horses they would think the horses where the trinity .
    The fact that there is no trinity is so easy to understand without confusion as the bible teaches , it is beyond these people who
    have too believe the unbelievable mystery

    Answer 6
    The mention of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit together does not identify them as a Trinity, nor do any of such references go on to explain how or why they are co-equal or co-eternal, which the Trinity doctrine teaches.

    Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are responsible for mankind's salvation, and are mentioned with reference to this activity. They are nowhere said to be one and the same God.

    Both the words of the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament, and the teachings of his apostles, is that the Father alone is Almighty God. Jesus is the divine Son of God, and the Holy Spirit is God's power in action.

    According to the New Testament, all the authority and power possessed by Jesus was GIVEN to him by the Father.
    The HOLY Bible

    Answer 7
    Why is the trinity so hard to understand ?One example The Illustrated Bible Dictionary gives one reason.Speaking of the Trinity ,this publication admits It is not a biblical doctrine in the sense that any formulation of it can be found in the Bible>because the Trinity is not a Biblical doctrine.Trinitarians have been desperately looking for Bible texts even twisting them to find support for their teaching.

    Henry Thayer a scolar who worked on the American Standard Version said The Logos or Word was divine ,not the divine being himself.
    Jesus made a clear distinction between he and his Father when he said This means everlasting life them taking in Knowledge of you and the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ.John 17:3
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

  4. #4
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    Default Trinitarian admitting that trinity is a theory

    Well, I think that the issue is much more complex than you have shown here.

    In fact, there is no short list of Scriptural passages that causes the reader to irresistibly conclude that the doctrine of trinity is being described.

    I think it much more likely that the doctrine of trinity is a sort of religious *theory* which is alone in being in complete agreement with all Scriptures regarding the nature of the relationship between Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit.

    Now, let me backtrack a little and explain. We can show from Scripture - despite what anyone says - that the Father and Jesus are both God (John 20:28; Heb 1:8)

    We also know from Scripture that Jesus prayed to the Father, and that (while on earth, at least) he was subject to the will of the Father.

    Finally, both Jesus himself and the Father in the Old Testament clearly indicate that there is only one God.

    These Scriptures clearly indicate the *beginnings* of trinitarian doctrine. There is only one God; the Father and Jesus are both God; yet clearly the Father and Jesus are not the same person.

    However, progressing from that point, *logically*, requires more knowledge than I possess. We know that the Holy Spirit is treated as a person in some passages in the New Testament - but does that make it a "person" of the Godhead? I can't say, but I think you will admit that mentioning the Holy Spirit in concert with the Father and Jesus is telling - especially when the phrase used is "in the name of...the Holy Spirit", indicating that the Holy Spirit is not only a person, but a person of authority at least *similar* to the Father and Jesus. This could be considered supporting evidence (not proof!) for the idea that the Holy Spirit is
    a) also an integral part of the Godhead
    b) is of similar *or* equal authority with the other persons mentioned

    a) Even someone without collegiate religious education can use logic to determine that something very like the trinity is described by Scripture
    b) It is difficult for that same someone to *prove* using Scripture and logic the precise details of the doctrine of trinity - that is, that all 3 persons are members of the trinity, that all 3 are "co-equal" and "co-eternal". However, such details clearly do not *contradict* Scripture, and there is evidence *supporting* (but not proving) such claims.

    SO, remembering my admittedly lacking education in this area, I conclude that the doctrine of trinity is the most rational explanation of the pertinent Scriptures that is widely supported. The details may or may not be accurate or verified - *I* am not able to prove them. However, the primary premises of the doctrine can clearly be deduced from Scripture, and the more precise details are at least partially supported and never contradicted by Scripture.
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

  5. #5
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    Default Only one answer fully supporting the Trinity

    The doctrine of the Holy Trinity states there is one true God who is made up of three separate but equal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    The Bible does not contain the word Trinity. However, the Holy Trinity is hinted at repeatedly in both the Old and New Testaments. , …

    Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the early Christians prayed and struggled over these hints for a couple of centuries. The concept of the Holy Trinity (three equal persons in one God) was mainstream Christianity in 325 C.E. at the Council of Nicaea and our belief is expressed in the Nicene Creed.

    How this works is not fully known and is one the Christian mysteries.

    The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is shared by most Christian denominations including Roman and Orthodox Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Episcopalians, and the Salvation Army.

    The major non-Trinitarian churches are Christadelphianism, Christian Science, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Arian Catholicism, Unitarianism, Nontrinitarianism, and Oneness Pentecostals

    Links to christian sites were removed according to forum rules.

    With love in Christ.
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

  6. #6
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    Wishing to translate it or at least a part of it to Arabic soon insha Allah
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

  7. #7
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    exellent . brother 3abdelrahman. but Iam sure that they have no answer so as simple reason
    the chirst him self didnot have the answer

  8. #8
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    جزاك الله خيراً
    اخ عبد الرحمن
    سبحان الله الفطرة تخبر الانسان بالحقيقة

    جزاك الله خيراً على الموضوع الجميل وجعله في ميزان حسناتك

  9. #9
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    Great job, brother
    من هنا نبدأ ... وفي الجنة نلتقي
    إن شاء الله

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  10. #10
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    شكرا لكل من مر بالموضوع و شكرا لكل من كتب تعليقا
    و جزاكم الله خيرا
    ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة )
    ثم وصف تعالى ذكره نفسه بأنه المتوحد بخلق جميع الأنام من شخص واحد ، معرفا عباده كيف كان مبتدأ إنشائه ذلك من النفس الواحدة ، ومنبههم بذلك على أن جميعهم بنو رجل واحد وأم واحدة وأن بعضهم من بعض ، وأن حق بعضهم على بعض واجب وجوب حق الأخ على أخيه ، لاجتماعهم في النسب إلى أب واحد وأم واحدة وأن الذي يلزمهم من رعاية بعضهم حق بعض ، وإن بعد التلاقي في النسب إلى الأب الجامع بينهم ، مثل الذي يلزمهم من ذلك في النسب الأدنى وعاطفا بذلك بعضهم على بعض ، ليتناصفوا ولا يتظالموا ، وليبذل القوي من نفسه للضعيف حقه بالمعروف على ما ألزمه الله له (تفسير الطبرى)

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Christians rejecting the Trinity in Yahoo answers

Christians rejecting the Trinity in Yahoo answers