50 Guidelines from the Qur'an and Sunnah

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50 Guidelines from the Qur'an and Sunnah

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Thread: 50 Guidelines from the Qur'an and Sunnah

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    Default 50 Guidelines from the Qur'an and Sunnah


    50 Guidelines from the Qur'an and Sunnah

    Preface - Covenant with Allah

    We, Muslims, all over the world, regardless of our race, color, dialects and ways of life:

    · Believe that there is no God but Allah (SWT) and that Muhammad (PBUH), His messenger, is the seal of all prophets. We believe in Allah (SWT), His angels, His books, His prophets, the Day of Judgment and in Destiny (fortunate or unfortunate). We also believe that Paradise and Hell are real.

    · Believe that the religion revealed by Allah (SWT) to all the prophets is “Islam”. It is the only religion accepted by Allah (SWT) whether from those who lived in the past, are living in the present or might exist in the future until the Day of Judgment. It is the religion Allah (SWT) sent to all his messengers starting from Adam (PBUH), until Muhammad (PBUH), the Seal of prophets.

    · Believe that all humans were created from one soul, that we are all equal; no one is better than another except by the extent of his faith and good deeds. We believe that every prophet was sent specifically to his people except for Muhammad (PBUH), the Seal of prophets, who was sent to all mankind. His message of Islam is the ultimate message that prevails over all previous messages, and corrects what has been altered by the followers of those previous messages.

    · Believe that the Muslim Ummah is responsible before Allah (SWT) to call all Mankind to join Islam and to follow its rational comprehensive way of life, for the wellbeing of all Mankind. Thus, leading people to stop submitting to other humans or to the devil’s temptations, to be steadfast in worshipping Allah (SWT), the one and only God who as the Qur’an declares, “He has not begotten and has not been begotten” (Qur’an 112:3) and “there is nothing whatever like unto Him” (Qur’an 42:11)

    · Believe that this Ummah, when they were devoted to Allah (SWT) and when they properly practiced His laws, followed His rules and honestly strived for His way, were empowered and enabled by Allah to extend the message and realm of Islam.

    · Believe that this Ummah, when they went astray from the right path of Allah (SWT) and the Sunnah of His Prophet (PBUH), to be more attached to the earthly desires and the thirst for money and power, became weak. The enemies and the hypocrites who infiltrated us, first under cover, then publicly, tarnished us with disunity, ethnic and sectarian racism, then spread among us all sorts of corruption and destructive concepts.

    · Believe that when the Muslim Ummah gave up the unity Allah (SWT) commanded them to keep, they were easily torn to scattered helpless countries lacking both free will and international weight. Thus, it became easy prey to all the delusive powers of disbelief who conquered the Islamic countries militarily, politically, economically and culturally.

    · For these reasons, we are determined to repent for all the losses and setbacks caused by our neglect, as well as those caused by our ancestors; and we make a promise before: Allah (SWT), ourselves, our nation and all Mankind that we shall be committed to the following Islamic guidelines and responsibilities. We will remind ourselves with them with every new day till the end of the night. May Allah (SWT) forgive but part of our past deeds, be pleased with us and Bless us with His victory. Ameen…


    First: In Daily Life

    We should:

    1. Replenish our faith through remembering Allah (SWT) by day and night (and at every instant). Call Allah (SWT) through dhikr (remembrance), and supplications mentioned in the Qur’an, and those authentically attributed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We should draw nearer to Allah (SWT) through performing voluntary Sunnah rituals, on top of the obligatory ones, as much to our abilities as possible.

    2. Care for mosques and visit them for each prayer in humbleness. Revive their role as the minarets of teaching Qur’an and Islamic sciences. There, we should strengthen our community bonds, help each other and cooperate together to solve our problems and improve our vocational, health and environmental conditions.

    3. Recite a daily portion of the Qur’an, revise what was memorized, reflect on the meanings, learn its judgments and gain insight on its inimitability.

    4. Study the Hadith and the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), adhere to his authentic Sunnah (example), and seek such knowledge from specialized scholars and books of authentic Hadith.

    5. Adhere to proper Islamic ethics and manners as derived from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, while being mindful of Allah (SWT), judging and correcting ourselves frequently. We should be role models to those around us and we should continuously advise them in the most proper manners.

    6. Adhere to Islamic manners and behavior in all social transactions and relations: with our parents, spouses, children and relatives, with our neighbors and guests, during holidays, while traveling, in sickness, while dining, in the way we dress, in maintaining our cleanliness and the Islamic 'traits of instinct' (Sunab Al-Fitrah).

    7. Perfect our work and perform it with honesty, respect working hours, strive to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills through continuous reading and training. Hence, Muslims should be at the forefront of all domains of life, leading to the prosperity and advancement of humanity, according to the way set for it by Allah (SWT), Lord of all the worlds.

    8. Practice a sport daily, eat in moderation, avoid food and drinks that would harm rather than benefit. Increase our ability to worship and work by getting enough sleep and some permissible recreation.

    9. Use our time efficiently instead of wasting it on TV channels dedicated to distracting our Ummah with: games, contests, elicit movies, pointless shows, senseless songs or amusement celebrity news. We should also abstain from buying any media promoting such materials.

    10. Read and watch serious Islamic media and arts (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV channels). Keep away from media aimed against Islam and Muslims, as well as media that would corrupt our conscience and awareness: ideologically, historically, politically, socially, or ethically.

    Second: In Education and Culture
    We should:

    11. Learn the basics of Islam in terms of: faith, worship, conduct, and law, and teach Islam to our families. Invite our acquaintances and neighbors to study and increase their knowledge of Islam: individually, or in groups; at homes or in mosques.

    12. Seek the revival of Islamic education as part of the core curriculum throughout academic levels and institutions. Collaborate with academic institutions to improve their educational as well as pedagogic standards.

    13. Promote the learning and teaching of Arabic at every academic level and throughout all Muslim countries. This would be the best way to appreciate the Qur’an, comprehend its inimitability and uniqueness, and correctly understand its judgments and objectives.

    14. Refrain from fanaticism or intolerance towards any of the Islamic schools of jurisprudence. Instead, the common Muslim should refer to a qualified teacher, or the Imam of his local mosque, or any recognizable reference books. Those Muslims, who are knowledgeable enough to compare and judge between the available evidences and opinions, can follow what they feel more appropriate while avoiding any personal bias or caprice.

    15. Assist anyone working in the field of preaching, calling to Islam, or doing any community work serving the interest of Muslims. Refrain from fanatical preference for any one group of Muslims to another, that would fragment the efforts and disunite the Ummah.

    16. Be alert and alert others of false practices erroneously followed by many Muslims (out of ignorance or ill intent) such as: sorcery, superstitions, astrology, imploring the blessing of graves of the pious dead, and other violations and errands.

    17. Provide up-to-date scientific and technological information through following up current literature, and publishing abstracts, reviews and translations for specialists. Continuously update the academic curricula. Devote scientific research entirely to the benefit of our Ummah. Beware that social science information and education should be through Islamic sources, and not through Orientalists, or their secularist disciples and advocates.

    18. Monitor what the Western academic and educational institutions (as well as their disciples, agents, and dubious societies and organizations in Muslim countries) are promoting in terms of perverse ideologies, false beliefs, and destructive concepts. Warn the Muslims of the errancies and misguidance therein, and unveil the Western attempts to falsify the truths of Islam and distort the history of its Ummah.

    المسلم حين تتكون لديه العقلية الاسلامية و النفسية الاسلامية يصبح مؤهلاً للجندية و القيادة في آن واحد ، جامعاً بين الرحمة و الشدة ، و الزهد و النعيم ، يفهم الحياة فهماً صحيحاً ، فيستولي على الحياة الدنيا بحقها و ينال الآخرة بالسعي لها. و لذا لا تغلب عليه صفة من صفات عباد الدنيا ، و لا ياخذه الهوس الديني و لا التقشف الهندي ، و هو حين يكون بطل جهاد يكون حليف محراب، و في الوقت الذي يكون فيه سرياً يكون متواضعاً. و يجمع بين الامارة و الفقه ، و بين التجارة و السياسة. و أسمى صفة من صفاته أنه عبد الله تعالى خالقه و بارئه. و لذلك تجده خاشعاً في صلاته ، معرضاً عن لغو القول ، مؤدياً لزكاته ، غاضاً لبصره ، حافظاً لأماناته ، و فياً بعهده ، منجزاً وعده ، مجاهداً في سبيل الله . هذا هو المسلم ، و هذا هو المؤمن ، و هذا هو الشخصية الاسلامية التي يكونها الاسلام و يجعل الانسان بها خير من بني الانسان.

    تابعونا احبتي بالله في ملتقى أهل التأويل

    ملاحظة : مشاركاتي تعبر فقط عن رأيي .فان اصبت فبتوفيق من الله , وان اخطات فمني و من الشيطان

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
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    06:55 PM

    Default مشاركة: 50 Guidelines from the Qur'an and Sunnah

    Third: In Da`awah and Missionary Activities

    We should:

    19. The Ummah should re-assume its long-since-abandoned role in facing and unveiling the falsified creeds, and calling to the truth of Islam, in a convincing direct clear-cut way, without any blandishment or equivocation, to all people on earth; be they People of the Scripture (Jews or Christians), Buddhists, Hindus or atheists.

    20. The responsibility of da`wah (calling others to Islam) lies on every Muslim, each according to his own knowledge and abilities (which he should continuously develop). He is responsible for conveying the message of Islam to all non-Muslims he meets or deals; whether he resides in their lands or they come to Muslim countries for tourism, business or work.

    21. Give great attention to translating da`wah materials (articles, books and other media) to all languages. Train editors and translators for this task, and pay for preparing, publishing and distributing such materials, in the form of publications, audios, video-tapes, CDs or on the Internet.

    22. Focus our da`wah, by peaceful means, towards having all systems and laws in all Muslim countries derived from Islamic Shari`ah and to cancel all what contradicts it.

    23. Seek to have the leadership positions and legislative councils – in all Muslim countries – nominated through free elections.

    24. Help, advise and follow Muslim rulers as long as we do not disobey Allah (SWT). Support them if they support Islam and practice its Shari`ah, and aim for the honor and the unity of the Ummah. To advise them peacefully and rationally if they neglect that.

    25. Avoid and abstain from all sorts of gatherings and festivals held in hypocrisy to rulers, wealthy and influential people. It is through such actions and assemblies that both injustice and corruption flourish.

    26. Hold on to the freedom of all means of expression for individuals and groups. Strive to purify the laws from any restrictions on the freedom or breach of dignity of all citizens. Respect the nation’s free will, such that all affairs are decided according to consultation and public consent,within the framework of Islamic law.

    27. Cooperate through all possible legal means and the media to liberate scholars, intellects, scholars, religious citizens and their families from what they suffer, in many countries; such as unjustified detention, persecution, torture and humiliation.

    Fourth: In Money and Business

    We should:

    28. Verify the correct calculation of the due Zakat as a minimum to pay; and to take the lead to pay it without delay. To pay in addition further charity (as much as affordable) in the form of: money, food, medicine, furniture and equipment … etc.

    29. Check where Zakat is being given and its fair distribution, whether to trustworthy individuals, charity organizations, or governments, and working on reviving the Islamic Zakat House (Bayt ul-Mal) for the nation.

    30. Rationalize our consumption of the necessities and needs to the minimum; with only a bit more of the welfare items for those who can afford it. We should act more restrictively on those luxury and entertainment products, whose components come from hostile non-Muslim countries.

    31. Deal with Islamic banks, and work to establish more new Islamic banks and new branches to counter the usury economy (Riba, Interest)

    32. Educate our family, relatives and nation about the sin, danger and the grave consequences of dealing with foreign banks that deal in Riba.

    33. Be keen on depositing and investing money in Islamic banks of Muslim countries, instead of keeping them in countries hostile to Islam.

    34. In trade and business: concentrate on opening new markets, dealings and projects with Muslim countries and with Muslim businessmen everywhere.

    35. Encourage and facilitate the mobility and residence of employees, experts, projects and capitals (according to agreements of free trade) within Muslim countries. To work for economic integration between them, as a first step towards economic unification.

    36. Encourage Muslim tourism between our countries, while respecting the Islamic laws and ethics in the tourist places. We should also make the materials of da`wah available to introduce Islam to the tourists coming to our countries.

    37. Avoid spending huge sums of money on traveling to non-Muslim countries except for education, training, business or other necessities useful for your nation.

    38. Cooperate medically, by encouraging treatment in Muslim countries, and consolidate our efforts to cure the poor and make medicine available for all residents of Muslim countries.

    39. Boycott products of countries hostile to Islam and Muslims, except for dire necessity. Encourage the products of Muslim countries as long as they comply with the needed specifications. Call on individuals and enterprises to favor our products, through personal contacts and through the media and advertisement.

    Fifth: For the Muslim Unity

    We should:

    40. Call for and consolidate the belief in the importance and vitality of reunifying the Ummah. This can be through: educational systems since childhood, media, and da`wah channels. Pray daily for the nation: to be united once more, to return to the righteous path, and to get support from Allah.

    41. Follow up, on a daily basis, the conditions of the Muslim world as well as the Muslim minorities, from all available Islamic media sources (newspapers, space channels and Internet sites). Discuss our nation’s affairs among family members, neighbors and colleagues.

    42. Be keen on communicating with Muslims from all over the world in their various range of languages. We should get involved in group activities such as Internet discussion groups, visits, conferences and sports’ contests.

    43. Challenge firmly and unveil the lies and deceptions initiated by hostile political and media circles opposing Islam, that seek to implant hatred and animosity among Muslims or use their poverty and ignorance to Christianize them or turn them away from Islam.

    44. Support poor and oppressed Muslim countries and Muslim minorities, that have been exhausted by war and oppressions. Seek methods to reach them with all kinds of aid, and work on fund raising for that purpose, through governmental and voluntary organizations and enterprises.

    45. Provide good, fair and kind treatment to the non-Muslim minorities in Islamic countries, based on equal rights and duties for all citizens, “They have what we have and they have to do what we have to do”. Protect their money, property, honor and blood; and maintain their full religious freedom.

    46. Respond promptly to disasters inflicting Muslims by giving financial and physical aid. Draw the attention of other Muslims to assist in disaster relief.

    47. Strive and cooperate in giving money, effort and thought for the Ummah, in order to possess all means of science, technology and military power, essential to liberate Muslim territories, defend them and fight back any aggression or invasion.

    48. Cooperate to liberate Muslims and their countries from the oppression, aggression or hostilities exercised by the enemies of Islam - ever since its rise and is now at its peak. This only comes by sacrificing money, self, weapons, exchanging information, providing political and media support and making dua`a' after all prayers.

    49. Boycott nations and governments hostile to Islam who fight Muslims in their faith and da`wah, who resist their unity by conspiracies and imposing puppy regimes, and who try to oust them from their own lands. To boycott as well those nations and governments who support our enemies: financially, militarily, politically or internationally.

    50. Stop all kinds of military co-operation with such countries, be they enemies or enemy-supporters, whether by offering military bases, war facilities or exchanging information, etc.
    المسلم حين تتكون لديه العقلية الاسلامية و النفسية الاسلامية يصبح مؤهلاً للجندية و القيادة في آن واحد ، جامعاً بين الرحمة و الشدة ، و الزهد و النعيم ، يفهم الحياة فهماً صحيحاً ، فيستولي على الحياة الدنيا بحقها و ينال الآخرة بالسعي لها. و لذا لا تغلب عليه صفة من صفات عباد الدنيا ، و لا ياخذه الهوس الديني و لا التقشف الهندي ، و هو حين يكون بطل جهاد يكون حليف محراب، و في الوقت الذي يكون فيه سرياً يكون متواضعاً. و يجمع بين الامارة و الفقه ، و بين التجارة و السياسة. و أسمى صفة من صفاته أنه عبد الله تعالى خالقه و بارئه. و لذلك تجده خاشعاً في صلاته ، معرضاً عن لغو القول ، مؤدياً لزكاته ، غاضاً لبصره ، حافظاً لأماناته ، و فياً بعهده ، منجزاً وعده ، مجاهداً في سبيل الله . هذا هو المسلم ، و هذا هو المؤمن ، و هذا هو الشخصية الاسلامية التي يكونها الاسلام و يجعل الانسان بها خير من بني الانسان.

    تابعونا احبتي بالله في ملتقى أهل التأويل

    ملاحظة : مشاركاتي تعبر فقط عن رأيي .فان اصبت فبتوفيق من الله , وان اخطات فمني و من الشيطان

50 Guidelines from the Qur'an and Sunnah

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50 Guidelines from the Qur'an and Sunnah

50 Guidelines from the Qur'an and Sunnah