Quote Originally Posted by نصير الدين View Post

It tells us to believe in REAL prophets . That includes the ones Quran named and ones it didn't name . And for the record , prophet Muhammad peace upon him is the last of the prophets and messengers with the last message to mankind . Anyone who shows up after that claiming prophecy is a false one to us by default .]
Mormons say that the prophet Joseph Smith who is a false prophet is the last prophet (Seal of prophets), but Jesus said many false prophets would come after Him deceiving many. We believe Jesus. When you say our Holy Bible is corrupted, you are attacking Christianity, but I can handle it. That is not my battle. The battle is the Lord's. If I say anything about the Quran heaven help me.

Quote Originally Posted by نصير الدين View Post
We seem to differ a lot here . If th word "faith" means believe without evidence , I'll just use "belief" . We have different reasons to believe that Islam is true . And they're all logical . They don't have to be logical in the sense of "Scientifical and material" but logical to the mind . We see evidence in that the prophet peace upon him can't be a liar - his people always called him the honest and truthful - , we see evidence in that he invites to a true religion exalting the creator from any form of negative charecteristics allegated to him by other ones . We see evidence in the numeral miracles on multiple scales in Quran and Sunnah . But most importantly , we see proof in how it speaks to the pure nature of the heart .]
We see how the Bible speaks of the wickedness in the heart of man. Faith is the substance of the things we hope for and evidence of what is not seen. It is better than a known path. We are saved by God's grace through faith not by good deeds, because it could never satisfy the perfect justice of God. The wages of sin is death, but God's gift is eternal life through Jesus only.

Quote Originally Posted by نصير الدين View Post
you can't possibly mean what you said about logic and faith being different because logic can change and faith is unshakeable . If so , we might someday see this equations of Atheism true (0+0=1) and tha's complete absurdity ! There are things called self evident truths "Badeehyyat" which can never be changed . Scientific and physical laws and theories aren't ones of them and maybe that's what you meant . On the other hand , if faith is unshakable and we should take that as proof , everyone can claim he's on the right path even those who worship cows . And no , it's not unshable . Otherwise , no one of any religion would leave it for another which clearly isn't the case .
Man can make logic and reason his god and miss the mark and plan of God's salvation. We need to know when to stop follow religion and follow God. We can only know this by God's grace through faith.

Quote Originally Posted by نصير الدين View Post
I take it back , there's a huge gap between you and Pandora . I'm talking with two individuals on completely different levels ! And even though you contradict yourself and book with your continuous baseless attacks on Islam , you just keep doing it . Not to mention that you have this annoying habit of spamming slanders one after another which are completely unrelated to the subject . So I'm not wrong when I say you'r clearly insecure .
That gap between us you speak of is bridged by the cross of Jesus Christ. Without the cross you have no bridge at all to God.

Quote Originally Posted by نصير الدين View Post
First of all pal , a miracle doesn't have to be explained with science . And to clear things up , you need to know that "Science" isn't "Knowledge" , it's a mere fragment of it . Science deals only on the material level . So when you want me to explain the existence of angels materially , you're asking for something absurd . Secondly , the miracle of the moon splitting was mainly for the pagans at Makkah who asked for a miracle . Some believed and the stubborn didn't . So it wouldn't be surprising if other people didn't see it . Still , they DID see it . No , I won't show you the crack on the moon by NASA as it's debatable but actual cultures recording the incident .....
I didn't say it had to be backed by science, but when you say there is a visible crack in or on the moon to proof the Moon was spilt, isn't that what you are trying to do?

Quote Originally Posted by نصير الدين View Post
trying to force your slander further by saying "God doesn't do things to show off" is a cheap attempt and it can be used the same way with any mentioned miracle in any religion .
It is true that it can be said of any religion, but not every religion says this miracle was done for the only purpose of showing God's power. You said, I force slander? What I am I doing that you aren't doing or haven't done???

Quote Originally Posted by نصير الدين View Post
And if you keep the STUPID widely spread farce of "Muslims worship the moon" , you're gonna get it . It's enough that Quran says :

The crecent was the adopted by the Ottomans - ever saw the flag of Turkey ? -and it doesn't hold any religious meaning in Islam . I can take any crescent on a mosque and step on it - Not literally of course , that's vandelizing - so can you do the same with a cross ?.
I never said Muslims worship the moon; so don't put words in my mouth. Read carefully what I wrote. I said "there seems to be moon based things I don't understand" I didn't say it is that way. I used the words seems, and I don't understand, and I said nothing about you worshipping the moon. You ask what about the cross? What about it? It is not the same as kissing a black stone. What is the difference between Catholics kissing a stone statue of Mary or saints and Muslims kissing a black stone. I see both as idolatry. I was born and raised Catholic. I could see when I needed to stop following religion and follow God. Can you? The cross is a symbol of Christianity and not an object of worship. It shows we believe Jesus died for our sin and rose from the dead and we do very much worship the word of God in the form of Jesus. Jesus to us Christians is not a messenger; He is the Message.

Quote Originally Posted by نصير الدين View Post
Or like that Jesus walked on water without evidence ? Don't say the Bible because I can claim it's corrupted just to fend you off although I have other reasons to believe it is .
So are you going to discuss like a normal person would or do you just want to embarass yourself more ? I don't have an issue , but if you want it , I can drop the fancy treatment and treat you the same way you treat others .
I never said Jesus walking on water was done to prove God's power even though it does. I have not embarrassed myself, and I don't mind if you treat me the way I treat you or others, but you are not doing that. You appear to be on the defensive and insecurely attacking my person. If you can address issues instead of the person the way I have been and in the depth I have, I might just end up being a Muslim, but I haven't seen anyone come close especially you pal. Nevertheless, blessing to you and may you come to the knowledge of truth.