Christian Missionaries Sweeping the Islamic World

By Sheikh Salman Al-Odeh

From Tape Of Sheikh Salman Al-Odeh, by the same title. Lesson 66, on Monday 12th of Safar, 1413 Hijra.

The sheikh says ....

Let us first discuss some of the new ways that Christian missionaries are using in the Islamic world, these new methods have been applied because the old methods did not prove as effective as the Christian missionaries thought they were. Some of the problems were the great gap between Islam and Christianity such as the principle of trinity and escalation of Jesus PBUH. Some of these new ways are :

1) Misguiding, making similar, lying (Taddlel, khida3, labs Al-7aqaiq) Many books have been written for Muslims, keeping the belief of Muslims, their ideas and general principles in mind. The book "shahadat Al-Quran" which was distributed all around the Islamic world, even in Saudi Arabia . This book was taken from the book "The Lord is one" for Zakariya Boutros. This book talks about the similarities between Islam and Christian faith. They, for example, quote the verse that refers to prophet Jesus PBUH as a prophet, a word and a spirit. They say that is originally the same trinity! Of course this is a false interpretation, a lie. Allah said he blew in Adam of his own spirit, Allah gave his word to Moses, David, Ibraham, Adam, Mohammad PBUH and not only to Jesus. The missionaries base this whole theory on the fact that there are three nouns, i.e. just because of the number. One of their other arguments that they say that "In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful" means three gods!! not one! That is a worst lie than the one before, they ignore that Allah has 99 names that we know, and many more that Allah promised to tell his prophet at the Day of Judgment.

2) Building churches that look similar to mosques: Muslims were turned off from entering churches because they looked different, that also made them feel very uncomfortable with them. They also changed the internal structure of the church to look similar to a mosque; the people sit on the floor and in lines. They have circles (7alaqat) for teaching and that sort of stuff. They started using a new way for reciting the bible that is similar to the Tarteel of Quran. The also try to compare Christ in Islam to Christ in "Christianity". They misquoted Tafseer Al-jalaleen, and make it sound like the Tafseer says Jesus PBUH knows the time of Doomsday (ya3lamu Assa3a), when you refer to Al-Jalaleen you find that the time of Doomsday is known to be very soon when Jesus comes (to3lamu benozolihi assa3a). In other words they lie in a shamefully. This is used to fool the Muslim who is not edu cated about his religion. Another book is "Al-saleeb fi al-injeel wal-quran", where they claim that Sheikh Al-fakhr Al-Razi believes that Jesus was killed on the cross, when you check al-Tafseer Al-Kabeer you find that this is a big lie. Al-Fakhr Al-Razi quoted a question from a Christiana guy then took pages to answer it so they quoted the QUESTION of the Christian guy!!! This is one of many examples.

3)Names : they started using Islamic names, for examples one of their radio stations that has a person that is responsible for answering the questions of the listeners is called "Sheikh Abdallah", his program is called "Allahu Akbar", other radio stations are called "Sawt Al-7aq", "noor 3ala noor". They can use different names but they use these only to confuse Muslims with their misguided preaching.