Compiled By
Abdul Aziz Saleh Al-Shomar

All praises are to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and blessings to
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), his family and his
I had the opportunity to read the book titled “The Most Important
Lessons For Every Muslim” written by Sheikh Abdulaziz Bin
Baz (May Allah have mercy on him), which I think, is a highly
beneficial book to all Muslims. It gives basic requirements for the
foundation of their Aqeedah (creed) and ‘Ibadah (worship). It
struck me that this small but informative book would be of
immense benefit for non-Arabic speaking Muslims, spread all
over the world, if translated into another foreign language.
While translating this book, it dawned on me that the Sheikh has
written this book, primarily for Arab speaking Muslims and thus
has written most of the information very briefly. But this may not
be sufficient for non-Arab Muslims, whose knowledge of Islam is
mixed with their local cultures and practices, resulting in
deviations from pure Islamic monotheism.
It is a known fact that huge numbers of new Muslims are
attracted to Islam from different countries and different cultures.
It is important that knowledge of Islam should be provided to
them with great care and there should be no confusion in the
basic religious knowledge imparted to them. Otherwise, we will
be responsible for all the deviations which might crop up among
these generations of new Muslims.
Hence, I added new information to the original text, giving a
detailed description of some subjects. I also added a few
sections, such as transliteration of some small chapters from the
Quran, to help the new Muslims recite during the prayers andencourage them to start their prayers from day one of their
reverting to Islam.
I added a few chapters to this book when I saw some Muslims
misleading other innocent ones in the area of Iman and Ibadah,
and instead leading them towards Shirk (Polytheism) and finally
to Kufr (Disbelief). These innocent Muslims indulge in Shirk not
only by being unaware of it, but all the time assuming that they
are doing a valid duty in Islam. This sad situation has to be
corrected by every Muslim, by eliminating the remnants of unIslamic Jahiliya (Ignorance) practices, which are still clinging to
the practices of Muslims.
I started with the intention of translation but completed my work
as a compilation. I have to acknowledge the services provided
by brothers Magdi Al-Radi, Jassim Kitchilan, Ibrahim Kunna
Abdulqadir Abdulkhaliq, Waleed Timbang and specially my
brother Soliman Albuthi for their invaluable editing, suggestions
and proofreading of the text.
We will be greatly honored, if this humble effort of all of us could
be of some benefit to the Muslims to improve their knowledge in
Islam, and may Allah accept this service from His humble
