Evolution - the last gasp of a dying dogma
By Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud

Evolution describes the change in genetic material of a population of organisms through successive generations. The accumulation of these small changes over time can cause substantial changes in a population, a process that can result in the emergence of new species (or speciation). Proponents of this theory postulate that similarities among species suggest that all known species are descended from a common ancestor through this process of gradual divergence.
New or existing information? The process is sometimes divided into macroevolution (true evolution), and microevolution (variation), and this distinction is very important as they are two distinct phenomena but evolutionists tend to bundle them together to give their theory more credibility. Microevolution describes the variation within the genetics of a species that allow predominant traits within species to change in response to environmental factors with the most useful traits in each environment surviving. For example, the fastest cheetahs in the Serengeti will survive as they are more likely to catch Gazelles. Equally the fastest Gazelles will survive, as they are more likely to evade the cheetahs. So the existing genes within the species that cause the animals to move faster will survive. Hence they will be selected for and become predominant. I prefer not to use the term microevolution, and would rather call this process adaptation utilising existing variation in the genetics of the species, as no new information has been added, but pre-existing traits have been selected based on environmental pressures.
Macroevolution - or what I will term evolution from now on in this essay, involves two main mechanisms. Genetic mutations which are postulated to alter traits in the species, adding information to the genome, and natural selection, which then selects any beneficial traits, as they are the traits which will survive. The occurrence and selection of further beneficial mutations is alleged to eventually produce different species and phyla.
The crux of this discussion is the following. There are only two possibilities to the origin of all forms of life. There is the Darwinist view that life was a random, chance occurrence, in other words, a pointless accident, and that divergent evolution then led to the appearance of all life forms, and that the theists are deluded, or the alternative view that Allah created the universe and everything in it, including all forms of life, and that all his creation down to the cells and even further to the atoms and electrons, are absolute miracles. This second view would necessitate that evolution is a fraud perpetrated on the people by the institutions that control science and education, who will fabricate and manipulate evidence without hesitation, to prolong the life of their theory.
Evolution underlies the prevailing global system: Evolution is a dangerous, deceptive theory, supported by the establishment, and pushed by all the institutions to break our connection with a creator. It is the bedrock of the materialist philosophy which denies Allah and any accountability for one’s actions, and allows for colonialism, racism, slavery and blind individualism as natural states that exist, as a consequence of the principle of survival of the fittest (natural selection) which pervades all of nature. Natural selection assumes that only a few individuals in each generation will survive, since resources are limited and organisms will produce more offspring than their environment can support. All must therefore use whatever means are at their disposal to survive, and the strongest who have adapted best will survive and evolve, whereas the weak and poorly adapted will die off and become extinct. This cleansing of the weak is necessary to purify the gene pool and prepare it for the next evolutionary step. This same thinking is applied to socioeconomic frameworks, and has resulted in the disastrous situation we find the world in today, dominated by imperialism, war and exploitation.
Clearly, it is important for the Muslim ummah to be well informed about this issue, so as not to be deceived into accepting a theory whose proponents control every scientific discipline, and which is accepted as gospel by media and educational establishments. It is therefore the purpose of this essay to outline the main pillars of evolutionary thinking and tackle them one by one to illustrate the fallacy of the theory