Hi all

I was asked by one of the members of this forum to post the story of my conversion to Islam

My story of becoming a Muslim started just this week
I was a Protestant Christian for all of my life , My parents are both christian theologists who teach christian religion in school. My story in short is that I am a girl who was born to a Christian family and therefore followed Christianity until yesterday
I grew up within Christianity and stayed like that, sort of accepting it without even thinking .

Just this week I realize that I had always accepted Christianity, with Blind faith for my entire life and never had questioned it was perplexing to me. How could I have not realized this before? I could not find the answers in the Bible. Once I realized that the trinity was a myth and that God is powerful enough to save someone without the need for help from a son or anyone or anything else

In my entire life I could think of any religion but not Islam , all I know about Muslims is that they think that a black cubic building is their god & this black building orders them to kill & murder & to treat women’s like slaves & to be a terrorist

I’m sorry for what i said , I was wrong , I have never looked for the truth
just few weeks ago I found a private message in my e-mail & note in my internet profile
by a person named peace lover
This was the note

If you are looking for truth just open this internet link below

Then when I opened the link I start reading and then peace-lover gave me her email & we started communications through windows live messenger for hours
Day after day thoughts started in my mind
Why do I as a Christian only need to connect with God through Jesus, if he were a prophet, then he was as human as we are, though with a higher rank of sanity, but I don't need him to connect me with God, at the end he was God's messenger who delivered God's message, as did other prophets, and if he was God, how could I worship two Gods

Just yesterday after this conversation I realize I was in the wrong path .i asked god to show me the way & I start crying
I want to thank every one who helped me specially peace-lover . I just can’t stop thinking I was in my way to hell through Christianity

Thank you all