I would like to share with you this topic, which will be in several episodes. And I want you to participate and enrichment.
Motivation for this topic
In international discussions on the protection of the environment, Muslims are absent.
Why is this so?
There is almost no Muslim representation in general, both in public debates and in the organizations. Most Muslims are not aware of the relationship between Islam and the protection of the environment even though they see it and living everywhere. The Muslims who keep the rituals of religion believe that religion urges that "nature conservation", which encourages them to exercise in their daily lives, such as the protection of green areas and urged others to do so and the rationalization of water consumption and the economy in the food and reflect on their consumption. In the meantime, the Muslims did not comprehensive field studies on environmental awareness; they did not consider these studies important.
Muslims must first recognize that the relationship between Islam and the environment. For many of them there is no relationship at all between both of them. It may be possible to give the idea of "Islam environmental" push attention to the environment and reflected the lifestyle and daily habits. What I want to alert that Islam is not confined to religious worship, but requires personal responsibility to the world beyond the religious boundaries. The protection of the environment and climate, regardless of all the modern fashions, is the question of spirituality.
In spite that the concept of the modern significance of environmental protection has emerged in Europe by only about forty years, Quran -did not speak in a clear and direct for the protection of the environment of contemporary significance- it contains a number of references: for example, on how to treat animals and compassion, or references to good disposition of the wealth of water, as it should be recognized on the non-excessive use of water in the wash, stressing at the same time that the waste is within the "sins" from the perspective of the Islamic religion.
I try to show how Holy Quran and the Prophet are claiming to preserve the environment and the components of living and non-living, on the basis of human, animal and plant, access to water, air and land... Among the varied and complex reasons for this, perhaps the most telling is that many of us are unaware of the environmental dictates of our religion. Few know that Quranic verses describing nature and natural phenomena outnumber verses dealing with commandments and sacraments.
The earth's resources land, water, air, minerals, forests are available for our use, but these gifts come from Allah with certain ethical restraints imposed on them. We may use them to meet our needs, but only in a way that does not upset ecological balance and that does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs.