من يشرح هذه الفقرة حول كون لا يسمح للمرأة للشهادة في المحكمة في الكتاب المقدس

2 اخبار 36

23 هكذا قال كورش ملك فارس ان الرب اله السماء قد اعطاني جميع ممالك الارض وهو اوصاني ان ابني له بيتا في اورشليم التي في يهوذا.من منكم من جميع شعبه الرب الهه معه وليصعد

2 Chronicles


mentions the Second Temple which was constructed after some Jews returned from exile in Babylon. It was rebuilt by Herod late in the 1st century BCE. One of its features was women's court, considered the least sacred area. Next was the court of the Israelites (reserved for males), then the court of the Priests, and finally the Temple itself. The courts were laid out in this order to separate the women as far as possible from the Temple.

During the Second Temple period, women were not allowed to testify in court trials. They could not go out in public, or talk to strangers. When outside of their homes, they were to be doubly veiled. "They had become second-class Jews, excluded from the worship and teaching of God, with status scarcely above that of slaves."