المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : منتديات الحاسب الألى وشبكة الإنترنت

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  74. Google Speaks: Secrets of the World’s Greatest Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin
  75. Optimization and Control with Applications
  76. Computational Modeling and Complexity Science
  77. Barnes & Noble unveils 'Nook' e-reader
  78. App Wednesday: Batter up!
  79. Comparing Apple's new crop to its classics
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  81. The Assign Group Selects Oracle® Health Sciences Applications to Support Expansion St
  82. Paris Gallery Goes Live with Oracle® Retail Applications to Support Growth and Servic
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  85. Oracle Unveils Winners of 2009 ‘Enable the Eco-Enterprise’ Awards
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  94. The Real Deal 183: All about Windows 7
  95. Acer's Netbook line adds dual-boot Android version
  96. First Look: Apple conjures up Magic Mouse with a dose of multitouch
  97. First impressions of Apple's new 27-inch iMac
  98. Hands-off analysis of Apple's new Mac Minis
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  107. Cyber Security and Global Information Assurance: Threat Analysis and Response Solutio
  108. Digital Communication Systems Using SystemVue
  109. Outlook 2007: Beyond the Manual
  110. Innovative Cryptography
  111. Pro Git
  112. Windows 7 born from Vista's frustrations
  113. Here's the dirt on how to compost
  114. Human behavior: The key to future tech?
  115. Oracle becomes global partner of the DHL Innovation Initiative
  116. Oracle Announces Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Release 2.5
  117. News: "Announcing Oracle Exadata V2"
  118. Amazon set to release Kindle for PC app
  119. Windows 7: The first wave
  120. Upgrade Windows Vista to Windows 7
  121. Robot skis downhill, slaloms into your heart
  122. Monocopter design takes cues from maple seeds
  123. Can you read your robot's emotional state?
  124. Humanoid bot greets guests at Tokyo store
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  126. SnackBot: Polite host, research platform, vending machine
  127. Ninety-foot drop can't stop robot cockroach
  128. Acer's 3D-capable Aspire laptop leaks
  129. Just in time for Halloween: High-tech graveyards
  130. Penny-size nuclear battery keeps going and going
  131. Computer Recognition Systems 2
  132. Innovations and Advanced Techniques in Computer and Information Sciences and Engineer
  133. Algorithms of the Intelligent Web
  134. Open Source Systems Security Certification
  135. Domain Modeling and the Duration Calculus
  136. Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency I
  137. Mule in Action
  138. Becoming Agile: ?in an imperfect world
  139. Datatype-Generic Programming
  140. Dell Adamo XPS can only be opened by rubbing
  141. Check your processor: Toshiba T135-S1310 thin-and-light worth a buy
  142. Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g: Getting Started
  143. Trends in Computer Aided Innovation: Second IFIP Working Conference on Computer Aided
  144. Quantitative Information Fusion for Hydrological Sciences
  145. Innovative Algorithms and Techniques in Automation, Industrial Electronics and Teleco
  146. Speaker Classification II: Selected Papers
  147. Utility Computing Technologies, Standards, And Strategies
  148. Artificial Intelligence Methods in the Environmental Sciences
  149. IBM Cognos 8 Planning
  150. Magento 1.3 Theme Design
  151. Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g: Getting Started
  152. Trends in Computer Aided Innovation: Second IFIP Working Conference on Computer Aided
  153. Quantitative Information Fusion for Hydrological Sciences
  154. Innovative Algorithms and Techniques in Automation, Industrial Electronics and Teleco
  155. Speaker Classification II: Selected Papers
  156. Utility Computing Technologies, Standards, And Strategies
  157. Artificial Intelligence Methods in the Environmental Sciences
  158. IBM Cognos 8 Planning
  159. Magento 1.3 Theme Design
  160. Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g: Getting Started
  161. Trends in Computer Aided Innovation: Second IFIP Working Conference on Computer Aided
  162. Quantitative Information Fusion for Hydrological Sciences
  163. Innovative Algorithms and Techniques in Automation, Industrial Electronics and Teleco
  164. Speaker Classification II: Selected Papers
  165. Utility Computing Technologies, Standards, And Strategies
  166. Artificial Intelligence Methods in the Environmental Sciences
  167. IBM Cognos 8 Planning
  168. Magento 1.3 Theme Design
  169. Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g: Getting Started
  170. Trends in Computer Aided Innovation: Second IFIP Working Conference on Computer Aided
  171. Quantitative Information Fusion for Hydrological Sciences
  172. Innovative Algorithms and Techniques in Automation, Industrial Electronics and Teleco
  173. Speaker Classification II: Selected Papers
  174. Utility Computing Technologies, Standards, And Strategies
  175. Artificial Intelligence Methods in the Environmental Sciences
  176. IBM Cognos 8 Planning
  177. Magento 1.3 Theme Design
  178. Smartphone security threats likely to rise
  179. Review: 'Halo 3' and 'Dead Space'
  180. Review: 'Uncharted 2: Among Thieves'
  181. Two-faced gadget is e-reader plus netbook
  182. Twitter anarchist raided under 'riot' laws
  183. Tech tweeters you should know
  184. 'Apps of the Week: Batter Up!'
  185. Interview: "Better for Business"
  186. PC vs. Mac now vs. PC and Mac then
  187. I just bought a Vista PC, how do I get my free Windows 7 upgrade?
  188. Specs leaked for Dell's super-skinny Adamo XPS
  189. Getting Blu-ray on a new 27-inch iMac
  190. Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g: Getting Started
  191. Trends in Computer Aided Innovation: Second IFIP Working Conference on Computer Aided
  192. Quantitative Information Fusion for Hydrological Sciences
  193. Innovative Algorithms and Techniques in Automation, Industrial Electronics and Teleco
  194. Speaker Classification II: Selected Papers
  195. Utility Computing Technologies, Standards, And Strategies
  196. Artificial Intelligence Methods in the Environmental Sciences
  197. IBM Cognos 8 Planning
  198. Magento 1.3 Theme Design
  199. Smartphone security threats likely to rise
  200. Review: 'Halo 3' and 'Dead Space'
  201. Review: 'Uncharted 2: Among Thieves'
  202. Two-faced gadget is e-reader plus netbook
  203. Twitter anarchist raided under 'riot' laws
  204. Tech tweeters you should know
  205. 'Apps of the Week: Batter Up!'
  206. Interview: "Better for Business"
  207. PC vs. Mac now vs. PC and Mac then
  208. I just bought a Vista PC, how do I get my free Windows 7 upgrade?
  209. Specs leaked for Dell's super-skinny Adamo XPS
  210. Getting Blu-ray on a new 27-inch iMac
  211. Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g: Getting Started
  212. Trends in Computer Aided Innovation: Second IFIP Working Conference on Computer Aided
  213. Quantitative Information Fusion for Hydrological Sciences
  214. Innovative Algorithms and Techniques in Automation, Industrial Electronics and Teleco
  215. Speaker Classification II: Selected Papers
  216. Utility Computing Technologies, Standards, And Strategies
  217. Artificial Intelligence Methods in the Environmental Sciences
  218. IBM Cognos 8 Planning
  219. Magento 1.3 Theme Design
  220. Smartphone security threats likely to rise
  221. Review: 'Halo 3' and 'Dead Space'
  222. Review: 'Uncharted 2: Among Thieves'
  223. Two-faced gadget is e-reader plus netbook
  224. Twitter anarchist raided under 'riot' laws
  225. Tech tweeters you should know
  226. 'Apps of the Week: Batter Up!'
  227. Interview: "Better for Business"
  228. PC vs. Mac now vs. PC and Mac then
  229. I just bought a Vista PC, how do I get my free Windows 7 upgrade?
  230. Specs leaked for Dell's super-skinny Adamo XPS
  231. Getting Blu-ray on a new 27-inch iMac
  232. Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g: Getting Started
  233. Trends in Computer Aided Innovation: Second IFIP Working Conference on Computer Aided
  234. Quantitative Information Fusion for Hydrological Sciences
  235. Innovative Algorithms and Techniques in Automation, Industrial Electronics and Teleco
  236. Speaker Classification II: Selected Papers
  237. Utility Computing Technologies, Standards, And Strategies
  238. Artificial Intelligence Methods in the Environmental Sciences
  239. IBM Cognos 8 Planning
  240. Magento 1.3 Theme Design
  241. Smartphone security threats likely to rise
  242. Review: 'Halo 3' and 'Dead Space'
  243. Review: 'Uncharted 2: Among Thieves'
  244. Two-faced gadget is e-reader plus netbook
  245. Twitter anarchist raided under 'riot' laws
  246. Tech tweeters you should know
  247. 'Apps of the Week: Batter Up!'
  248. Interview: "Better for Business"
  249. PC vs. Mac now vs. PC and Mac then
  250. I just bought a Vista PC, how do I get my free Windows 7 upgrade?