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يوجد حاليا, 103 ضيف/ضيوف 0 عضو/أعضاء يتصفحون الموقع.

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القائمة الرئيسة

  التـصنـــيـف العــــــام
  الكـتـب الجــديـــــــدة
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ابحث في المكتبة ..
الكتاب   المؤلف

  التصنيـف العـام > English Books

  بيانات الكتاب ..

العنوان  The Status of Jesus in Islam
المؤلف  Shaykh Rabee bin Hadee Al-Madkhalee
نبذه عنه

In this brief treatise, the author sets out to clarify Islam’s true position towards Jesus, which is the middle course between two extremes. At one extreme there are those who believe that Jesus is God, the Son of God or part of a divine trinity while on the other extreme there are others who slander him and deny his message.

The correct belief regarding Jesus as confirmed in the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad’s teachings is that he was no more than a prophet and messenger of God sent with the same message as all the prophets before him such as Moses, Abraham and Noah. That message was to worship God alone and avoid false deities. This is the one true unwavering message of the Creator to His creation throughout the course of time, and it is the same message that Jesus brought to his people and which Muhammad brought to his people after him.

We hope that this short treatise will serve as an invitation to Christians to reflect on the beauty and simplicity of Islam, which has taken a moderate stance towards Jesus, assigning him a lofty role as one of the foremost messengers of God.
About the Author:

Dr. Rabee’ Ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee is one of the well-known scholars of Saudi Arabia. He is a former graduate and professor at the renowned Islamic University of Madeenah. He has authored numerous books and treatises about Islam which clarify misconceptions and false notions concerning it.

تاريخ الإضافة  02 / 12 / 2008
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انشاء الصفحة: 2.09 ثانية