قاموس مصطلحات الكتاب المقدس

آخـــر الـــمـــشـــاركــــات

من هنا حمل واسمع الى كل مصاحف المشايخ والقراء على النت نسالكم الدعاء » آخر مشاركة: ابو ياسمين دمياطى | == == | اذاعة القرأن الكريم من شبكة الكعبة » آخر مشاركة: ابو ياسمين دمياطى | == == | حصرى اكبر مكتبة صوتية على شبكة النت تضم 12,000 تلاوة لكبار المقرئين فى مصر » آخر مشاركة: ابو ياسمين دمياطى | == == | سلسلة تغريدات_ناصر القطامي » آخر مشاركة: ابو ياسمين دمياطى | == == | سلسلة خير الأخلاق _ سعد بن عتيق العتيق - عبد اللطيف بن هاجس الغامدي - محمد بن عبد الله الدويش » آخر مشاركة: ابو ياسمين دمياطى | == == | شرح مصطلح الحديث - سعد بن عبدالله الحميد » آخر مشاركة: ابو ياسمين دمياطى | == == | شرح مفتاح الوصول إلى بناء الفروع على الأصول _ محمد المختار الشنقيطي » آخر مشاركة: ابو ياسمين دمياطى | == == | علم الجرح والتعديل ... نظرياً و تطبيقيا - حاتم بن عارف الشريف » آخر مشاركة: ابو ياسمين دمياطى | == == | علمني محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم (2) - راشد بن عثمان الزهراني » آخر مشاركة: ابو ياسمين دمياطى | == == | سلسلة يا الله - نبيل بن علي العوضي » آخر مشاركة: ابو ياسمين دمياطى | == == |

مـواقـع شـقــيـقـة
شبكة الفرقان الإسلامية شبكة سبيل الإسلام شبكة كلمة سواء الدعوية منتديات حراس العقيدة
البشارة الإسلامية منتديات طريق الإيمان منتدى التوحيد مكتبة المهتدون
موقع الشيخ احمد ديدات تليفزيون الحقيقة شبكة برسوميات شبكة المسيح كلمة الله
غرفة الحوار الإسلامي المسيحي مكافح الشبهات شبكة الحقيقة الإسلامية موقع بشارة المسيح
شبكة البهائية فى الميزان شبكة الأحمدية فى الميزان مركز براهين شبكة ضد الإلحاد

يرجى عدم تناول موضوعات سياسية حتى لا تتعرض العضوية للحظر









قاموس مصطلحات الكتاب المقدس

صفحة 3 من 5 الأولىالأولى ... 2 3 4 ... الأخيرةالأخيرة
النتائج 21 إلى 30 من 47

الموضوع: قاموس مصطلحات الكتاب المقدس

العرض المتطور

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2005
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    على الساعة
    11:58 PM


    ((العهـــد القــديم )) Old Testament

    سفر التكوين
    Genesis (Gen)

    سفر الخروج
    Exodus (Exod)

    سفر اللاويين
    Leviticus (Lev)

    سفر العدد
    Numbers (Num)

    سفر التثنية
    Deuteronomy (Deut)

    سفر يشوع
    Joshua (Josh)

    سفر القضاة
    Judges (Judg)

    سفر راعوث

    صموئيل الأول
    I Samuel (I sam)

    صموئيل الثاني
    II Samuel (II sam)

    ملوك الأول
    I Kings (I Kgs)

    ملوك الثاني
    II kings (II Kgs)

    أخبار الأيام 1
    I Chronicles (I Chron)

    أخبار الأيام 2
    II Chronicles (II Chron)

    سفر عزرا

    سفر نحميا
    Nehemiah (Neh)

    سفر استير

    سفر أيوب

    سفر المزامير
    Psalms (Ps)

    سفر الأمثال
    Proverbs (Prov)

    سفر الجامعة
    Ecclesiastes (Eccles)

    نشيد الإنشاد
    Song of Solomon or

    Song of Songs (S of S)

    سفر أشعياء
    Isaiah (Isa)

    سفر أرميا
    Jeremiah (Jer)

    مراثي أرميا
    Lamentations (Lam)

    سفر حزقيال
    Ezekiel (Ezek)

    سفر دانيال
    Daniel (Dan)

    سفر هوشع
    Hosea (Hos)

    سفر يوئيل

    سفر عاموس

    سفر عوبديا
    Obadiah (Obad)

    سفر يونان

    سفر ميخا

    سفر ناحوم

    سفر حبقوق
    Habakkuk (Hab )

    سفر صفنيا
    Zephaniah (Zeph)

    سفر حجى
    Haggai (Hag)

    سفر زكريا
    Zechariah (Zech)

    سفر ملاخى
    ( Mal ) . Malachi
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2005
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    11:58 PM


    Glossary of Technical Words Used In The Church

    altar - table on which bread and wine are consecrated to God
    altar servers - boys and girls who help during Mass
    anoint - to pour oil
    apostolic - relating to the first twelve disciples of Jesus (Apostles), or their teachings and practice
    Articles of War - ******** signed by someone on becoming a Salvation Army soldier at an enrolment, or swearing in, ceremony also called a soldier's covenant
    atonement - reconciliation between God and people
    Award scheme - part of the Junior Soldier programme which includes teaching about Salvation Army History, worship and service
    baptism - immersion or sprinkling to show that a person has been forgiven and joined the church
    Baptistry - pool for baptism by immersion
    Bible - the key collection of religious writings for Christians, including the 'Old' and 'New' Testaments
    Bishop - senior clergyman in charge of a diocese
    bless - to set apart, consecrate, by a religious ceremony
    'Blood and Fire' - the motto of The Salvation Army; 'Blood' refers to the work of the cross and the 'Fire' refers to the work of the Holy Spirit
    Booth, Catherine and William - the founders of The Salvation Army
    born again - having a personal faith in Jesus Christ; a phrase used by Jesus
    cadet - soldier training to be an officer in the Salvation Army
    celibacy - choosing to remain single and not have sexual relationships
    chalice - cup for communion wine
    Children's Liturgy - group for children
    christening - baptism, usually of infants
    citadel - name for a Salvation Army hall
    Clergy - those ordained for religious service
    Clerk - keeper of the records
    commanding officer - the leader in charge of a Salvation Army corps
    communion - sharing of bread and wine to remember Jesus' death
    community programme - work to relieve need and help in the community
    confession - admitting one's sins for forgiveness
    confirmation - when a baptised person confirms their Christian faith and is admitted to full participation in the Church
    congregation - group of people gathered for worship
    consecration - when the bread and wine are ritually offered to God in Catholic Mass
    corps - group of Salvationists in one area
    corps council - group of Salvationists and friends which help to organise the Salvation Army corps
    covenant - agreement/contract between God and people
    creed - summary of Christian belief
    Deacons - church leaders with practical responsibilities
    Deacons' Courts - group of Deacons giving leadership within a church (Free Church of Scotland)
    dedication - ceremony in which God's blessing is asked for a child
    denomination - group with its own distinctive interpretation of the Christian faith
    diocese - district under the Pastoral care of a Bishop
    disciple - follower; for Christians, a follower of Jesus
    doctrines - set of beliefs
    Elders - group of leaders of a church community
    established - to give (a church) the status of a national institution
    established church - to give (a church) the status of a national institution
    Eucharist - thanksgiving, Holy Communion - sharing of bread and wine to remember Jesus' death
    evangelical - Christians who believe in the authority of the Bible and the need of forgiveness through Jesus Christ
    evangelism - spreading the Christian message
    faith - secure belief in God
    fast - to keep from eating food, or certain foods
    Gaelic - celtic language spoken in Scotland
    General - the international leader of the Salvation Army
    General Assembly - Governing body (in the Church of Scotland and the Free Church of Scotland)
    genuflect - to kneel on one knee
    gospel - the good news of Jesus Christ
    holiness - purity, Godliness
    holiness table - table at the front of a citadel where people may pray for power to be more holy
    Holy Communion - sharing of bread and wine to remember Jesus' death
    Holy Table - altar, communion table
    Holy Water - water set apart for a religious purpose
    homily - talk explaining the passage from the Bible that is set for the day
    host - bread consecrtaed in the Eucharist
    icon - representation of Christ or a saint
    immersion - plunged under water
    independent - run by it's own members
    Junior soldiers - members of the SalvationArmy between seven and fourteen years of age
    Kirk Session - Minister and Elders leading the church (Presbyterian churches)
    laity - people who are not clergy
    lay - involving people who are not clergy
    Lay Readers - involving people who are not clergy
    Leadership team - group of leaders of a church community
    leadings - sense of direction from God
    Lectionary - set themes following the festivals and special days of the Christian year
    liturgy - fixed forms of public worship used in churches
    local officer - person with a certain responsibility in a Salvation Army corps
    Lord High Commissioner - the Queen's appointed representative at the annual General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
    Lord's Supper - another phrase for Holy Communion
    Mass - ritual of chants, readings, prayers and other ceremonies used in the celebration of the Eucharist in the Catholic church
    "Meetings for Sufferings" - Quaker meeting to direct the use of money
    mercy seat - bench in a Salvation Army hall where people kneel to pray
    Methodist circuit - group of Methodist churches linked together in a local area
    ministry - (1) teaching from the Bible; (2) receiving personal prayer and counselling (3) a personal gift or ability from God
    minutes - written record of what was agreed
    Mission Statement - summary of aims
    missionary - Christian worker sent to do religious and social work
    Moderator - Presbyterian Minister, presiding over (chairman of) General Assembly, Kirk Session or Presbytery
    non-conformist - church that is not Church of England (they were founded by people who would not conform to the 1662 Act of Uniformity)
    offering - something given to God, often money
    ordained - set apart to be a Priest, Pastor or Minister, Bishop or Deacon
    paedo-baptism - baptising infants
    parish - area a Vicar looks after
    parish church - a church that exists to look after the spiritual needs of everyone living in a particular area
    parochial - relating to a parish
    passover - Jewish festival remembering the Jews' escape from slavery, written about in the Old Testament of the Bible
    Pastor - leader of the church, cares for the people
    Pastoral Care Council - group of local officers
    pew - fixed wooden seats in older churches
    preaching - a talk or presentation exploring God's hopes for all people, often explaining a passage from the Bible
    precentor - one who leads the singing
    Presbytery - a council made up of ministers and Elders from churches in a particular geographical area, having oversight of all ministers, Kirk Sessions and congregations within its bounds
    Presbyterianism - the form of church government in which Elders and Ministers govern through 'courts' (as opposed to government involving Bishops - 'episcopacy')
    Priest - ordained Minister of Roman Catholic, Anglican or Orthodox church
    promise - (Salvation Army) is made when a junior soldier is enrolled as a member
    prostration - to kneel with the forehead touching the ground as a sign of repentance
    protestant - Christian who is not a member of the Roman Catholic or Orthodox churches
    Psalter - book of Psalms set to music
    pulpit - platform for preaching
    purity - clean, free (from sin and guilt)
    Rector - Vicar of what was once an important parish
    Reformation - movement for reform in the Christian church in the sixteenth century
    remission - God's pardon or forgiveness of sins
    repentance - turning back to God, redirecting one's life towards God
    resurrection - rising from the dead
    revival - a re-awakening of faith, a period of renewed religious interest
    Rosary of the Virgin Mary - string of beads used to say Our Father's, Hail Mary's and Glory Be's, whilst meditating on the main events of Jesus' life, death and resurrection
    sacrament - a ceremony that Christians believe brings God's blessing to those who share in it. Specifically, these are baptism and communion, and for Roman Catholic and Eastern churches also penance, confirmation, holy orders (being a Bishop, Priest or Deacon), marriage and the Sacrament of the Sick (for those with serious illness).
    sacrifice - giving up something of value
    salvation - rescued by God from the guilt and power of sin (wrongdoing)
    salvation meeting - religious service which emphasises the Bible teaching about Christ's sacrifice on the cross
    Salvationist - committed member of The Salvation Army and a Salvation Army; newspaper for Salvationists
    sanctity - holiness, set apart for God
    save - rescue (by God) from the guilt and power of sin (wrongdoing)
    sergeant major - local officer who helps to organize the Salvation Army corps
    sermon - talk explaining a Bible passage
    service of dedication - service giving a child's life into God's care
    sidesman - person who welcomes people when they arrive, and clears up after a service
    sin - disobeying the will of God; wrongdoing
    sins - wrong things people do, that break the laws of God
    singing company - choir of junior soldiers in the Salvation Army
    sinless - free from wrongdoing
    songster brigade - Salvation Army choir
    speaking in tongues - a God-given language
    stoup - bowl containing holy water
    symbol - something that represents or stands for something else
    testimony - a talk telling of a person's own Christian life
    The Christian Mission - the group of Christians which became The Salvation Army
    The William Booth College - centre for training Salvation Army officers
    Theophany - festival celebrating baptism of Christ
    timbrel - a tambourine
    tongues - a God-given language
    transubstantiation - the belief that the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ, with only the appearances of bread and wine remaining
    Trinity - the union of three persons in one God - Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit
    uniform - worn by Salvationists as a Christian witness
    usher - person who welcomes people at the door
    vestments - clothes worn for official acts
    Vicar - leader of an Anglican Church
    witnessing - identifying as Christians
    worship - giving reverent attention to God
    young people's band - brass band composed of junior soldiers of the Salvation Army
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2005
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    على الساعة
    11:58 PM


    Glossary of Christianity
    إعداد: سمير الشناوي
    شيري نبيل
    altar - table on which bread and wine are consecrated to God مذبح
    altar servers - boys and girls who help during Mass خدام المذبح
    anoint – to pour oil يمسح - يدهن
    apostolic - relating to the first twelve disciples of Jesus (Apostles), or their teachings and practice رسولي
    Atonement - reconciliation between God and people الكفارة
    baptism - immersion or sprinkling to show that a person has been forgiven and joined the church المعمودية
    Baptistery - pool for baptism by immersion جرن المعمودية
    Bible - the key collection of religious writings for Christians, including the 'Old' and 'New' Testaments الكتاب المقدس
    Bishop - senior clergyman in charge of a diocese أسقف
    bless – to set apart, consecrate, by a religious ceremony يبارك
    born again - having a personal faith in Jesus Christ; a phrase used by Jesus الميلاد الثاني
    celibacy - choosing to remain single and not have sexual relationships العفة
    chalice - cup for communion wine الكأس
    Children's Liturgy - group for children صلوات للأطفال
    Christening - baptism, usually of infants التعميد
    Clergy - those ordained for religious service الاكليروس
    Clerk - keeper of the records كاتب
    communion - sharing of bread and wine to remember Jesus' death التناول
    Confession - admitting one's sins for forgiveness الاعتراف
    confirmation - when a baptised person confirms their Christian faith and is admitted to full participation in the Church التثبيت
    congregation - group of people gathered for worship اجتماع
    consecration - when the bread and wine are ritually offered to God in Catholic Mass التقديس
    covenant - agreement/contract between God and people عهد
    creed - summary of Christian belief قانون الإيمان
    Deacons - church leaders with practical responsibilities دياكون
    Dedication - ceremony in which God's blessing is asked for a child صلاة مباركة الطفل
    denomination - group with its own distinctive interpretation of the Christian faith فرقة
    diocese - district under the Pastoral care of a Bishop أسقفية
    disciple – follower; for Christians, a follower of Jesus تلميذ
    doctrines - set of beliefs معتقدات
    Elders - group of leaders of a church community شيوخ الكنيسة
    Established - to give (a church) the status of a national institution تأسيس
    Eucharist - thanksgiving, Holy Communion - sharing of bread and wine to remember Jesus' death الافخارستية ( سر الشكر)
    Evangelical - Christians who believe in the authority of the Bible and the need of forgiveness through Jesus Christ إنجيلي
    Evangelism - spreading the Christian message الإنجليية
    faith - secure belief in God الإيمان
    fast - to keep from eating food, or certain foods الصيام
    genuflect - to kneel on one knee الركوع على ركبة واحدة
    gospel - the good news of Jesus Christ الإنجيل – البشارة
    holiness - purity, Godliness قداسة
    holiness table - table at the front of a citadel where people may pray for power to be more holy منضدة القداسة
    Holy Communion - sharing of bread and wine to remember Jesus' death التناول
    Holy Table - altar, communion table المذبح
    Holy Water - water set apart for a religious purpose الماء المقدس
    homily - talk explaining the passage from the Bible that is set for the day عظة
    host - bread consecrated in the Eucharist الخبز المقدس
    icon - representation of Christ or a saint أيقونة
    Immersion - plunged under water تغطيس
    independent - run by it's own members مستقلة
    laity - people who are not clergy العامة (غير الاكليروس)
    lay - involving people who are not clergy العامة (غير الاكليروس)
    Lay Readers - involving people who are not clergy العامة (غير الاكليروس)
    Leadership team - group of leaders of a church community مجموعة القادة
    leadings - sense of direction from God قيادة المجموعة في اتجاه روحي
    Lectionary - set themes following the festivals and special days of the Christian year الكتب الطقسية
    liturgy - fixed forms of public worship used in churches طقس
    Lord's Supper - another phrase for Holy Communion العشاء الرباني
    Mass - ritual of chants, readings, prayers and other ceremonies used in the celebration of the Eucharist in the Catholic church القداس
    "Meetings for Sufferings" - Quaker meeting to direct the use of money اجتماع لجمع العطايا المالية
    mercy seat - كرسي الرحمة
    Methodist circuit - group of Methodist churches linked together in a local area مجموعة الكنائس المشيخية المحلية
    ministry - (1) teaching from the Bible; (2) receiving personal prayer and counselling (3) a personal gift or ability from God الوعظ – الخدمة –
    الموهبة الروحية
    minutes - written record of what was agreed محاضر
    Mission Statement - summary of aims بيان المهام
    Missionary - Christian worker sent to do religious and social work مرسل – إرسالية
    Moderator - Presbyterian Minister, presiding over (chairman of) General Assembly, Kirk Session or Presbytery خادم مشيخي
    non-conformist - church that is not Church of England (they were founded by people who would not conform to the 1662 Act of Uniformity( الكنائس غير كنيسة انجلترا
    offering - something given to God, often money قربان - عطاء
    ordained - set apart to be a Priest, Pastor or Minister, Bishop or Deacon مرسوم
    paedo-baptism - baptising infants تعميد الأطفال
    parish - area a Vicar looks after الابراشية
    parish church - a church that exists to look after the spiritual needs of everyone living in a particular area كنيسة الابراشية
    parochial - relating to a parish ابراشي
    passover - Jewish festival remembering the Jews' escape from slavery, written about in the Old Testament of the Bible عيد الفصح (من الأعياد اليهودية)
    Pastor - leader of the church, cares for the people الراعي
    Pastoral Care Council - group of local officers المجلس الرعوي
    pew - fixed wooden seats in older churches المقاعد
    preaching - a talk or presentation exploring God's hopes for all people, often explaining a passage from the Bible الوعظ
    Priest - ordained Minister of Roman Catholic, Anglican or Orthodox church قس
    prostration - to kneel with the forehead touching the ground as a sign of repentance السجود
    protestant - Christian who is not a member of the Roman Catholic or Orthodox churches بروتستانتي
    Psalter - book of Psalms set to music كتاب المزامير المغناة
    pulpit - platform for preaching المنبر
    purity - clean, free (from sin and guilt( الطهارة
    Rector - Vicar of what was once an important parish وكيل الإبراشية
    Reformation - movement for reform in the Christian church in the sixteenth century حركة الإصلاح
    remission - God's pardon or forgiveness of sins الغفران الإلهي
    repentance - turning back to God, redirecting one's life towards God التوبة
    resurrection – rising from the dead القيامة
    revival - a re-awakening of faith, a period of renewed religious interest النهضة
    Rosary of the Virgin Mary - string of beads used to say Our Father's, Hail Mary's and Glory Be's, whilst meditating on the main events of Jesus' life, death and resurrection السبحة الوردية
    sacrament - a ceremony that Christians believe brings God's blessing to those who share in it. Specifically, these are baptism and communion, and for Roman Catholic and Eastern churches also penance, confirmation, holy orders (being a Bishop, Priest or Deacon), marriage and the Sacrament of the Sick (for those with serious illness) الأسرار المقدسة (سبعة أسرار مقدسة، وهي: سر المعمودية وسر المسحة وسر التناول وسر التوبة والاعتراف وسر الزيجة المقدسة وسر مسحة المرضى وسر الكهنوت
    sacrifice - giving up something of value التضحية
    salvation - rescued by God from the guilt and power of sin (wrongdoing( الخلاص
    salvation meeting - religious service which emphasises the Bible teaching about Christ's sacrifice on the cross اجتماع خلاصي
    sanctity - holiness, set apart for God القداسة
    save - rescue (by God) from the guilt and power of sin (wrongdoing( الخلاص
    sermon - talk explaining a Bible passage العظة
    service of dedication - service giving a child's life into God's care التكريس
    sidesman – person who welcomes people when they arrive, and clears up after a service من يستقبل الناس ويودعهم عقب انتهاء الصلاة
    sin - disobeying the will of God; wrongdoing الخطية
    sins - wrong things people do, that break the laws of God الخطايا
    sinless - free from wrongdoing بار
    speaking in tongues - a God-given language موهبة التكلم بألسنة
    stoup - bowl containing holy water جرن الماء المقدس
    symbol - something that represents or stands for something else الرمز
    testimony - a talk telling of a person's own Christian life الشهادة
    Theophany - festival celebrating baptism of Christ عيد الغطاس
    timbrel - a tambourine الدفوف
    tongues - a God-given language الألسنة
    transubstantiation - the belief that the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ, with only the appearances of bread and wine remaining الإيمان بتحول الخبز والخمر إلى الجسد والدم
    Trinity - the union of three persons in one God - Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit الثالوث الأقدس (الآب والابن والروح القدس)
    usher - person who welcomes people at the door مرشد إلى الأماكن
    vestments – clothes worn for official acts ملابس رسمية
    Vicar - leader of an Anglican Church قس في كنيسة انجليكانية
    witnessing - identifying as Christians الشهادة
    worship - giving reverent attention to God العبادة
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2005
    آخر نشاط
    على الساعة
    11:58 PM


    This is Donald Gerardi’s edited version of the Glossary for the Study of Jusaism, Christianity and Islam, version 9112 (1991 December), uncopyrightable factual information. Prepared initially by Robert A. Kraft, University of Pennsylvania, and intended to be used freely in the public domain in this and any updated versions (based partly on materials from introductory ****books by Phillip Sigal, Jacob Neusner, Michael Fishbane, Sandra Frankiel, Frederick Denny, Kenneth Cragg).

    * indicates that the word/term that follows is a glossary entry.
    <a>...</> Arabic word, especially used in Islamic studies.
    <h>...</> Hebrew (or Aramaic) word, especially used in Judaism.
    <g>...</> Greek word, especially used in Christianity.
    <l>...</> Latin word, especially used in Christianity.
    \diacritics follow the letter to which they pertain.coding:
    * indicates that the word/term that follows is a glossary entry.
    <a>...</> Arabic word, especially used in Islamic studies.
    <h>...</> Hebrew (or Aramaic) word, especially used in Judaism.
    <g>...</> Greek word, especially used in Christianity.
    <l>...</> Latin word, especially used in Christianity.
    \diacritics follow the letter to which they pertain.

    Abraham (adj. Abrahamic). The *patriarch who is acknowledged as a special early figure in the histories and folklore of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Presumed to have lived sometime in the period 2000-1700 BCE; father of Ishmael by Hagar and of Isaac by Sarah. See *Bible Genesis 12-25; NT Galatians 3-4; Quran 37.83=113, 2.124-140, and frequently. Abraham (adj. Abrahamic). The *patriarch who is acknowledged as a special early figure in the histories and folklore of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Presumed to have lived sometime in the period 2000-1700 BCE; father of Ishmael by Hagar and of Isaac by Sarah. See *Bible Genesis 12-25; NT Galatians 3-4; Quran 37.83=113, 2.124-140, and frequently.
    AD = <l>anno domini</> ("year of the Lord"). See *CE. AD = <l>anno domini</> ("year of the Lord"). See *CE. AD = <l>anno domini</> ("year of the Lord"). See *CE. AD = <l>anno domini</> ("year of the Lord"). See *CE.
    am haaretz (pl. <h>ammey haaretz</>; Heb., "people of the land"). A term used in Jewish *******ures for citizens, or some particular class of citizens; in rabbinic literature, for persons or groups that dissented from or were uninstructed in rabbinic *halakah and rigorous purity and tithing norms. It sometimes signifies the unlearned, sometimes is used condescendingly (boor). It was also used of the broad mass of Jewish people of the 1st century CE, who cannot be categorized into any of the sub-groups of the time. See also *Pharisees. am haaretz (pl. <h>ammey haaretz</>; Heb., "people of the land"). A term used in Jewish *******ures for citizens, or some particular class of citizens; in rabbinic literature, for persons or groups that dissented from or were uninstructed in rabbinic *halakah and rigorous purity and tithing norms. It sometimes signifies the unlearned, sometimes is used condescendingly (boor). It was also used of the broad mass of Jewish people of the 1st century CE, who cannot be categorized into any of the sub-groups of the time. See also *Pharisees.
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  5. #5
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2005
    آخر نشاط
    على الساعة
    11:58 PM


    ((الأسفار القانونية الثانية ,تابعة للعهد القديم )) حَذَفَها البروتستنت)

    سفر طوبيا

    سفر يهوديت

    تتمة سفر أستر

    سفر الحكمة

    سفر يسوع بن سيراخ
    Jushua Son of Sirach

    سفر نبوة باروخ

    تتمة سفر دنيال

    سفر المكابيين الأول
    First of Maccabees

    سفر المكابيين الثاني
    Second of Maccabees

    المزمور 151
    Paslam 151
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2005
    آخر نشاط
    على الساعة
    11:58 PM


    ((العهد الجديد)) New Testament

    إنجيل متّى
    St Matthew (Matt)

    إنجيل مرقس
    St mark

    إنجيل لوقا
    St luke

    إنجيل يوحنا
    St John

    أعمال الرسل

    رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل رومية
    Romans (Rom)

    رسالة بولس الرسول الأولى إلى أهل كورنثوس
    I Corinthians (I Cor)

    رسالة بولس الرسول الثانية إلى أهل كورنثوس
    II Corinthians (II Cor)

    رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل غلاطية
    Galatians (Gal)

    رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل افسس
    Ephesians (Eph)

    رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل فيلبى
    Philippians (Phil)

    رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل كولوسى
    Colossians (Col)

    رسالة بولس الرسول الأولى إلى أهل تسالونيكى
    I Thessalonians (I Thess)

    رسالة بولس الرسول الثانية إلى أهل تسالونيكى
    II Thessalonians (II Thess)

    رسالة بولس الرسول الأولى إلى تيموثاوس
    I Timothy (I Tim)

    رسالة بولس الرسول الثانية إلى تيموثاوس
    II Timothy (II Tim)

    رسالة بولس الرسول إلى تيطس
    Titus (Tit)

    رسالة بولس الرسول إلى فيلمون
    Philemon (Philem)

    الرسالة إلى العبرانيين
    Hebrews (Heb)

    رسالة يعقوب
    James (Jas)

    رسالة بطرس الأولى
    I Peter (I Pet)

    رسالة بطرس الثانية
    II Peter (II Pet)

    رسالة يوحنا الأولى
    I John

    رسالة يوحنا الثانية
    II John

    رسالة يوحنا الثالثة
    III John

    رسالة يهوذا

    سفر الرؤيا
    Revelation (Rev) or Apocalypse

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة نسيبة بنت كعب ; 27-10-2007 الساعة 12:23 AM
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  7. #7
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007
    آخر نشاط
    على الساعة
    10:36 PM


    بسم الله ما شاء الله
    بارك الله فيكم على هذه التجميعة الرائعة للمصطلحات سأسعى لحفظها عن ظهر قلب
    أنا لى باع فى مجال الترجمة و الحمد لله من قبل و من بعد و أرجو أن تشركونى فى أعمال الترجمة عسى الله أن ننال منه الخير إن شاء الله
    فى انتظار الرد
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  8. #8
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2005
    آخر نشاط
    على الساعة
    11:58 PM


    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة a muslim مشاهدة المشاركة
    بسم الله ما شاء الله
    بارك الله فيكم على هذه التجميعة الرائعة للمصطلحات سأسعى لحفظها عن ظهر قلب
    أنا لى باع فى مجال الترجمة و الحمد لله من قبل و من بعد و أرجو أن تشركونى فى أعمال الترجمة عسى الله أن ننال منه الخير إن شاء الله
    فى انتظار الرد

    اخى المحترم - a muslim

    بارك الله بك وارحب بك معى فى هذا العمل المنفرد

    ما رايك ان تعمل معى فى هذا المشروع

    ترجمة كتاب رد الشبهات الذى قام به اخى السيف البتار


    يمكنك ان تبدأ من الجزء الخامس وانشر مشاركتك فى رابط منفصل ولتسمه a muslim translation
    حتى اقوم بمراجعته وتنقيحه قبل ان اضمه على اجزاء اقوم بترجمتها ايضا

    اخبرنى هنا وان شاء الله ستجد ما يسرك

    احترامى ودعواتى لك ايها الطيب
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة نسيبة بنت كعب ; 31-10-2007 الساعة 09:10 PM
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  9. #9
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007
    آخر نشاط
    على الساعة
    10:36 PM


    أختى فى الله : نسيبة بنت كعب
    شكرا لك لتواصلك و ردك السريع لقد قمت بتحميل الجزء الخامس و أنا الآن أسعى لترجمته
    هناك بعض الاستفسارات الخاصة أرسلت لك بها على الخاص و ذلك لأنه لا خبرة لى على الإطلاق بعلم مقارنة الأديان
    فى انتظار ردك الكريم
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

  10. #10
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2005
    آخر نشاط
    على الساعة
    11:58 PM


    ارسلت لك الرد
    وعليك الاستعانة بالسيف البتار ليعطيك الرابط الاصلى لانه لا يفتح فى بلادى

    موفق دائما

    قلبى معك
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

صفحة 3 من 5 الأولىالأولى ... 2 3 4 ... الأخيرةالأخيرة

قاموس مصطلحات الكتاب المقدس

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الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 1 (0 من الأعضاء و 1 زائر)

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. مشاركات: 0
    آخر مشاركة: 19-01-2023, 02:48 PM
  2. قاموس مصطلحات الحديث Hadith Terminology Dictionary
    بواسطة نسيبة بنت كعب في المنتدى Translators' Resource Center
    مشاركات: 20
    آخر مشاركة: 05-09-2011, 05:27 PM
  3. مناظرة حول مصداقية الكتاب المقدس ( sa3d ــــ الكتاب المقدس )
    بواسطة kholio5 في المنتدى منتدى المناظرات
    مشاركات: 32
    آخر مشاركة: 23-07-2010, 10:10 AM
  4. قاموس مصطلحات الكتاب المقدس
    بواسطة نسيبة بنت كعب في المنتدى English Forum
    مشاركات: 28
    آخر مشاركة: 01-01-1970, 03:00 AM
  5. قاموس مصطلحات الحديث Hadith Terminology Dictionary
    بواسطة نسيبة بنت كعب في المنتدى English Forum
    مشاركات: 15
    آخر مشاركة: 01-01-1970, 03:00 AM

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