The Quran & The Bible in the light of Science and History

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The Quran & The Bible in the light of Science and History

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    Quran and the Holy Book in the Light of History and Science
    By: William Campbell

    In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

    Part Two

    Chapter Two

    Fundamental Assumptions Characterizing Dr. Bukai’s Book

    William Campbell states obstinately and ungratefully twisting the truth:

    Dr. Bukai says that he has observed absolute objectivity in what he wrote. In addition, without any prejudice or preconception has investigated the Koranic revelation and repeated the same investigation for Taurat and Bible with the same objective spirit. Moreover, he started with truth and not by unseen concepts and assumed that one should be deductive seeking knowledge from truth rather than inductive seeing what he wishes in the t ext (page 13)

    However, what Bukai said contradicts the discoveries of the twentieth century in social sciences. There is nothing to be said about it (this without any preconception and with complete objectivity) Thomas Kone explains in his book (structure of scientific revolutions) that the explanation of scientific truths depends on the unseen composition of the interpreter. He said that the philosophers of science have proved repeatedly that you can obtain two different scientific theories based on the same information! In 1905, James Auer quoted the writings of the German theologian Bedrman who said that it is a duty to study t exts without any preconceptions or prejudices; however, each student comes to historical research with a kind of definitions which assign borders regarded by the student as religious presumptions.

    The problem of William Campbell is that he did not find any mistake in the words of Dr. Buaki so he departed from the subject he was dealing with and constructed another topic in order to discuss another point which is irrelevant to what we are aiming at for mere distraction.

    Dr. Bukai discussed definite scientific facts, while William Campbell preferred objecting to him so he talked about the method of generating a scientific idea based on the unseen composition of the interpreter. The difference is quite huge. What is the connection between the two? Dr. Bukai asserted that he depended on definite scientific fact in his research which departed from the unseen composition of the scientist and this unseen composition concluded to a scientific fact.

    Thus, if we considered that the definite scientific fact does not rise to truth, the World Health Organization would warn doctors not to attempt open heart operations or treatment of malignant or benign tumors.

    The difference between what was quoted of Dr. Bukai and William Campbell is that Dr. Bukai explains that he depends on scientific facts which reached the extent of being definite. However, William Campbell ignorantly objects to him and considers that definite scientific facts are lies and they are mere unseen indefinite theories as if the science which proved that the Earth is round and revolves around itself was just superstitions and invalid sayings. On the other hand, the Italian astronaut Galileo when he discovered this was rebelled against by the church and was subject to inspection courts, then was beheaded with guillotine by the church command. Then the church apologized years later after his death when science advanced and proved that Galileo preceded his time. For more information on Galileo Galilee browse the website

    Astronomy theories claimed that the sun is static; however, scientific facts confirmed that sun moves. Is this definite fact still dominated by unseen theories? The most surprising of this is that the pharaohs had discovered this fact thousands of years ago and they knew the sun has daily dwellings. Thus, we find inside their temples 365 opening for 365 days of the calendar year. Each day the sun ray enters the opening allocated for it. Till now, we find tourists watching the phenomenon of the sun falling perpendicularly over the face of King Ramses II in his temple.

    Ascending to the moon was an unseen theory; however, it has become an undoubtedly definite scientific fact. The surface of the moon was photographed with infinite precision and these are all definite scientific facts.

    Concerning embryology, scientific development has helped to follow the embryos development through photography since the moment of impregnation to the delivery moment. Again, this is a definite scientific fact and not an unseen theory.

    Oh William Campbell: the definite scientific fact is undoubted and indisputable; however, it may be developable but undeniable. As I have mentioned to you the revolving and roundedness of the earth, climbing the moon, sun movement and embryology are all definite scientific facts; however, they may be developed in terms of scientific research which may benefit mankind. On the other hand, we cannot claim that scientists did not climb to another moon and that the films and pictures taken of the moon surface are lies and have no real existence on the moon surface.

    People like you, William Campbell, do not estimate the difference between theory, fact and law. In other words, there is a student of Arabic or religion only who would not read a book on science. Therefore, he cannot differentiate between these facts. We say that the miraculous nature does not employ but the valid definite scientific facts which are immutable irrevocable. Science can reach to irrefutable facts such as the roundedness of the earth for instance. There are some people who erred in the past. For example, Shiekh Tantawy Al-Gohery- may God have mercy on him, had no scientific background. Thus, when he dealt with the field of science with no scientific background, here he is subject to err while it was a daring attempt on his part; however, he was not qualified for it, so he erred.

    These people who erred did so because the universal science has an accumulative nature. That is to say that it does not become mature over a short period of time; rather, it needs long periods till man gets to understand a certain fact. Man cannot look into the universe and concludes to a fact. There must be observation, trial and deduction. Nowadays, we live now in the age of science and being familiar with the traditions and facts of this universe has never been attainable. If we did not employ this for a better understanding of the connotation and significance of the Koranic verses, we would greatly neglect our duties.

    Those who warn of this and say that the Holy Koran is static whereas science is changeable talk about theories and not facts. We employ theories in only one case as the Koranic verses are divided into two main groups:

    1) the first group discusses the creation of the universe, life and man
    2) the second group discusses the extinction of this universe and its resurrection

    These issues cannot conform to direct perception of scientists, as the experimental science cannot put into them more than theory. Any scientist, who has respect for himself no matter how many evidences he has, cannot say : this is how creation was made and this is how extinction is to be done and this is how resurrection would happen. Theories and hypotheses may multiply; however, the Muslim remains with the light of God he can contemplate and distinguish among these theories and hypotheses so that he can rise one of them to the extent of a fact.

    In this case science is victorious by the Holy Koran and this is the role of the Muslim. The Koran says:
    (الذاريات 47) وَالسَّمَاءَ بَنَيْنَاهَا بِأَيْدٍ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ
    And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and most surely We are the makers of things ample.”

    Thus, experimental science comes to confirm that the universe in which we live is a constantly expanding universe, and galaxies are becoming alienated from us and may sometimes reach the speed of light 300 thousands km/ sec. this is a universal fact which is measured and is not a mere assumption and the Koran says: “"وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ i.e. (and most surely We are the makers of things ample). Man wonders for a participle denoting continuity and this expansion which happens by God’s will started in the ancient times and continues till now and will continue in future. If I do not link this fact to the interpretation of this Koranic verse, I would have greatly neglected my duty. Scientists assert that concerning this expansion if made it go backwards in time, the seen universe matter must meet in a single celestial body. The universe which expands for this celestial body must have an extremely high density that make it in a critical state, so that it explodes and turns to shades of smoke and of this smoke, the earth and the rest of the celestial bodies in the sky are created. The Koran says:

    أَوَلَمْ يَرَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَنَّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ كَانَتَا رَتْقًا فَفَتَقْنَاهُمَا وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ الْمَاءِ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَيٍّ أَفَلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ (الأنبياء – 30)
    “Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were closed up, but We have opened them; and We have made of water everything living, will they not then believe?”

    This is true concerning the theory of the first body; in fact, it is a theory that rises to the rank of fact, for these are the words of the creator- to whom glory and might belong. We say that the great explosion theory is a theory that rises to the rank of a fact.

    The speech concerning the miraculous nature is addressed to Non-Muslims rather than to Muslims. Therefore, the Islamic expansion in the West and the East is an astounding and remarkable one. The western information says that Islam is the most widespread religion in the world at present. In addition, statistics say that the number of Muslims who hold nationalities of western countries in west Europe exceed 31 million person. A city like Birmingham alone has more than 153 mosques as well as Britain which has thousands of mosques without any exaggeration. Thus, the number of Muslims in Britain has reached 4 million persons. Moreover, the numbers of these people who go to the mosques on Friday’s prayer have become tens times more than those who go to Churches on Sunday.

    Mr. William Campbell, the best methods of the scientific miraculous issue in the Holy Koran is the definite scientific facts as the unseen issues no more moves the feelings of westerners. They have become bored with unseen issues and listening to talks about and they are greatly distorted. However, when we tell him that a Koranic verse which was revealed 1400 years ago indicates a universal fact not known but only ten years ago, then this would profoundly shake him.

    to be continued
    Last edited by وا إسلاماه; 02-02-2008 at 12:50 AM.
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

The Quran & The Bible in the light of Science and History

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The Quran & The Bible in the light of Science and History

The Quran & The Bible in the light of Science and History