سادسا : ردا على دفاعه عن المنصر الكذاب تيسدال .

The first line of attack taken by the MSH writers needs no response and no response is offered by this writer other than to expose the hate directed towards a godly man (Tisdall)
اقول : نيسدال الذي تتشدقون به و بكتابه تم الرد عليه و بيان عواره و كذبه مرات عديدة و لكن العتب ليس على تيسدل بل العيب كله على السذج الذين اتبعوه و نسوا ان كنيستهم تتبع منهج الكذب لفترة تقارب الفي سنة بعد المسيح عليه الصلاة و السلام وبداية من بولس الذي خدع الناس و اسس خدعة كبيرة تطورت عبر التاريخ و تعاون على نشرها للناس من اتخذ الكذب دينا في الكنيسة .

ويكفي ان نعرض راي المتخصصين عن تيسدال

نقرا من Reviewed Work: The Origins of the Koran: Classic Essays on Islam's Holy Book by Ibn WarraqReview by: Herbert Berg
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Vol. 62, No. 3 (1999), pp. 557-558 (2 pages)
The essay by St. Clair-Tisdall with a foreword by Muir seems to have been included for the *Christian' perspective. It discusses the Arab, Jewish, sectarian Christian, Zoroastrian, and Hindu sources of Islam. It is not a particularly scholarly essay or even a polemical one; it is simply a polemic. It uses the salvation history of Christianity to refute that of Muslims. The author is altogether too fond of using words such as “foolish”, “fanciful”, “childish” and “ignorant”, when describing quranic ( and for the matter Talmudic and midrashic) stories. that disagree with his Christian reading of the Old Testament. Perhaps it would have been more useful if In Warraq had included a selection from Bell's The origin of Islam in its Christian environment (London, 1926) or an essay by Wellhausen, Rudolf, or Speyer instead. On the other hand, the essay by St. Clair- Tisdall illustrates why Muslim scholars question the motives of non-Muslim quranic scholars. The third essay comes from Torrey's The Jewish foundation of Islam (New York, 1933) in which he argues that in Mecca Muhammad had a Jewish, not Christian, informant (even for the quranic material about Jesus).

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