بارك الله فيك اخي و اضيف ايضا اعتراف الكاهن اليهودي المشهور موسى بن ميمون على كون النبي صلى الله علهي وسلم اسماعيليا:

All those words of Jesus of Nazareth and of this Ishmaelite who arose after him are only to make straight the path for the messianic king and to prepare the whole world to serve the Lord together. As it is said: 'For then I will change the speech of the peoples to a pure speech so that all of them shall call on the name of the Lord and serve him with one accord' (Zephaniah 3:9

يقول :
All those words of Jesus of Nazareth and of this Ishmaelite

يعني كل كلمات يسوع الناصري و هذا الاسماعيلي

يقصد بالاسماعيلي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم :

A. James Rudin. Christians & Jews Faith to Faith: Tragic History, Promising Present, Fragile Future, Jewish Lights Publishing, 2010, pp. 128–129

رابط الكتاب و الصفحة معها :
